#openstack-meeting: networking

Meeting started by armax at 21:00:48 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* Announcements  (armax, 21:02:19)
  * LINK: http://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html  (armax,
  * LINK: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sprints  (armax, 21:05:11)
  * LINK: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/newton/+assignments
    (armax, 21:09:50)
  * LINK: https://launchpad.net/neutron/+milestone/newton-1  (armax,

* Bugs  (armax, 21:15:32)
  * LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-multinode-jobs-newton
    (sc68cal, 21:22:17)
  * ACTION: carl_baldwin deputy for the week of 23rd  (armax, 21:31:13)
  * ACTION: kevinbenton deputy for the week of 30th  (armax, 21:31:28)
  * LINK:
    (sc68cal, 21:34:29)

* Open Discussion  (armax, 21:46:20)

Meeting ended at 21:51:06 UTC.

Action items, by person

* carl_baldwin
  * carl_baldwin deputy for the week of 23rd
* kevinbenton
  * kevinbenton deputy for the week of 30th

People present (lines said)

* armax (77)
* dougwig (9)
* sc68cal (8)
* regXboi (8)
* amuller (7)
* kevinbenton (6)
* Sukhdev (6)
* openstack (5)
* njohnsto- (4)
* haleyb (4)
* carl_baldwin (3)
* lbragstad (2)
* mestery (2)
* mlavalle (1)
* Swami (1)
* ivc_ (1)
* hichihara (1)

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