18:01:59 <SergeyLukjanov> #startmeeting sahara
18:02:00 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul 17 18:01:59 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is SergeyLukjanov. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:02:01 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
18:02:03 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'sahara'
18:02:28 <SergeyLukjanov> I'd like to end todays meeting in 0.5 hour ;)
18:02:40 <SergeyLukjanov> #topic News and updates
18:02:43 <SergeyLukjanov> folks, please
18:03:24 <elmiko> still working on swift/auth stuff in perparation for the spec to be finished. i'm hoping to get more reviews on the spec to help make it better, hint hint...
18:03:36 <crobertsrh> I've been adding bugs/blueprints for Juno dashboard post-merge work, current updates can be found at #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sahara-juno-post-merge-changes
18:04:01 <tmckay> I should have a CR for spark EDP committed today
18:04:26 <tmckay> I'm on PTO tomorrow
18:04:30 <aignatov> finally started working on moving rest samples to docs
18:04:38 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, great!
18:04:41 <dmitryme> again, just minor stuff from my side, reviews mostly
18:04:51 <SergeyLukjanov> aignatov, cool, I hope it'll be done in j2
18:04:58 <sreshetnyak> I'm working on Hadoop 2.4, and I'm updated it to 2.4.1 version
18:05:07 <tmckay> The initial impl for Spark EDP can work with a Java action, but later I think we'll need a Spark job type and a new UI form that is a little more "spark friendly"
18:05:14 <SergeyLukjanov> I remember only minor stuff done by me this week
18:05:32 <tmckay> and of course I have to write a blueprint and a spec now that I'm finished :)
18:06:11 <crobertsrh> tmckay:  If you can add some details for what the spark UI changes needed are likely to be somewhere (maybe on my pad, if there is no spec anywhere), that would be helpful :)
18:06:28 <aignatov> SergeyLukjanov: will do, I’ve just realised that they are outdated enough
18:06:35 <crobertsrh> I will convert it to a horizon blueprint
18:06:37 <sreshetnyak> also I'm working on CDH plugin
18:07:02 <SergeyLukjanov> okay, let's move on
18:07:10 <SergeyLukjanov> #topic Juno-2 (July 24)
18:07:19 <tmckay> crobertsrh, yeah, I just got there in the last day or 2 :)  Changes are minor vs Java action
18:07:39 <SergeyLukjanov> so, we'll release j2 in July 22-24 time range when no critical stuff left
18:08:21 <SergeyLukjanov> any q. on dev milestone?
18:08:26 <RobLevas> will my bug patch make it into that? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/107434/
18:08:50 <SergeyLukjanov> RobLevas, unfortunately my internet connection is very bad
18:08:52 <alazarev> RobLevas: I think there are good chances
18:08:57 <SergeyLukjanov> RobLevas, could you please post the title?
18:09:09 <RobLevas> Fixes failure to scale cluster adding new Hive or WebHCat service
18:09:20 <SergeyLukjanov> RobLevas, good chance
18:09:23 <aignatov> RobLevas: chances are very good. I’ve just merged it!
18:09:26 <aignatov> ;)
18:09:48 <RobLevas> aignatov: THANKS! :)
18:10:29 <aignatov> patch is trivial actually, just was needed 2 +2
18:10:29 <SergeyLukjanov> aignatov,  :)
18:10:52 <SergeyLukjanov> #topic sahara-dashboard to horizon merge status (croberts)
18:11:02 <SergeyLukjanov> crobertsrh, how is it going?
18:11:16 <crobertsrh> Much better than it was a week ago
18:11:37 <crobertsrh> Currently down to 4 patches to merge....some of which already have +2
18:11:47 <SergeyLukjanov> crobertsrh, so, what do you think about waiting for several more weeks before starting panic?
18:11:53 <crobertsrh> No activity in the past 24 hours though, which makes me sad
18:12:07 <crobertsrh> I don't think we need to panic about the merge :)
18:12:15 <crobertsrh> But we can panic about what comes after the merge
18:13:10 * crobertsrh is planning a talk for Summit in Paris.  "How not to get your dashboard merged"
18:13:19 <elmiko> ouch...
18:13:28 <dmitryme> crobertsrh: lol :-)
18:13:41 <aignatov> indeed, lol
18:14:22 <SergeyLukjanov> heh, so, no more big topics for today I think
18:14:43 <SergeyLukjanov> #topic Open discussion
18:14:49 <elmiko> need more eyes on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104647/
18:15:36 <aignatov> I’d ask someone try  to reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1281534
18:15:37 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1281534 in sahara "[Heat] Cinder volumes are not removed when using Heat" [High,Confirmed]
18:15:55 <tmckay> elmiko, reading it now, looks good
18:15:55 <aignatov> I’ve tried it today and seems to be unreproducible, but…
18:17:13 <elmiko> tmckay: there are 2 outstanding issues being discussed in comments that i'd like to get more input on.
18:17:26 <tmckay> elmiko, ack
18:17:53 <tosky> SergeyLukjanov: if I can ask about the status of the issue with the udev file in the CentOS image
18:18:14 <aignatov> elmiko: I’ll have a look, just added self to the review
18:18:54 <elmiko> aignatov: thanks
18:19:13 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, unfortunately I don't know the current status
18:20:13 <tosky> SergeyLukjanov: apart from cloud-init, does that CentOS image have some special configuration?
18:20:50 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, I think now, we have the process of building CentOS image with cloud-init documented in sahara docs
18:21:13 <tosky> if not, in the long run maybe (just a suggestion) it would make sense to use a generic cloud-enabled image provided by the CentOS community
18:23:12 <alazarev> tosky: what plugin do you talk about? vanilla?
18:24:27 <SergeyLukjanov> alazarev, it's applicable to all CentOS images
18:24:29 <tosky> alazarev: so, the udev configuration file which prevents the network from being configured affects vanilla jobs, because the hadoop-hdp element in sahara-image-elements used for hdp2 removes it
18:24:49 <tosky> but again, hadoop-hdp shouldn't remove it, it shouldn't be there in the first place :)
18:26:34 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, I'll talk with our depl. folks tomorrow about it
18:26:35 <alazarev> tosky: as I understand we use centos base image from diskimagebuilder, do you propose taking other image?
18:28:42 <tosky> alazarev: the image used by sahara-image-elements is hosted on http://sahara-files.mirantis.com
18:29:17 <alazarev> tosky: oh, I see, make sense in such case
18:29:50 <tosky> alazarev: in order to avoid the maintainance burden, I was suggesting to use a (official?) cloud-ready image from the community
18:30:22 <tosky> alazarev: I know that RDO project has one, CentOS publishes some on various cloud providers, I didn't investigate too much yet
18:30:26 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, it wasn't available when we've started using dib
18:30:33 <tosky> sure, sure :)
18:31:26 <tosky> I understand that, in the future maybe it could change (less maintainance work and duplicated work, also for you!)
18:32:00 <aignatov> also, as I remember dib uses links to some cloud-images (are they not cloud-ready?) and we can’t control it, or I may be wrong
18:32:01 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, yeah, using some official build is much better
18:33:37 <SergeyLukjanov> anything else to discuss today?
18:33:53 <alazarev> aignatov: this is what happening e.g. for ubuntu, only for centos we use custom
18:34:19 <aignatov> alazarev: yep, I’ve found it as tosky said before
18:36:15 <SergeyLukjanov> okay, thank you folks
18:36:17 <alazarev> people a welcome to review specs
18:36:21 <SergeyLukjanov> #endmeeting