#rdo: RDO meeting (2016-05-18)

Meeting started by jpena at 15:00:51 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* roll call  (jpena, 15:00:59)

* Comment for EOL Bugs  (jpena, 15:05:09)
  * LINK: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Releases  (rbowen, 15:06:46)
  * LINK: http://releases.openstack.org/  (chandankumar, 15:06:53)
  * ACTION: chandankumar to share EOL script with imcsk8 and others for
    review.  (chandankumar, 15:09:56)
  * EOL message for RDO bugzillas "This bug is against a version which
    has reached End of Life. Please reopen if it is still relevant with
    a latest version: http://releases.openstack.org/"  (apevec,

* move rdostats project under RDO  (jpena, 15:15:00)
  * LINK: https://github.com/larsks/rdostats  (chandankumar, 15:15:52)
  * ACTION: larsks to be asked nicely to migrate
    https://github.com/larsks/rdostats to rdo-infra  (apevec, 15:21:17)

* Hangouts - speakers wanted  (jpena, 15:22:32)

* DLRN instance migration to ci.centos infra (reloaded)  (jpena,
  * ACTION: trown submit patch to tripleoci to change repo promotion
    method  (trown, 15:29:37)
  * ACTION: dmsimard to set up ssh authentication between the
    ci.centos.org slave and dlrn instance  (dmsimard, 15:31:45)

* chair for next meeting  (dmsimard, 15:31:50)
  * ACTION: imcsk8 to chair next meeting  (jpena, 15:32:08)

* open floor  (jpena, 15:32:42)
  * ACTION: apevec to send bz request to update RDO versions in bz
    (apevec, 15:35:51)

Meeting ended at 15:41:30 UTC.

Action items, by person

* apevec
  * apevec to send bz request to update RDO versions in bz
* chandankumar
  * chandankumar to share EOL script with imcsk8 and others for review.
* dmsimard
  * dmsimard to set up ssh authentication between the ci.centos.org
    slave and dlrn instance
* imcsk8
  * chandankumar to share EOL script with imcsk8 and others for review.
  * imcsk8 to chair next meeting
* trown
  * trown submit patch to tripleoci to change repo promotion method

People present (lines said)

* jpena (41)
* apevec (38)
* dmsimard (38)
* chandankumar (31)
* openstack (18)
* zodbot (17)
* rbowen (16)
* tristanC (12)
* imcsk8 (12)
* trown (7)
* leifmadsen (6)
* rdogerrit (4)
* amoralej (2)
* misc (2)
* gkadam (2)
* jruzicka (2)

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