#openstack-powervm: powervm_ci_meeting

Meeting started by esberglu at 13:31:38 UTC.  The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary

* HELP:   (xia, 13:31:56)
* ACTION: efried to finish proposing PowerOpts  (efried, 13:39:46)
* ACTION: efried to investigate power-off failures and propose a fix on
  top.  (efried, 13:39:59)
* ACTION: efried to live test on IBMi (and standard, for that matter).
  (efried, 13:40:20)
* CI redeploy  (esberglu, 13:41:21)

* In Tree CI  (esberglu, 13:44:27)
  * ACTION: esberglu to set up mutually-exclusive running/publishing of
    CI results for in- and out-of-tree.  (efried, 13:51:45)
  * ACTION: efried to assist as needed.  (efried, 13:51:56)

Meeting ended at 14:09:46 UTC.

Action items, by person

* efried
  * efried to finish proposing PowerOpts
  * efried to investigate power-off failures and propose a fix on top.
  * efried to live test on IBMi (and standard, for that matter).
  * efried to assist as needed.
* esberglu
  * esberglu to set up mutually-exclusive running/publishing of CI
    results for in- and out-of-tree.

People present (lines said)

* efried (36)
* thorst_ (36)
* esberglu (23)
* adreznec (10)
* wangqwsh (6)
* openstack (3)
* xia (2)

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