15:34:06 <markvan> #startmeeting Openstack-Chef
15:34:07 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar  5 15:34:06 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is markvan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:34:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:34:11 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_chef'
15:34:12 <openstack> j^2: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.  Use #endmeeting first.
15:34:12 <j^2> heh
15:34:13 <j^2> sorry
15:34:20 <j^2> running late this morning
15:34:26 <markvan> np
15:34:31 <j^2> i can’t seem to computer for the life of me
15:34:44 <markvan> ha
15:35:02 <markvan> #topic kilo initial patches
15:35:14 <markvan> down to last 4 patches
15:35:17 <markvan> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open++branch:master+topic:bug/1426424,n,z
15:35:40 <markvan> after that, we should be good to go
15:35:49 <j^2> awesome
15:36:20 <markvan> A good discussion point for next Mon would probably be to walk the blueprints and clean those up to see listof what we want for kilo.
15:37:27 <j^2> chef 12
15:37:29 <j^2> ;)
15:37:57 <cmluciano> +1 I think chef 12 should be a high priority
15:38:34 <markvan> yup, after we get the infra patch for using rake, that should be easy bump for Gemfiles.
15:39:26 <markvan> #topic stable juno
15:39:38 <j^2> in theory we might want to remove the Gemfiles, or leverage them like we do for the chef-repo
15:40:33 <markvan> yeah, that another good discussion to have, I like the idea of syncing with the Chef DK levels, but others still like Gemfiles (as we saw for the repo)
15:41:26 <j^2> yep
15:41:48 <markvan> just a heads up for juno stable, we have some folks that are looking to add some simple attributes for keys in conf files that are missing.  They will do kilo and then backport to juno.
15:42:28 <markvan> should be straight forward since branches are so close right now.
15:43:33 <markvan> #topic metadata nova api
15:43:36 <markvan> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-chef/+bug/1415220
15:43:38 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1415220 in OpenStack + Chef "[chef-repo][testing-stack] nova-api and nova-api-metadata conflict" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Samuel Cassiba (scassiba)
15:44:14 <markvan> please review this bug and see if mylast few comments make any sense, we some agreement, we can fix this
15:45:03 <markvan> #topic ubuntu neutron
15:45:30 <markvan> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-chef/+bug/1314751
15:45:31 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1314751 in OpenStack + Chef "[network] openvswitch agent broken, uses ml2 conf on ubuntu" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Mark Vanderwiel (vanderwl)
15:45:40 <j^2> lovely
15:46:07 <markvan> This one has been a thorn... but I'm trying a different approach.  patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161495/
15:46:54 <j^2> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161495/2/recipes/default.rb is the meat of it
15:47:13 <markvan> please review.  With that patch, I'm trying to standup the aio_neutron on ubuntu, based upon these instructions: https://fosskb.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/openstack-juno-on-ubuntu-14-10/
15:47:36 <openstackgerrit> Merged stackforge/cookbook-openstack-object-storage: Initial kilo updates  https://review.openstack.org/159971
15:47:53 <markvan> yup, pretty minor change, but seems to be working, just need to tweak the network attriubtes to make it work with our test suite.
15:48:01 <j^2> nice
15:48:17 <j^2> 👍 on this from what i can see so far
15:48:19 <markvan> but I'm no neutron expert...
15:48:53 <markvan> that's the topics I had.
15:48:55 <j^2> i don’t think anyone is
15:48:56 <markvan> #general discussion
15:49:27 <j^2> i don’t really have anything honestly
15:49:32 <cmluciano> in checking with the RDO folks, we currently don’t have any valid packages to test with kilo.
15:49:45 <j^2> so we’d have to try to get trunk?
15:49:49 <j^2> if we wanted to test
15:50:30 <cmluciano> They publish some packages, but it was a real “here be dragons” type of package
15:51:19 <cmluciano> from the #rdo channel
15:51:22 <cmluciano> number80> cmluciano: RDO kilo is not released, we only have snapshots build through Delorean
15:51:25 <cmluciano> <apevec> cmluciano, there's current Delorean snapshot but it eats kittens etc.
15:54:05 <markvan> looks like they will need some time.
15:55:11 <j^2> yeah
15:55:21 <markvan> I was thinking about hacking back in to use rdo juno, just for sanity test, but don't have time.    The internal ibm folks have a kilo repo and will be using the new kilo cookbooks against that shortly, so that should shake out any obvious bugs
15:55:52 <markvan> /kilo/redhat bsed kilo/
15:56:02 <j^2> yeah we really do need to get centos7 working with juno too
15:56:31 <j^2> completely, if we can’t get RDO i think if you’re looking for things to focus on this is a great time to context switch back so we can get this resolved
15:58:00 <markvan> would be nice to see others interested in juno/centos step in, I'll probably be full bore on kilo for a while
15:58:53 <j^2> ah cool
15:59:05 * markvan wow zuul looks tame today (for a change)
15:59:14 <j^2> yeah i’m gonna try to circle back on it, but i should have a new release of knife-openstack here soon
16:00:43 <markvan> interesting...that reminds me of another topic.  Until we get the CI going (with infra or travis or ?), we will need to decide on what type of gates to run against the repo.  The other cookbooks have style, lint, unit.
16:01:35 <markvan> but right now we only have style/rubocop for repo.  Would be nice at least to something like spiceweasel was doing where the syntax of the roles and env are checked.
16:02:01 <j^2> chef-provisioning does that iirc
16:02:14 <j^2> when it uploading it to chef-zero
16:02:33 <j^2> break one of the roles and try to spin up the stack that should verify it
16:03:02 <markvan> yeah, but for basic gates in infra, we can't to the full aio_test
16:03:45 <j^2> oh
16:04:21 <j^2> yeah i don’t think we’ll be able to till after the fact of the patch being uploaded and jenkins doing the non-voting +1 -1 thing
16:04:36 <j^2> we’ll have to rely on that and do diligance verifying it that way
16:04:53 <markvan> not a big deal, but I think we can run the same type of   knife -z like spwiceweasel did under covers against our roles and env in a simple rake task
16:05:42 <markvan> yeah, for now it does the spiceweasel in the gate, but we will have flexibility with the rake support.
16:07:33 <markvan> any thing else to discuss now?
16:08:32 <wenchma_> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-chef/+bug/1428689
16:08:33 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1428689 in OpenStack + Chef "[chef-repo] Should update the version of cookbook build-essential" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Ma Wen Cheng (mars914)
16:08:42 <wenchma_> a little issue
16:09:18 <wenchma_> need minor change , but urgent , because it made jenkins fail
16:09:50 <openstackgerrit> Merged stackforge/cookbook-openstack-compute: Initial kilo updates  https://review.openstack.org/159990
16:09:57 <wenchma_> this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161754/
16:10:16 <wenchma_> please review with it
16:10:55 <j^2> kk
16:13:20 <markvan> wenchma_: humm, we're using 1.4.2 in the chef repo Berks just fine? What's different about the client cookbook?
16:14:04 <wenchma_> markvan: https://github.com/stackforge/cookbook-openstack-client/blob/master/metadata.rb#L13
16:14:22 <markvan> oops, my bad this is in the repo side
16:14:50 <wenchma_> qhttp://logs.openstack.org/42/161142/2/check/gate-openstack-chef-repo/fcc91e4/console.html#_2015-03-05_14_23_14_246
16:15:00 <wenchma_> here is the error log
16:16:20 <markvan> yup, see that now.  Ah, the client was pushed after repo, so repo did not fail.
16:17:29 <markvan> last 2 kilo patches are rechecking now, then will be ready
16:18:04 <markvan> and yes wenchma_ will also be needed to close this out: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161754/
16:18:26 <markvan> any other topics?
16:18:40 <cmluciano> I’m good
16:19:14 <wenchma_> markvan: ok
16:19:20 <j^2> :)
16:19:27 <markvan> #endmeeting