#openstack-meeting-4: service_chaining

Meeting started by cathy_ at 17:00:56 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* Follow-up on previous meeting discussion: Tacker to call
  networking-sfc API and then our driver model delegates out to
  whichever SDN controller mech driver is appropriate  (cathy_,

* Patch update progress  (cathy_, 17:32:42)

* Patch dependency issue and how we avoid cross damage to other patches
  due to change of one patch  (cathy_, 17:55:16)

Meeting ended at 18:02:08 UTC.

People present (lines said)

* cathy_ (55)
* sridhar_ram (29)
* s3wong (26)
* igordcard (25)
* pcarver_ (20)
* LouisF (16)
* mohankumar (8)
* ramanjaneya_ (5)
* openstack (3)
* KLuehrs (2)
* johnsom (1)

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