14:03:20 <tellesnobrega> #startmeeting sahara
14:03:21 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar 29 14:03:20 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is tellesnobrega. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:03:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:03:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'sahara'
14:03:41 <tosky> o/
14:04:02 <jeremyfreudberg> o/
14:05:35 <tellesnobrega> sorry I was late
14:05:37 <tellesnobrega> :)
14:05:40 <tellesnobrega> lets start
14:05:51 <jeremyfreudberg> i have to leave at 45 past the hour, btw
14:06:01 <tellesnobrega> should be enough time
14:06:11 <tellesnobrega> #topic News/Updates
14:07:20 <tellesnobrega> I'm working on plugins split, facing some problems working on the API
14:07:36 <tellesnobrega> but it is better, and we should have a working prototype with api soon
14:07:40 <tosky> while the review which fixes the multinode/spark job is ready (reminder: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/547669/, on par with the current legacy job),
14:07:53 <tosky> I'm working on a multinode job (vanilla), the idea is to have some periodic jobs
14:08:10 <jeremyfreudberg> still been pretty busy with non-sahara things, but i do have some small patches in the works (beginning of admin-manage-all, some bugfix inspired by downstream)... more interestingly, i've finally acquired some hardware for our external CI (this will be a new meeting topic)
14:08:12 <tosky> and it may be reused in a future CI (with zuul integration and so - zuul v3 is out officially!)
14:08:30 <tosky> (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/556846/ )
14:09:54 <tellesnobrega> thanks for the work on spark job and vanilla tosky
14:10:04 <tellesnobrega> jeremyfreudberg, cool, let me know if you need anything
14:10:17 <tellesnobrega> I guess we can move on
14:10:30 <jeremyfreudberg> yup
14:10:45 <tellesnobrega> #topic Sahara third-party CI \o/
14:10:58 <tellesnobrega> the title says it all
14:11:37 <jeremyfreudberg> right, I managed to receive a "donation" from Cisco
14:11:48 <tellesnobrega> yesterday we got an email with some pretty good news with some machines for our CI
14:12:23 <tellesnobrega> jeremyfreudberg, should be our contact on getting them ready for our CI
14:12:37 <jeremyfreudberg> two nodes with 	Xeon E-2630 and one with 192 gb ram, the other with 160 gb
14:13:05 <tosky> are those machines connected together, so that they can be used as small cluster?
14:13:14 <tellesnobrega> should be enough memory for our case
14:13:56 <jeremyfreudberg> tosky, yes, that's the idea, i'm installing them both in the right rack later today
14:14:23 <jeremyfreudberg> (i will point out that these nodes are a bit heavy on ram and slightly light on cpu, but it should be fine)
14:14:35 <jeremyfreudberg> the hardware will handle itself here, we need to talk about software though
14:14:55 <tosky> do we have some limitations/requirement on one side, and ideas on the implementation on the other?
14:15:25 <tosky> about the latter point, we had sahara-ci-config, but I'm not sure about them and zuulv3
14:16:01 <jeremyfreudberg> so, we do have sahara-ci-config, there's a few things in there hardcoded for mirantis stuff
14:16:16 <jeremyfreudberg> and i don't think much progress was made toward zuulv3 there
14:16:25 <tellesnobrega> jeremyfreudberg, do you know how complicated would be to fix it up?
14:17:01 <tellesnobrega> I guess my first question is, do we want/need zuulv3?
14:18:31 <tosky> my answer would be: if not, what else?
14:19:01 <jeremyfreudberg> well legacy zuul still works, and it would be nice to have something up and running faster
14:19:56 <tellesnobrega> how different is to deploy zuul and zuulv3?
14:20:09 <jeremyfreudberg> no idea
14:21:36 <tellesnobrega> tosky, any idea?
14:21:39 <tosky> iirc software factory already supports zuulv3
14:21:47 <tosky> even more now that it's released (earlier today)
14:22:05 <tosky> https://blogs.rdoproject.org/2017/11/getting-started-with-software-factory-and-zuul3/
14:22:16 <tellesnobrega> my vote would be to go with zuulv3
14:23:23 <tellesnobrega> we won't need to upgrade any time soon
14:24:53 <jeremyfreudberg> i think having zuulv3 is important, but certainly it should come last (have everything else working first)
14:25:21 <tosky> right, but is the effort to deploy with the current script less than setting with zuul v3?
14:25:28 <tosky> if yes, maybe, ok, zuul v2.x
14:26:00 <tellesnobrega> true
14:26:38 <jeremyfreudberg> i'm really not sure how the scripts work, and which components could be superseded by switching to v3
14:28:01 <jeremyfreudberg> ok we can go back and forth on this forever, let's try to make a concrete list of steps
14:28:04 <tellesnobrega> SotK, I would say the best course of action here is, take some time to study sahara-ci-config and figure out the best way to deploy sahara-ci
14:28:11 <tellesnobrega> again with the ping
14:28:25 <tellesnobrega> I hate that
14:28:26 <tellesnobrega> sorry
14:29:09 <jeremyfreudberg> 0) jeremy sets up the machines with OS, public network, etc
14:29:11 <jeremyfreudberg> 1) ...?
14:29:35 <SotK> :) np
14:29:37 <tellesnobrega> 1) figure out ASAP the best way to deploy sahara-ci
14:30:26 <jeremyfreudberg> 1a) sahara-ci in terms of components (zuul, jjb, devstack)
14:30:52 <jeremyfreudberg> 1b) sahara-ci in terms of topology (can we have master and slave on same machine to increase capacity)
14:31:31 <tosky> I agree that zuul should not take all the resources
14:31:39 <tellesnobrega> +1
14:33:01 <tosky> also I don't expect to see tons of jobs as on the main CI, so it should not require too much resources
14:33:48 <tosky> about components, for reference: the old CI had a fixed devstack instance which was refreshed every month or so, and only sahara was redeployed on the fly
14:34:02 <tellesnobrega> which makes total sense
14:34:16 <tellesnobrega> that is basically what I have at home
14:34:27 <jeremyfreudberg> yes, the persistent devstack i think is something important (and non-standard)
14:34:35 <tellesnobrega> I have a devstack running and I connect my local sahara to it
14:34:40 <tosky> which is faster, but I'm not sure that allows co-gating
14:34:58 <tosky> not co-gating, sorry: I mean the usage of Depends-On
14:35:37 <jeremyfreudberg> well, it can depend on other sahara patches only i think
14:35:57 <jeremyfreudberg> but again, i'm not exactly sure
14:36:11 <jeremyfreudberg> we do need to talk to evgeny who knew some of the intricacies
14:36:20 <tellesnobrega> that is probably best
14:36:36 <tellesnobrega> jeremyfreudberg, can you email evgeny so we have this all on ML?
14:37:19 <jeremyfreudberg> yes, i'll send something to ml/evgeny
14:37:33 <jeremyfreudberg> with both the general announcement and the questions/planning bits
14:37:45 <tellesnobrega> #action jeremyfreudberg to formally email evgeny about Sahara CI
14:37:52 <jeremyfreudberg> do we have other topics for today?
14:38:06 <tellesnobrega> I don't
14:39:09 <tellesnobrega> just news from shuyingya, he is not around because he's got a fever and is out of work today
14:39:38 <jeremyfreudberg> sorry to hear that (feel better, shuyingya, if you are reading the logs :D)
14:39:46 <tellesnobrega> tosky, any topics you want to cover today?
14:41:07 <tosky> just a reminder for shuyingya if he reads this: I added a minor comment to his patch, then it could go in
14:41:24 <tosky> and I'd like to point out that we had a new contributor sending a patch for HDP 2.6
14:41:28 <tellesnobrega> we got a patch with HDP 2.6
14:41:33 <tellesnobrega> you beat me to it
14:41:45 <tellesnobrega> it looks good btw
14:41:48 <jeremyfreudberg> i think that contributor might be gokhan
14:41:49 <tosky> (which probably requires a new patch for sahara-image-{elements,pack})
14:41:58 <jeremyfreudberg> or a colegague of gokhan
14:41:59 <tellesnobrega> or gokhan's team
14:42:01 <jeremyfreudberg> yup
14:42:07 <jeremyfreudberg> yup to tosky also
14:42:16 <tosky> but it was not the only team interested in ambari 2.6
14:42:27 <jeremyfreudberg> yes, but the other was russian, this is turkish
14:43:16 <tosky> oh, right
14:43:51 <tellesnobrega> nice, bottom line is, we got new contributors which is great :)
14:44:03 <jeremyfreudberg> yes, i'm very happy about that
14:44:07 <tellesnobrega> #topic Open Discussion
14:44:19 <tellesnobrega> did any of us ever tested castellan?
14:44:33 <tosky> ehm, we have an open bug
14:44:40 <jeremyfreudberg> castellan is on my list for this cycle, i haven't tested it since we discussed with michael a few months ago
14:45:02 <tellesnobrega> ok, I figured on plugins, there is key_manager.delete_key(key_id, ctx)
14:45:06 <tellesnobrega> that is from castellan
14:45:31 <tellesnobrega> but, the correct method name is delete_secret(...)
14:45:40 <jeremyfreudberg> hmm, i will have to look into that
14:45:55 <tellesnobrega> probably never worked
14:46:17 <jeremyfreudberg> #action placeholder action to remind jeremy about more recent castellan bitrot discovery
14:46:31 <jeremyfreudberg> gtg, thanks all
14:46:36 <tellesnobrega> thanks jeremyfreudberg
14:46:43 <tellesnobrega> we can close the meeting
14:46:49 <tellesnobrega> thanks tosky
14:46:51 <tosky> ok, about time - there will be few holidays around in the next days, so happy holidays for people who have them!
14:47:00 <tellesnobrega> happy holidays
14:48:53 <tosky> o/
14:49:02 <tellesnobrega> #endmeeting