#openstack-meeting-3: neutron_l3

Meeting started by haleyb at 15:01:06 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* Announcements  (haleyb, 15:02:10)

* Bugs  (haleyb, 15:03:23)

* l3-high-availability  (haleyb, 15:05:52)

* neutron-ipam  (haleyb, 15:07:04)
  * ACTION: seizadi will get gerrit topic link on subteam page to work
    (haleyb, 15:13:33)

* bgp-dynamic-routing  (haleyb, 15:13:43)

* neutron-ovs-dvr  (haleyb, 15:24:22)

* l3-svcs-vendor-*  (haleyb, 15:39:21)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/96946/  (haleyb, 15:40:35)

* Open Discussion  (haleyb, 15:40:52)

Meeting ended at 15:43:20 UTC.

Action items, by person

* seizadi
  * seizadi will get gerrit topic link on subteam page to work

People present (lines said)

* haleyb (40)
* armax (22)
* yamamoto (12)
* seizadi (9)
* devvesa (9)
* chuckC (6)
* openstack (3)
* salv-orlando (1)

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