#openstack-meeting: Mistral

Meeting started by rakhmerov at 16:00:42 UTC.  The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary

* Review Action Items  (rakhmerov, 16:03:20)
  * ACTION: rakhmerov: talk to Liat about her patches  (rakhmerov,
  * ACTION: rakhmerov: finish all that's left after adding task() yaql
    function  (rakhmerov, 16:08:35)
  * ACTION: gpaz: try to investigate what may be wrong with expiration
    policy (look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/218544/)
    (rakhmerov, 16:09:03)
  * ACTION: ^Gal^: make mistral-dashboard debug shine  (rakhmerov,

* Current status  (rakhmerov, 16:10:28)

* Scoping RC releases  (rakhmerov, 16:18:31)
  * LINK: https://launchpad.net/~mistral-drivers  (xylan_kong, 16:37:08)
  * ACTION: akhmerov: figure out if it's ok to include xylan_kong into
    Mistral Bug Team  (rakhmerov, 16:44:10)

* Open Discussion  (rakhmerov, 16:49:44)

Meeting ended at 16:53:02 UTC.

Action items, by person

* openstack
  * gpaz: try to investigate what may be wrong with expiration policy
    (look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/218544/)
* rakhmerov
  * rakhmerov: talk to Liat about her patches
  * rakhmerov: finish all that's left after adding task() yaql function
* xylan_kong
  * akhmerov: figure out if it's ok to include xylan_kong into Mistral
    Bug Team

People present (lines said)

* rakhmerov (112)
* xylan_kong (38)
* akuznetsova (12)
* NikolayM (6)
* openstack (5)

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