21:00:29 <carolbarrett> #startmeeting product working group
21:00:30 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jul 25 21:00:29 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carolbarrett. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:00:31 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
21:00:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'product_working_group'
21:01:06 <carolbarrett> Who's here for today's meeting - I received many emails that folks are on vacation this week.
21:01:21 * rcaballeromx1 here.
21:02:21 <carolbarrett> Hi
21:02:29 <rcaballeromx1> Hi.
21:02:38 * MarkBaker here, just back from vacation
21:02:49 <carolbarrett> Hi MarkBaker, welcome back!
21:02:58 <carolbarrett> you can find the agenda for the meeting here
21:03:31 <carolbarrett> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/product-team
21:04:40 <carolbarrett> I think we've got 4-5 people, let's see what we can get done
21:04:55 <carolbarrett> #topic Midcycle Planning
21:05:02 <carolbarrett> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PWG_Newton_Midcycle_Planning
21:05:16 <carolbarrett> 1st topic is midcycle planning. Let's flip to the etherpad for that
21:05:50 <rockyg> o/
21:05:59 <carolbarrett> If your name isn't on the list of attendees, but you plan to attend, pls add it. I'll give this list to the security folks at the office location so we all have access
21:06:44 <rockyg> anyone here?
21:06:51 <carolbarrett> Yes, we're here
21:06:57 <rockyg> Yes!
21:07:17 <carolbarrett> On the midcycle, let's add length of discuss time for each item
21:07:23 <carolbarrett> Hi RockyG
21:07:46 <carolbarrett> Can everyone access the planning etherpad?
21:07:57 * rcaballeromx1 yes.
21:08:19 <KrishR> yes
21:08:50 <carolbarrett> Great
21:09:29 <carolbarrett> Pls add your thoughts on how long we should spend on each topic in the etherpad.
21:11:06 <mkashyap> Tangential question - Is it possible to attend the midcycle meeting remotely?
21:11:07 <carolbarrett> That's on lines 27-32
21:12:07 <carolbarrett> mkashyap: there might be, I need to find out what telecomm capabilities the facilities have. Pls add your name to the attendees list and add remote after your name.
21:12:13 <carolbarrett> Good question!
21:12:20 <rcaballeromx1> What exaclty is meant with top 5 user Story?
21:13:05 <mkashyap> carolbarrett: thank you
21:13:34 <carolbarrett> rcaballeromx1: I'm not sure who added this, but my understanding is it's to get status update and discuss plans for Ocata Design Summit and actions needed to be prepared.
21:13:40 <carolbarrett> The top 5 user stories are: Rolling Upgrade HA VM Baremetal Fleet Management Capacity Management
21:14:12 <rcaballeromx1> Ok, does it include any discussion for the different user types?
21:14:35 <carolbarrett> rcaballeromx1: meaning personas?
21:14:42 <rcaballeromx1> Yes.
21:15:38 <rcaballeromx1> Or better said, do you already have those five user stories or are they meant to be created and discussed then?
21:15:51 <carolbarrett> The User Story (should) use the personas involved in the story. If you think that it's not complete, then we should discuss the gaps with the user story owner
21:16:18 <carolbarrett> The 5 user stories are written and you can find them in our repo, located here
21:16:54 <rcaballeromx1> I'll take a look then.
21:16:56 <carolbarrett> #link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-user-stories/
21:17:02 <rcaballeromx1> Thanks.
21:17:36 <carolbarrett> rcaballeromx1: Would be interested in your comments and help on improving them as well as advancing them (gaps analysis and implementation)
21:18:03 <rcaballeromx1> I see that it is a spec. We can certainly look into creating this content for the repo...
21:18:21 <rcaballeromx1> I'll ping you after I have reviewed the spec.
21:18:37 <carolbarrett> here's the repo link
21:18:39 <carolbarrett> #link http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-user-stories
21:19:08 <carolbarrett> I don't think any of the topic owners are here, so will push the discussion on time and prework to next week
21:19:15 <carolbarrett> anything else on midcycle?
21:20:06 <carolbarrett> OK - moving on
21:20:15 <carolbarrett> #topic Ops Midcycle
21:20:26 <carolbarrett> Has anyone found the agenda for this?
21:20:26 <rockyg> Uh.  Just unspaced.  We should remove references to Seattle from the etherpad
21:20:53 <carolbarrett> rockyg: good point, took out the whole line
21:21:15 <rockyg> They usually have an etherpad for sessions, but I haven't seen a link posted.
21:21:16 <KrishR> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/NYC-ops-meetup
21:21:30 <rockyg> Thanks, KrishR
21:21:58 <carolbarrett> Thanks KrishR
21:22:31 <rcaballeromx1> That looks rather empty though...
21:22:35 <carolbarrett> Do we want to propose any sessions?
21:23:01 <KrishR> I'm talking to the Craton team about proposing a fleet mgmt session
21:23:12 <rockyg> I don't think it's gotten much advertisement yet.  If I don't see an email on it, I'll post the request for session topics later today on the ops ml
21:23:16 <carolbarrett> rcaballeromx1: agree...The Ops team has their team meeting tomorrow (7:00 AM Pacific). I'll try to make it and see what their status and process is
21:24:00 <carolbarrett> rockyg: I had pinged TomF a week or so ago and it sounded like they had a draft agenda...but I couldn't find it when I searched the Ops meeting logs
21:24:44 <carolbarrett> KrishR: Would you want to get more info for the Fleet Management User STory?
21:25:56 * rockyg wonders if it's me, freenode or all of us causing the slowness today.
21:26:13 <carolbarrett> good question! :)
21:26:24 <carolbarrett> We'll revisit this one next week - let's move on
21:26:38 <carolbarrett> #topic CPL Updates
21:26:54 <KrishR> carolbarrett: i've asked the Craton team to review the Fleet mgmt user story and suggest improvements
21:26:56 <carolbarrett> Anyone want to volunteer to provide an update on the Project they are a CPL for?
21:27:13 <carolbarrett> KrishR: OK
21:27:20 <KrishR> carolbarrett: i could do Telemetry
21:27:35 <carolbarrett> KrishR: That would be great! Next week OK?
21:27:43 <KrishR> sure
21:28:05 <carolbarrett> Thanks
21:28:09 <carolbarrett> Anyone else?
21:28:53 <carolbarrett> OK - moving on
21:29:06 <carolbarrett> #topic Open Changes in the Repo
21:29:30 <carolbarrett> I know we've had some reviews open for a couple of weeks, and are wanting to close them out.
21:31:02 <carolbarrett> I think Arkady is looking for comments for Configuration addition for RefStack and DevCore
21:31:12 <carolbarrett> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/300057/
21:31:39 <rockyg> I should look at that
21:32:04 <carolbarrett> rockyg: would be good to get your thoughts on it
21:32:27 <carolbarrett> This is also a new one
21:32:29 <carolbarrett> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/317695/
21:32:37 <carolbarrett> Common Failure Reporting User Story
21:33:06 <rockyg> Kenny added that after the Fault Genes WG got formed
21:33:30 <carolbarrett> Anyone have questions about user stories or what's needed for the reviews?
21:35:03 <mkashyap> Carolbarrett: can you recap or point to a doc?
21:35:22 <carolbarrett> OK - I'm going to skip User Story reviews, because I don't think any of the owners are here
21:35:33 <carolbarrett> OK - I'm going to skip User Story reviews, because I don't think any of the owners are here..
21:35:51 <carolbarrett> #topic Opens
21:35:58 <carolbarrett> Anyone have any opens to share?
21:36:24 <rcaballeromx1> Is it ok for me to go over the user stories and add the personas perspective?
21:37:10 <carolbarrett> rcaballeromx1: Yes, go ahead and add comments to the user stories or get in touch with the owner to discuss
21:37:20 <rcaballeromx1> Ok, thanks.
21:37:51 <carolbarrett> Sure, happy for your help!
21:37:57 <carolbarrett> Anyone else have opens?
21:38:24 <rockyg> ++ rcaballeromx1 Go for it!
21:38:38 <rockyg> I'd like to share
21:38:52 <carolbarrett> pls do!
21:39:05 <rockyg> There is a multivendor effort starting that is being called the "Interop Challenge"
21:39:34 <rcaballeromx1> rockyg: Will do, I'm happy to do code reviews, just add me as a reviewer if you have anything that I should check out.
21:39:45 <rockyg> It is looking at developing typical workflow apps for different segments of the OpenStack markets
21:39:58 <rockyg> It will use common opensource tools
21:40:29 <rockyg> First tagets appear to be: socker swarms, DB backed web app
21:40:48 <rockyg> NFV app
21:40:58 * MarkBaker 's ears prick up
21:40:59 <rockyg> and may I just say the IRC seems to suck today?
21:41:23 * rcaballeromx1 agrees IRC is slow today...
21:42:10 <mkashyap> rockyg: can you point to some links?
21:42:27 <carolbarrett> rockyg: I was on the kick off call last week and just saw a doodle for the next meeting
21:42:39 <MarkBaker> mkashyap, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9udXv_O5_TsaktrSm5uNlAtVFZZWTZkck8xZ0ItcEprMlBj
21:42:51 <rcaballeromx1> I found the news story: #link http://www.thoughtsoncloud.com/2016/04/ibm-issues-interop-challenge-fellow-openstack-vendors/
21:43:13 <mkashyap> thank you
21:43:41 <carolbarrett> rockgy: Thanks - anything else on this one?
21:44:18 <rockyg> I am finding IRC impossible at the moment, but want to say that the team is meeting every other week and we hope to have something to talk about by Barcelona
21:45:51 <carolbarrett> rockyg: Thanks. As this group moves forward, pls let us know if there's something we should do to collaborate or support them
21:46:11 <rockyg> Will do.
21:46:38 <carolbarrett> Anything else from any one?
21:47:47 <carolbarrett> Ok - Then let's call this one done.
21:47:56 <carolbarrett> Thanks for coming and we'll type again next week, or sooner!
21:47:57 <rockyg> Thanks, all!
21:48:06 <carolbarrett> #endmeeting