#openstack-meeting: OpenStack Security Group

Meeting started by bdpayne at 18:00:05 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* Rollcall  (bdpayne, 18:00:24)

* Action Items  (bdpayne, 18:02:01)
  * LINK: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security/Security_Note_Process
    (nkinder, 18:03:11)
  * ACTION: bdpayne to encourage people working on OSSG tasks to attend
    the next meeting for updates  (bdpayne, 18:17:25)

* Summit Talks  (bdpayne, 18:18:09)
  * LINK:
    (bdpayne, 18:18:58)
  * ACTION: bdpayne to coordinate with nkinder and hyakuhei for an OSSG
    talk and/or panel discussion  (bdpayne, 18:24:40)

* Open Discussion  (bdpayne, 18:25:24)

Meeting ended at 18:33:31 UTC.

Action items, by person

* bdpayne
  * bdpayne to encourage people working on OSSG tasks to attend the next
    meeting for updates
  * bdpayne to coordinate with nkinder and hyakuhei for an OSSG talk
    and/or panel discussion
* hyakuhei
  * bdpayne to coordinate with nkinder and hyakuhei for an OSSG talk
    and/or panel discussion
* nkinder
  * bdpayne to coordinate with nkinder and hyakuhei for an OSSG talk
    and/or panel discussion

People present (lines said)

* bdpayne (52)
* nkinder (33)
* hyakuhei (32)
* malini1 (19)
* bknudson (12)
* ewindisch (7)
* bdpayne_ (4)
* openstack (3)
* paulmo (2)
* malini (1)

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