18:59:54 <amitgandhinz> #startmeeting Poppy Weekly
18:59:55 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May  7 18:59:54 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is amitgandhinz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:59:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
18:59:59 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'poppy_weekly'
19:02:09 <megan_w_> o/
19:02:17 <mpanetta> o/
19:02:26 <catherine> o/
19:03:12 <obulpathi> o/
19:03:27 <amitgandhinz> #link Agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Poppy
19:03:37 <tonytan4ever> o/
19:03:56 <amitgandhinz> #topic Last Week Today
19:03:58 <amitgandhinz> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/poppy_weekly_meeting/2015/poppy_weekly_meeting.2015-04-30-19.00.html
19:04:03 <amitgandhinz> no action items from last week
19:04:10 <amitgandhinz> #topic Bugs and Blueprints
19:04:36 <miqui> hello...
19:04:41 <amitgandhinz> #link https://launchpad.net/poppy/+milestone/kilo-3
19:04:42 <amitgandhinz> hi miqui
19:04:56 <miqui> hi amitgandhinz
19:05:17 <amitgandhinz> tonytan4ever: Custom Certs automated
19:05:23 <amitgandhinz> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/poppy/+spec/vanity-ssl
19:05:31 <sriram> o/
19:05:34 <obulpathi> Yay!
19:05:39 * sriram is back
19:05:41 <tonytan4ever> It is pretty completed, ready for review.
19:05:47 <amitgandhinz> ooh cool
19:05:55 <obulpathi> will review
19:06:02 <tonytan4ever> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/168110/
19:07:04 <amitgandhinz> im going to leave the SAN cets in progress
19:07:28 <tonytan4ever> Sure
19:07:36 <amitgandhinz> sriram: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/poppy/+spec/log-delivery
19:07:49 <amitgandhinz> this one was wiaitng for the pig scripts to be added right
19:07:58 <amitgandhinz> should i leave it in progress?
19:07:59 <sriram> I'll work on adding the pig scripts this week
19:08:02 <amitgandhinz> ok cool
19:08:05 <sriram> amitgandhinz: yes
19:08:19 <amitgandhinz> miqui: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/poppy/+spec/devstack
19:08:25 <amitgandhinz> any updates on the devstack integration?
19:08:53 <miqui> k, as per malini, i made contact with dtroyer and others and they gave me some info on how
19:08:58 <miqui> to go about this...
19:09:14 <miqui> interestingly most devstack installs that are easy then to be in trusty
19:09:21 <miqui> am trying on F21
19:09:44 <miqui> so am not sure to continue with F21 or punt and try this in trusty
19:10:26 <amitgandhinz> i think most use trusty
19:10:50 <amitgandhinz> its prob better to get it working on a common system and then tweaking it to make it work on something else
19:10:55 <miqui> yeah, thats what dtroyer mentions....so....maybe i'll just go with thyat..
19:11:19 <miqui> k, amitgandhinz thats the next step then...
19:11:26 <amitgandhinz> cool.  thanks miqui
19:11:29 <miqui> mark the progress "as slow..."
19:11:36 <amitgandhinz> ok
19:12:20 <amitgandhinz> ok with bugs - none of these have updates to report
19:12:44 <amitgandhinz> #topic Open Discussion
19:13:01 <amitgandhinz> shall we use the rest of the time to continue talking about the summit collaboration day?
19:13:08 <tonytan4ever> +1
19:13:10 <sriram> +1
19:13:12 <megan_w_> ja
19:13:12 <obulpathi> I ahve two small reports on bugs
19:13:15 <obulpathi> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/180727/
19:13:16 <amitgandhinz> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/poppy_vancouver
19:13:17 <obulpathi> ready to merge
19:13:34 <obulpathi> Ready for review: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/181119/
19:13:44 <sriram> ok lets swarm on reviewing them.
19:14:11 <obulpathi> Yes, lets move on to summit colloboration
19:15:02 <malini> do we have any idea on whom to expect for the Collab day?
19:15:14 <megan_w_> why don't we look at our notes from last time and get session topics
19:15:33 <megan_w_> amitgandhinz: do they have a signup/registration for the collab that you can see?
19:15:35 <megan_w_> or no?
19:15:52 <amitgandhinz> https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2015/schedule/
19:15:59 <amitgandhinz> so far we have 3 attendees
19:16:27 <malini> amitgandhinz: do u have a direct link to the poppy collab page?
19:16:39 <malini> https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2015/schedule/
19:16:44 <malini> grr..
19:17:00 <amitgandhinz> https://openstacksummitmay2015vancouver.sched.org/event/5e1936a22b2d12d6417324e17570f077?iframe=no&w=i:100;&sidebar=yes&bg=no#.VUu6P86xGjI
19:17:04 <amitgandhinz> ew
19:17:13 <amitgandhinz> http://sched.co/3G6Z
19:17:36 <megan_w_> amitgandhinz: are you allowed to spam the openstack list with the agenda?
19:17:45 <megan_w_> or is that frowned upon?
19:17:57 <amitgandhinz> i think its frowned upon
19:18:25 <megan_w_> ok
19:18:27 <malini> & with all the chatter there, we can easily get lost too :/
19:18:31 <megan_w_> got it
19:18:52 <malini> we shud have a target audience & then get those ppl into the room (A)
19:19:07 <megan_w_> so, how would we like to start the day?
19:19:09 <mpanetta> Dancing robots
19:19:14 <miqui> good lucj guys at the summit...
19:19:18 <miqui> luck...
19:19:22 <sriram> 3d print poppy?
19:19:23 <sriram> :P
19:19:32 <mpanetta> I was looking up things actually :P
19:19:35 <megan_w_> i kind of like the idea of starting with production use cases.  it sets the stage for what we've learned
19:19:41 <amitgandhinz> ya
19:20:14 <amitgandhinz> ok on the etherpad...
19:20:17 <megan_w_> i have a hunch 9:50-10:30 will be the most well attended session
19:20:24 <megan_w_> let's put something good there
19:21:29 <amitgandhinz> was dimytri from highwinds able to attend this?
19:21:41 <amitgandhinz> or are we just going to meet him on Monday?
19:21:59 <amitgandhinz> megan_w_: ^
19:22:19 <megan_w_> not sure, but i'll ask
19:23:23 <amitgandhinz> looks like he is attending
19:23:27 <amitgandhinz> just read his email
19:29:23 <miqui> ??
19:29:36 <miqui> are we done?
19:29:42 <miqui> amitgandhinz: ??
19:29:46 <sriram> miqui: everyone is on the etherpad
19:29:54 <miqui> ah k..
19:30:02 <sriram> miqui: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/poppy_vancouver
19:30:07 <miqui> ..thanks...
19:30:13 <sriram> join in :)
19:52:11 <amitgandhinz> ok time is almost up
19:55:47 <amitgandhinz> miqui: sriram: malini: megan_w_: lets wrap up
19:55:55 <miqui> k
19:55:57 <amitgandhinz> obulpathi: tonytan4ever ^
19:56:08 <sriram> 4 minute alert.
19:56:13 <tonytan4ever> k
19:56:18 <amitgandhinz> ok so i will clean up the sessions from the etherpad and send something out to the dev list
19:56:23 <obulpathi> nothing from me
19:56:30 <miqui> am going gluecon 2015
19:56:33 <amitgandhinz> I will see if i can get this format added to the sched page also
19:56:34 <tonytan4ever> I am Okay for now.
19:56:38 <amitgandhinz> glue convention?
19:56:50 <amitgandhinz> sounds like a sticky situation
19:56:53 <sriram> what is that?
19:57:03 <sriram> miqui: ^
19:57:18 <miqui> http://gluecon.com/
19:57:46 <sriram> miqui: looks cool
19:58:11 <amitgandhinz> looks interesting
19:58:18 <amitgandhinz> ok meeting adjourned
19:58:22 <miqui> anyways... take care tyl
19:58:28 <amitgandhinz> thanks everyone =(
19:58:29 <amitgandhinz> =)
19:58:30 <sriram> boom, see ya.
19:58:32 <megan_w_> thanks!
19:58:40 <amitgandhinz> #endmeeting