#rdo: RDO meeting - 2017-03-29

Meeting started by jpena at 15:01:10 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* roll call  (jpena, 15:01:39)

* trunk.rdoproject.org proposed maintenance for Thu 30 Mar, 0900 UTC /
  1100 CET  (jpena, 15:04:28)
  * ACTION: jpena to send e-mail to rdo-list about trunk.rdo maintenance
    (jpena, 15:07:44)

* triple-o aarch64 support progress report  (jpena, 15:09:12)

* mirroring of trunk.rdoproject.org  (jpena, 15:12:35)
  * ACTION: jpena to test rsync overhead on DLRN instance  (jpena,
  * ACTION: jpena to follow up with pabelanger after tests, to setup
    rsync with openstack infra  (jpena, 15:36:01)

* Enabling unit tests in complex packages  (jpena, 15:37:22)
  * LINK:
    < 10mins  (amoralej, 15:41:48)

* Automation of CBS tagging using gerrit workflow  (jpena, 15:47:32)

* chair for next meeting  (jpena, 15:53:36)
  * ACTION: trown to chair next meeting  (jpena, 15:55:19)

* open floor  (jpena, 15:55:29)

Meeting ended at 15:58:02 UTC.

Action items, by person

* jpena
  * jpena to send e-mail to rdo-list about trunk.rdo maintenance
  * jpena to test rsync overhead on DLRN instance
  * jpena to follow up with pabelanger after tests, to setup rsync with
    openstack infra
* openstack
  * jpena to follow up with pabelanger after tests, to setup rsync with
    openstack infra
* pabelanger
  * jpena to follow up with pabelanger after tests, to setup rsync with
    openstack infra
* trown
  * trown to chair next meeting

People present (lines said)

* jpena (75)
* pabelanger (37)
* apevec (25)
* amoralej (17)
* trown (16)
* radez (13)
* dmsimard (11)
* EmilienM (10)
* openstack (9)
* rdogerrit (4)
* rdobot (2)
* jlibosva (1)
* number80 (1)
* chandankumar (1)

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