#openstack-meeting-alt: murano

Meeting started by ativelkov at 17:00:10 UTC.  The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary

* LINK: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/MuranoAgenda#Agenda
  (ativelkov, 17:02:27)
* AI review  (ativelkov, 17:04:20)
  * murano-common is already merged in murano-api  (ativelkov, 17:06:05)
  * merging of murano-common into murano-agent is in progress
    (ativelkov, 17:06:27)
  * AGREED: to make a priority to create a cloud-init deployable agent
    after 0.5 is released  (ativelkov, 17:12:02)
  * ACTION: ruhe to create a BP on cloud-init-deployable agent
    (ativelkov, 17:21:54)

* API versioning  (ativelkov, 17:26:19)

* MuranoPL package name  (ativelkov, 17:41:52)
  * VOTE: Voted on "Which name should we choose?" Results are, dsl: 5,
    pl: 1  (ativelkov, 17:50:16)
  * AGREED: so it is dsl  (ativelkov, 17:50:30)
  * AGREED: Put dsl package on the top level inside murano  (ativelkov,

* Open Discussion  (ativelkov, 17:53:09)

Meeting ended at 18:01:19 UTC.

Action items, by person

* ruhe
  * ruhe to create a BP on cloud-init-deployable agent

People present (lines said)

* ativelkov (95)
* stanlagun (50)
* ruhe (35)
* tsufiev_ (26)
* dteselkin (17)
* sergmelikyan (16)
* openstack (9)
* katyafervent2 (6)

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