#openstack-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by danwent at 22:02:08 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* project status  (danwent, 22:03:14)
  * dendrobates is beginning the process of applying for netstack to be
    an openstack incubation project  (danwent, 22:03:43)

* quantum update  (danwent, 22:06:41)

* : open discussion  (danwent, 22:24:48)

Meeting ended at 22:25:46 UTC.

People present (lines said)

* danwent (47)
* salv-orlando (10)
* midodan (9)
* ryu_ishimoto (9)
* SumitNaiksatam (7)
* troytoman (3)
* bmcconne (2)
* openstack (2)
* ecarlin (1)
* jlm^ (1)
* RamD (1)

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