#openstack-meeting: qa

Meeting started by sdague at 17:01:42 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* Blueprints  (sdague, 17:01:56)
  * ACTION: mlavalle to follow up with ravikumar_hp on quantum blueprint
    consolidation - due by next tempest meeting  (sdague, 17:06:52)
  * LINK: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tempest  (sdague, 17:08:28)
  * tempest-repo-restructure completed  (sdague, 17:09:15)
  * - Keystone tests - good progress. Pending BPs will be completed by
    Havava-2  (ravikumar_hp, 17:09:24)
  * cleanup-launchpad completed (all untouched blueprints purged on
    monday)  (sdague, 17:09:44)
  * flake8-extensions - in review, good chance for H1 (lauria has code
    for review)  (sdague, 17:10:41)
  * nightly-upgrade-testing - making progress, but will probably slip
    past H1 (will determine tomorrow)  (sdague, 17:11:17)
  * ACTION: afazekas to create a wiki about heat requirements in testing
    (sdague, 17:12:42)
  * LINK: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/QATeamMeeting -
    agenda  (sdague, 17:15:48)

* Critical reviews tied to blueprints  (sdague, 17:16:40)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/28480/  (giulivo, 17:17:53)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/28480/ - needs additional +2
    after rebase  (sdague, 17:18:08)

* QA Docs  (sdague, 17:19:52)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30199/ - review to publish
    tempest docs on merge  (sdague, 17:26:42)
  * LINK:
    (kashyap, 17:33:08)

* Bug Day?  (sdague, 17:38:41)
  * LINK: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/BugTriage  (afazekas,
  * tempest now has open supervisor group for bugs, anyone can triage
    (sdague, 17:39:44)
  * LINK: https://launchpad.net/~tempest-bug-team  (afazekas, 17:39:56)
  * - #openstack-bugday is the IRC channel  (kashyap, 17:40:44)
  * HELP: need volunteer to organize first tempest bug day  (sdague,
  * ACTION: kashyap to organize first tempest bug day, all tempest
    members greatly thank him for it  (sdague, 17:49:28)

* Open Discussion  (sdague, 17:50:11)

Meeting ended at 18:00:39 UTC.

Action items, by person

* afazekas
  * afazekas to create a wiki about heat requirements in testing
* kashyap
  * kashyap to organize first tempest bug day, all tempest members
    greatly thank him for it
* mlavalle
  * mlavalle to follow up with ravikumar_hp on quantum blueprint
    consolidation - due by next tempest meeting
* ravikumar_hp
  * mlavalle to follow up with ravikumar_hp on quantum blueprint
    consolidation - due by next tempest meeting

People present (lines said)

* sdague (140)
* kashyap (34)
* psedlak (22)
* giulivo (21)
* afazekas (18)
* mlavalle (10)
* ravikumar_hp (7)
* openstack (3)
* jhenner (1)

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