#openstack-meeting: scientific-wg

Meeting started by oneswig at 21:02:22 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* LINK: Agenda for today
  (oneswig, 21:03:53)
* HPL and hypervisors  (oneswig, 21:06:35)
  * LINK: http://pasteboard.co/vBwRsur2Q.png  (b1airo, 21:08:18)
  * LINK: http://pasteboard.co/vByv44w1d.png  (b1airo, 21:09:59)

* RoCE over layer-3 ECMP fabrics  (oneswig, 21:28:39)

* Boston Cloud Declaration  (oneswig, 21:57:46)

* Repo for WG docs  (oneswig, 21:58:17)
  * LINK: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/scientific-wg/
    (oneswig, 21:58:27)

* SC2017 workshops  (oneswig, 21:59:05)
  * LINK: as per discussion at
    https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/SC17WorkshopWorksheet  (oneswig,
  * ACTION: oneswig to put the workshops onto the ML  (oneswig,

Meeting ended at 22:02:55 UTC.

Action items, by person

* oneswig
  * oneswig to put the workshops onto the ML

People present (lines said)

* b1airo (77)
* oneswig (76)
* zioproto (15)
* jonmills_nasa (10)
* martial (7)
* rbudden (6)
* openstack (5)
* trandles (4)
* priteau (3)
* ildikov (1)
* cdent (1)

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