#openstack-meeting: Mistral

Meeting started by rakhmerov at 16:00:20 UTC.  The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary

* Review action items  (rakhmerov, 16:02:49)
  * ACTION: rakhmerov: review and discuss Lingxian's proposal about
    removing wf_trace module  (rakhmerov, 16:03:57)
  * LINK:
    (rakhmerov, 16:13:04)

* Current status (progress, issues, roadblocks, further plans)
  (rakhmerov, 16:16:43)
  * ACTION: rakhmerov: completely review
    (rakhmerov, 16:22:56)

* Dashboard progress  (rakhmerov, 16:26:23)

* Liberty 2 progress  (rakhmerov, 16:45:19)

* Open discussion  (rakhmerov, 16:52:48)

Meeting ended at 16:57:06 UTC.

Action items, by person

* rakhmerov
  * rakhmerov: review and discuss Lingxian's proposal about removing
    wf_trace module
  * rakhmerov: completely review

People present (lines said)

* rakhmerov (164)
* ^Gal^ (44)
* xylan_kong (28)
* melisha1 (17)
* m4dcoder (9)
* openstack (6)
* NikolayM (4)
* gpaz (3)

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