#openstack-qa: qa

Meeting started by gmann at 13:30:37 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

  (gmann, 13:33:33)
* Announcement and Action Item (Optional)  (gmann, 13:34:10)

* Ussuri Priority Items progress  (gmann, 13:35:17)
  * LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/qa-ussuri-priority  (gmann,
  * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/698610/ so when free, please
    have a look  (kopecmartin, 13:45:14)
  * ACTION: kopecmartin need to check and report the unit test coverage
    for cleanup CLI.  (gmann, 13:50:06)

* OpenStack Events Updates and Planning  (gmann, 13:55:11)

* Sub Teams highlights (Sub Teams means individual projects under QA
  program)  (gmann, 13:56:42)
  * LINK:
    (gmann, 13:56:56)

* Bug Triage  (gmann, 14:04:34)

* Critical Reviews  (gmann, 14:04:56)

* Open Discussion  (gmann, 14:06:11)
  * ACTION: gmann to add the community goal tracking for QA in office
    hour agenda.  (gmann, 14:18:35)

Meeting ended at 14:20:34 UTC.

Action items, by person

* gmann
  * gmann to add the community goal tracking for QA in office hour
* kopecmartin
  * kopecmartin need to check and report the unit test coverage for
    cleanup CLI.

People present (lines said)

* gmann (90)
* kopecmartin (18)
* soniya29 (13)
* tosky (12)
* slaweq (4)
* openstack (3)

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