#openstack-meeting: tacker

Meeting started by gongysh at 08:01:28 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* roll call  (gongysh, 08:01:41)

* bp  (gongysh, 08:06:25)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558166/ should be rebased
    (nguyenhai93, 08:20:59)
  * LINK: : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/570845/  (tpatil, 08:27:15)
  * LINK: : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/570845/13/.zuul.yaml
    (tpatil, 08:32:47)
  * LINK:
    (gongysh, 08:36:39)

* open discussion  (gongysh, 08:56:45)

Meeting ended at 08:59:28 UTC.

People present (lines said)

* gongysh (60)
* tpatil (34)
* dkushwaha_ (21)
* phuoc_ (10)
* Li_Jiale (5)
* openstack (3)
* YanXing_an (1)
* nguyenhai93 (1)
* joxyuki (1)

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