#openstack-meeting: Mistral

Meeting started by NikolayM at 16:01:25 UTC.  The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary

* Review Action items  (NikolayM, 16:02:50)
  * ACTION: melisha: send "Mistral HA and multi-regional support"
    meeting minutes  (NikolayM, 16:05:38)
  * LINK: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html
    (lane_kong, 16:13:53)
  * ACTION: NikolayM: discuss with Renat and confirm appropriate time
    for planning M-2 on wednesday Dec 16  (NikolayM, 16:16:20)

* Current Status  (NikolayM, 16:18:10)
  * ACTION: NikolayM: review patch "fix join on branch error"
    (NikolayM, 16:21:22)

* Open Discussion  (NikolayM, 16:22:56)
  * LINK:
    (lane_kong, 16:29:54)
  * LINK:
    (lane_kong, 16:30:02)

Meeting ended at 16:54:12 UTC.

Action items, by person

* melisha
  * melisha: send "Mistral HA and multi-regional support" meeting
* NikolayM
  * NikolayM: discuss with Renat and confirm appropriate time for
    planning M-2 on wednesday Dec 16
  * NikolayM: review patch "fix join on branch error"

People present (lines said)

* NikolayM (68)
* lane_kong (52)
* melisha (20)
* hparekh (16)
* m4dcoder (14)
* dzimine (5)
* openstack (3)
* _gryf (1)
* ddeja (1)
* gpaz (1)

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