18:06:17 <dmitryme> #startmeeting sahara
18:06:18 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul  3 18:06:17 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dmitryme. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:06:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
18:06:22 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'sahara'
18:06:32 <dmitryme> Sahara people, are you around?
18:06:32 <crobertsrh> Hooray for meeting time!
18:06:35 <elmiko> hi
18:06:39 <sreshetnyak> hi
18:06:45 <ylobankov> hi
18:07:01 <konovalovnikita> o/
18:07:15 <aignatov> o/
18:07:23 <dmitryme> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/SaharaAgenda
18:07:39 <dmitryme> #topic News / updates
18:07:45 <dmitryme> people, please update
18:08:35 <elmiko> i've been working on the spec for the swift/authentication issue, as well as mock-ups of the rest and python interfaces to the trust delegation methods
18:08:45 <alazarev> I’ve reworked volume management (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/103691/) and error handling (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104395/)
18:08:49 <alazarev> please review
18:08:53 <dmitryme> not much from my side, I am afraid. Again, was busy with the internal stuff
18:09:56 <sreshetnyak> i'm working on spec for CDH plugin and hadoop 2.4.0 in vanilla plugin
18:09:58 <dmitryme> alazarev: thank you. The first one is actually user-found and it is great to hear that we do fix such things
18:10:59 <aignatov> the same for me as for dmitryme but I swear I will done my AIs assigned to me :)
18:11:32 <dmitryme> anybody else to post your update?
18:12:28 <dmitryme> ok, lets move on the next item
18:12:33 <dmitryme> #topic sahara-dashboard @ horizon status (croberts)
18:12:38 <crobertsrh> We've had some more movement on the merge front.  The first (Plugins) panel has been merged.  Reviews by cores have increased over the past week.  Hopefully, I'll be focusing my attention on new functionality (and improved UX) over the coming weeks.
18:12:51 <dmitryme> croberts: right in time :-)
18:12:53 <crobertsrh> Also, I've grabbed the fixes from sahara-dashboard that came after the merge started.  They are also up for review.  The process ought to be very quick since the patches are small.  I'll keep an eye out for additional fixes, but please ping me to be sure I take care of it.
18:13:11 <crobertsrh> I try....gotta make our new meeting leader look good! :)
18:14:06 <dmitryme> crobertsrh: thank you :-) and it is great to hear that we have movement in the Dashboard actually
18:14:25 <crobertsrh> I pester them each Tuesday in their #horizon meeting, I think it helps :)
18:14:28 <aignatov> and new leader is happy I think ;)
18:14:45 <aignatov> meeting leader :)
18:15:12 <dmitryme> crobertsrh: SergeyLukjanov also pings Horizon PTL on each project meeting
18:15:24 <crobertsrh> Yes.  That is also helping!
18:16:22 <aignatov> crobertsrh: I always add additional +1 from me to make your patches overvoted, hehe :)
18:16:39 <crobertsrh> Extra +1s never hurt!
18:16:46 <dmitryme> crobertsrh: thank you for update lets move on
18:16:54 <dmitryme> #topic Action items from the last meeting
18:17:10 <dmitryme> #action aignatov create bp re moving/updating rest samples docs and do it
18:17:17 <dmitryme> #action SergeyLukjanov to create bp with steps to enable heat be default
18:17:28 <dmitryme> #action SergeyLukjanov to create bp about removing/hiding username@image for heat based provisioning
18:17:42 <aignatov> nothing was done :(
18:17:52 <dmitryme> IMHO it is a bad habit to leave all the action items undone, so…
18:18:25 <dmitryme> #action dmitryme to remind aignatov and SergeyLukjanov to make their action items
18:18:43 <aignatov> I think it will help
18:18:52 <dmitryme> aignatov: I hope so :-)
18:19:07 <dmitryme> #topic Juno 2 (July 24)
18:19:30 <dmitryme> so people, we have Juno 2 release in three weeks from now
18:19:57 <dmitryme> plan accordingly
18:20:33 <dmitryme> unfortunately not everything depends on us and I mean Dashboard merge
18:21:14 <dmitryme> but I see that crobertsrh does his best to make it as fast as possible. Thank you, crobertsrh!
18:21:45 <crobertsrh> Yeah, I have tried.  I *think* it will make j2 and I will continue to push as hard as I can.
18:21:51 <crobertsrh> I am very concerned for the future though.
18:22:24 <crobertsrh> I like the idea of being merged into horizon, but the reality of the "black hole" that is their review backlog is scary.
18:23:52 <elmiko> alazarev and i have been reviewing a bunch of their stuff too
18:24:09 <crobertsrh> Yeah, I've been doing that as much as possible.
18:24:20 <dmitryme> elmiko: yep, sounds like a good idea
18:24:27 <elmiko> well, yea but you'll be core horizon soon ;)
18:24:39 <crobertsrh> It really seems to be limited by their cores bandwidth.
18:24:45 <elmiko> agreed
18:25:06 <dmitryme> ok people, anything else related to Juno 2?
18:25:49 <dmitryme> #topic Pilot sahara-specs
18:26:19 <elmiko> i've got the swift/auth spec ready for debate, i'm curious if i should push it to the git repo?
18:26:28 <elmiko> also, do i need to make a blueprint as well
18:26:42 <aignatov> elemik: definetely
18:26:52 <elmiko> to both?
18:27:27 <dmitryme> elmiko: ahem, frankly I am not sure. I’d love to hear what SergeyLukjanov thinks on disclosing this thing
18:27:38 <elmiko> dmitryme: agreed, that's why i'm asking
18:27:49 <crobertsrh> I think we need bp still
18:28:23 <crobertsrh> Or does the spec system somehow allow to link to work items and patches and such?
18:28:28 <elmiko> so, do i make the bp light on details and save them for the spec?
18:29:06 <crobertsrh> IMO, yes
18:29:13 <crobertsrh> link to the spec in the bp
18:29:37 <elmiko> in the end that makes sense, but for now we need a place to debate the spec
18:29:54 <crobertsrh> Is the spec linked into gerrit?
18:30:12 <dmitryme> I don’t have a strong opinion on that matter. On the one hand, we kept the issue private. On the other - it is rather an obvios vulnerability and we still need to move on somehow
18:30:14 <elmiko> last meeting, it sounded to me like SergeyLukjanov was ok with the spec going public since the vulnerability is not that secret
18:30:41 <dmitryme> does anybody have anything against publishing the spec and blueprint?
18:30:57 <aignatov> I’d prefer to make it public :)
18:31:29 <dmitryme> seems like we have a consensus here
18:31:36 <dmitryme> elmiko: please go ahead
18:31:46 <elmiko> ok, i will create a light bp and start the process of putting the spec into the repo
18:32:21 <elmiko> i need to use git-review to push into the -spec repo?
18:32:24 <dmitryme> elmiko: great, thank you
18:32:33 <elmiko> np
18:32:34 <aignatov> elmiko: yes
18:32:42 <elmiko> k,  i'll start this afternoon
18:33:01 <aignatov> just see how it was done in the first spec from tmckay
18:33:04 <dmitryme> #topic Roadmap update / cleanup
18:33:17 <elmiko> aignatov: ack
18:33:29 <dmitryme> I think nothing to update or cleanup
18:34:10 <dmitryme> #topic Open discussion
18:37:10 <alazarev> one more update, Dmitry M and me performed an investigation and figured out that there is no chance for data locality with ceph
18:37:20 <aignatov> ;(
18:37:54 <alazarev> ceph splits all data by 64Kb and spreads around the cluster
18:40:57 <dmitryme> ok folks, lets finish the meeting then
18:41:34 <dmitryme> #endmeeting