17:02:26 <davidlenwell> #startmeeting refstack
17:02:26 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 22 17:02:26 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is davidlenwell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:02:27 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
17:02:29 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'refstack'
17:03:01 <davidlenwell> roll call?
17:03:01 <fcarpenter> hello
17:03:46 <davidlenwell> hello
17:04:09 <davidlenwell> rob informs me he won't be joining us.. and I have not heard from catherine or rocky
17:05:06 <sarob> Sarob is joining
17:06:12 <davidlenwell> Hello sarob
17:06:59 <davidlenwell> I am not sure how much we actually have to talk about after the summit.. we've got a lot of new blueprints filed and most of us have our heads down trying to get in specs to go along with them.
17:07:54 <davidlenwell> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/refstack
17:10:05 <sarob> I'm catching up, lurk mode for a bit
17:10:42 <davidlenwell> no worries sarob
17:10:57 <davidlenwell> did we meet at the summit? would you like to introduce yourself?
17:12:46 <sarob> Sarob=Sean Roberts, on defcore with rob and josh
17:13:19 <sarob> I'm getting my QE team involved with refstack, tempest
17:13:51 <davidlenwell> excelent!
17:14:09 <sarob> I spoke with Andrew IBM at piston event
17:14:50 <sarob> Chris
17:14:54 <sarob> As well
17:15:08 <davidlenwell> very cool
17:17:49 <sarob> QA and refstack at the same time is a conflict
17:17:56 <rockyg> o/
17:18:04 <davidlenwell> yeah .. we are going to work out alternating meeting times
17:18:10 <sarob> Cool
17:18:13 <rockyg> yes.  I'm on both at the moment
17:18:26 <sarob> Me too :/
17:18:39 <sarob> Lurking both at least
17:19:16 <davidlenwell> between now and next week I'll communicate with them .. and update the meeting wiki about what time we'll meet on thursday
17:19:31 <rockyg> cool
17:19:48 <rockyg> what's the agenda today?
17:20:02 <davidlenwell> So not a lot .. sadly I've been in travel hell all week..
17:20:15 <davidlenwell> didn't get back to oakland until 1am last night
17:20:24 <rockyg> ouch.
17:20:46 <davidlenwell> I'd like to have a brief conversation about storyboard and the email thread that was going around defcore and fits the other day
17:21:16 <rockyg> Wanted to highlight that the QA spec for getting branchless tempest to work on havana has been abandoned.  We'll need to pickup whatever doesn't work for the defined defcore tests
17:22:27 <rockyg> Yes.  storyboard.
17:22:46 <sarob> So will me in. I missed that thread.
17:22:50 <davidlenwell> so while I'd like to be an early adopter .. I think its going to take some more discussion before we can jump into it
17:22:54 <rockyg> Have you looked at it yet?  Or maybe provide a schedule for when we can discuss?
17:23:12 <sarob> I'll that thread
17:23:16 <sarob> Arrg
17:23:19 <davidlenwell> I've been paying attention to storyboard since the begining..
17:23:21 <sarob> That thread
17:23:41 <rockyg> Can you post a list of items you want the team to look at before next week's meeting?
17:24:00 <sarob> Storyboard is not baked yet
17:24:03 <rockyg> I can explore it.
17:24:21 <davidlenwell> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/refstack
17:24:23 <rockyg> Yeah.  Not baked, but we can at least try and file bugs?
17:24:28 <sarob> Great progress
17:24:28 <davidlenwell> these blueprints are what we need to focus on
17:24:39 <davidlenwell> we can also file bugs in lp
17:24:44 <sarob> No bug support yet
17:24:52 <rockyg> I'm working on the spec for the requirements amtrix.  Should get it in today or tomorrow.
17:24:54 <sarob> In storyboard
17:25:20 <davidlenwell> rob is on top of his .. says he'll have them in before our next meeting
17:25:23 <rockyg> Turns out google finally added change tracking to docs.  should help a lot, but have to try it out.
17:26:25 <sarob> So rob is creating the refstack-spec repo?
17:26:45 <sarob> Or list of bugs
17:27:06 <davidlenwell> rob is working on a spec
17:27:17 <davidlenwell> the spec repo lives in refstack/specs
17:27:31 <sarob> Ah, okay
17:27:32 <davidlenwell> a few of those blueprints are assigned to him..
17:27:38 <davidlenwell> one you might want to review when he does
17:27:49 <davidlenwell> its a definition of the tools that we'll need to create for defcore
17:27:50 <sarob> Doing that subdir in congress as well
17:28:38 <rockyg> I think we want a quick review of the tools that infra and QA already have, too.  Might reduce our workload.
17:29:03 <davidlenwell> there is a blueprint for that rocky
17:29:10 <rockyg> Cool
17:29:30 <davidlenwell> I assigned it to Catherine but I'll probably take the first pass at it
17:29:40 <davidlenwell> she didn't seem that excited about it
17:30:23 <sarob> It's assigned to rob
17:30:31 <sarob> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/refstack/+spec/define-tools-for-defcore
17:30:32 <davidlenwell> hmm
17:30:53 <davidlenwell> I was reffering to this
17:30:55 <davidlenwell> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/refstack/+spec/identify-code-that-needs-to-deprecated-or-moved-to-other-projects-or-deprecated
17:31:28 <sarob> Pardon
17:32:13 <catherineD> We need to take a look at the latest featuires that Tempest offers first ... before evaluate the area for deprecate ...
17:32:55 <catherineD> our experiemce so far is on Havana Tempest ....  There are a lots more features and test  cases added to the current branchless Tempest ...
17:33:23 <davidlenwell> yeah .. im going to submit a patch later today that changes the tester to use the newer tempest
17:34:38 <rockyg> Good. catherineD, we'll also need to look at infra tools to see what they have for analysis.
17:34:40 <catherineD> yes that is what we need to migrate to ... using the current Tempest ... and if our target is still Havana Clouds ... I suspect we need a lot of debug time
17:35:27 <catherineD> The question to the team is is ... are we still target on Havana Clouds?  Moving to Icehouse Clouds would make our job eaiser ..
17:35:28 <rockyg> catherineD, do you want to take over the QA spec for making branchless tempest work for havana?  Lemme go find it....
17:35:47 <davidlenwell> we are not going to target any specific version
17:37:08 <catherineD> I know but testing the older versions would means that we need to analyze the failure to confirm whether the failures are due to API impatible or testing issues ...
17:37:22 <davidlenwell> of course
17:37:34 <davidlenwell> but again that really falls on QA and not us to fix
17:37:49 <davidlenwell> we can help them and contribute and file those bugs ..
17:38:00 <davidlenwell> but that is inheriently a q/a  problem
17:38:17 <catherineD> Rocky sent out a note stating that it is upto Refstack to debug ... not QA
17:38:25 <rockyg> Yeah, but they've abandoned the effort.
17:38:38 <catherineD> Yes so the burden is on us ...
17:38:49 <davidlenwell> I'm not sure I agree
17:38:50 <catherineD> if we are testing older clouds ..
17:38:54 <davidlenwell> but we can work it out with them
17:39:02 <davidlenwell> no sense in speculating
17:39:15 <sarob> Why QA abandoned branchless?
17:39:44 <davidlenwell> they didn't
17:39:48 <sarob> The summit session seemed go forward
17:39:57 <davidlenwell> I'm not sure what rocky is saying they did
17:39:58 <catherineD> QA wants us to use branchless ... They just do not know whether that works well with Havaba
17:40:11 <davidlenwell> and we'll report where we find its broken
17:40:24 <davidlenwell> and work with them to fix it .. but that doesn't mean the burden is on us to fix it
17:40:49 <rockyg> they didn't abandon branchless.  Just making it work for havana
17:40:50 <catherineD> But we need to spend time to understand the broken is due to the cloud or tempest ... That would be time consuming ...
17:41:01 <sarob> Ahh okay
17:41:53 <davidlenwell> so first lets update the tester to use branchless and figure out what tests don't pass
17:42:03 <davidlenwell> then we can dig into why
17:42:33 <davidlenwell> moving along
17:42:38 <davidlenwell> #topic face to face
17:42:59 <davidlenwell> rob sent out an email laying out his bay area schedule
17:43:31 <davidlenwell> I'd like to have most of the specs at least filed and actively being reviewed by then
17:44:38 <rockyg> k
17:45:09 <davidlenwell> he begining of this cycle I want to focus on getting the specs wrapped up before we try to do any actual sprint / code planning
17:45:21 <catherineD> +1
17:45:52 <davidlenwell> ends up the community is actually paying attention to our little rag tag band.. so we should get our act together
17:45:58 <catherineD> Especially now we need to use as much code from Tempest as we can ....
17:46:21 <rockyg> from last topic:  #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/master-against-havana,n,z
17:46:49 <rockyg> Yeah.  Specs are good.  Maybe we'll get more people commenting.
17:47:09 <davidlenwell> oh rocky just because the review is abandonded doesn't mean they are giving up on the patch
17:47:36 <davidlenwell> we should talk to them about it before making any assumptions
17:48:16 <rockyg> Check the last comments
17:48:31 <rockyg> They'll fix what we find broken, though.
17:48:34 <davidlenwell> alright .. so my applogies to everyone about the room confusion this week.. I'll workout the right schedule before next week.
17:49:12 <rockyg> Are we gabbing the alternate times with QA?  So next week *will* be at 10am?
17:49:20 <davidlenwell> not sure yet
17:49:27 <davidlenwell> I'll email fits and update the wiki
17:49:31 <rockyg> Thanks
17:49:58 <ewindisch> davidlenwell: make sure the ical gets updated, too
17:50:08 <ewindisch> (that might be automatic from the wiki?)
17:50:14 <davidlenwell> ewindisch: not sure how to update ical .. but I'll try
17:50:32 <sarob> I think it's Thierry automatic
17:50:50 <sarob> Update the wiki
17:51:04 <sarob> Ping Thierry if he misses it
17:51:16 <sarob> He has the wiki page ping him
17:51:24 <sarob> For changes
17:51:26 <davidlenwell> okay
17:51:51 <davidlenwell> #topic general discussion
17:52:31 <rockyg> What specs are people working On?
17:53:09 <davidlenwell> the blueprints are assigned to the right people
17:53:13 <rockyg> I'm working on req matrix
17:53:22 <catherineD> I am working on the api-to-api spec
17:53:38 <catherineD> I am researching the new feature in Tempest ...
17:54:17 <davidlenwell> I've got dry-run, website content pass-only-uploads and upload tempest config
17:55:26 <rockyg> catherineD, do you still have Raymond and/or Ted working on this?
17:56:12 <ewindisch> I’m lurking - keeping aprised in regard to the Docker driver since we’re skirting the edges of ‘what is core’, etc.
17:56:43 <catherineD> not at this time ...
17:57:24 <rockyg> I talked about TCUP to the compass team and they are looking at using it for cloud validation after provisioning.
17:57:46 <davidlenwell> neat
17:57:54 <rockyg> So, interest is out there and will likely grow among deployers.
17:58:06 <davidlenwell> okay all .. thats all the time we have .. lets continue the conversation on #refstack if we need
17:58:12 <davidlenwell> I am going to commute to the office now ..
17:58:17 <davidlenwell> #endmeeting