#openstack-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by mtaylor at 19:02:12 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* Meeting Overview  (mtaylor, 19:02:40)
  * LINK: http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/CITeamMeeting   (mtaylor,
  * LINK: http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/CITeamMeeting   (mtaylor,

* Actions from last meeting  (mtaylor, 19:08:07)
  * ACTION: dprince smokestack jenkins job  (mtaylor, 19:12:10)
  * ACTION: mtaylor jenkins job for the PXE boot goodness  (mtaylor,

* Addition of rpm/yum building to Jenkins  (mtaylor, 19:20:38)
  * LINK: https://github.com/griddynamics/openstack-rhel   (dprince,
  * LINK: https://github.com/griddynamics/openstack-rhel   (mtaylor,
  * LINK: http://yum.griddynamics.net/   (mtaylor, 19:23:07)
  * ACTION: mtaylor fork griddynamics/openstack-rhel into
    openstack/openstack-rhel  (mtaylor, 19:25:59)
  * ACTION: talk with Novel/MSFT Interop guys about an OBS build profile
    run from our jenkins  (mtaylor, 19:29:12)

* rPath integration  (mtaylor, 19:29:43)
  * ACTION: mtaylor coordinate with Mihai from rPath to get him what he
    needs for getting the rPath builder up and going  (mtaylor,

* Integration of HyperV Lab machines  (mtaylor, 19:35:05)
  * ACTION: mtaylor coordinate HyperV lab builders with Peter Pouliot
    from Novell/MSFT Interop Lab  (mtaylor, 19:38:55)

* Open Discussion  (mtaylor, 19:40:57)
  * ACTION: mtaylor ping ewanmellor about testing esx and vsphere
    (mtaylor, 19:48:22)
  * ACTION: mtaylor ping community at large about lxc testing  (mtaylor,
  * ACTION: mtaylor ping reddwarf team about openvx/lxc testing
    (mtaylor, 19:52:22)

Meeting ended at 19:55:19 UTC.

Action items, by person

* dprince
  * dprince smokestack jenkins job
* mtaylor
  * mtaylor jenkins job for the PXE boot goodness
  * mtaylor fork griddynamics/openstack-rhel into
  * mtaylor coordinate with Mihai from rPath to get him what he needs
    for getting the rPath builder up and going
  * mtaylor coordinate HyperV lab builders with Peter Pouliot from
    Novell/MSFT Interop Lab
  * mtaylor ping ewanmellor about testing esx and vsphere
  * mtaylor ping community at large about lxc testing
  * mtaylor ping reddwarf team about openvx/lxc testing
* openstack
  * mtaylor fork griddynamics/openstack-rhel into

People present (lines said)

* mtaylor (118)
* heckj (18)
* msinhore (12)
* dprince (10)
* _0x44 (10)
* johnpur (9)
* jaypipes (4)
* nati (3)
* openstack (2)
* termie (1)

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