16:30:06 <sdake> #startmeeting kolla 16:30:06 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 13 16:30:06 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sdake. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:30:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:30:09 <sdake> #topic rollcall 16:30:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 16:30:19 <akwasnie> hi 16:30:21 <sdake> \o!/ hi!! 16:30:32 <elemoine> o/ hi 16:30:39 <Jeffrey4l> \o/ 16:30:45 <dratushnyy> \?/ 16:31:36 <SamYaple> o/ 16:32:06 <rhallisey> hi 16:32:08 <inc0> o/ 16:32:49 <jpeeler> hi 16:32:57 <sdake> #topic announcements 16:33:25 <sdake> 1. midcycle is february 9th, february 10th in greenville sc 16:33:46 <sdake> I will publish full wiki info today if I can - have had contractors at my hosue dealing with my reemodel so i've been distracted 16:34:03 <sdake> there will be breakfast, lunch both days 16:34:09 <sdake> there will be dinner on tuesday night 16:34:21 <sdake> so your real only expenses should be travel and hotel 16:34:50 <sdake> if someone is on the fence bout not being able to make it because of budget, I am willing to share rooms if you can handle the snoring - just ping me later 16:35:05 <sdake> along with the share rooms, i'll pick up the full tab 16:35:15 <sdake> for the room so that just leaves airfare 16:35:24 <sdake> woud like to have a good turnout for our core reviewers 16:35:40 <sdake> any other announcements sfrom the community? 16:35:49 <sdake> oh one more 16:36:08 <sdake> 2. I have assked sam to act as a backup tagger in case I fall off a cliff like which happened in december 16:36:16 <sdake> he tagged milestone 1 16:36:22 <sdake> everyone give sam a round of applause please :) 16:36:37 <inc0> <round of applause> 16:36:41 * kproskurin claps 16:36:47 * Jeffrey4l claps 16:36:57 <rhallisey> yay! 16:37:11 * elemoine claps 16:37:14 <jpeeler> yay sam 16:37:15 <dratushnyy> *claps* 16:37:17 <sdake> finally 3. january 21 is our deadline for mitaka 2 - so please finish up any tasks you want to tackle :) 16:37:39 <sdake> #topic midcycle planning 16:37:46 <sdake> timebox 10 minutes 16:38:01 <sdake> lets finalize the agenda for the mitaka midcycle 16:38:14 <sdake> anyone have the link handy where we have been doing that work? 16:38:41 <sdake> i had to reset chrome and lost all my cached pages 16:38:51 <elemoine> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-mitaka-midcycle ? 16:39:02 <sdake> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-mitaka-midcycle 16:39:14 <sdake> please open and we will run until 50 after 16:39:34 <sdake> if your a new contributor, please add your name to the list of contributors 16:39:41 <sdake> (to the planning) 16:40:40 <rhallisey> sdake, do we want to have some ordering here on importance? 16:40:54 <sdake> rhallisey i have that later in the agenda 16:40:58 <sdake> and i'll combine those 16:40:59 <rhallisey> kk 16:43:13 <sdake> actually rhallisey good point 16:43:29 <sdake> I'd like peoiple to vote on sessions they want - just in case time is tight 16:43:38 <sdake> we hae done this in the past - and I forgot we did, but it worked well 16:43:52 <sdake> so please add your nick followed by +1/-1 16:43:55 <rhallisey> sdake, let me organize it real quick 16:44:02 <sdake> dont organize it 16:44:08 <sdake> just leave as is 16:45:06 <SamYaple> hear that harmw. no alphabetizing! 16:45:07 <rhallisey> sdake, can't really read it 16:45:31 <sdake> rhallisey i will sort it out after the meeting 16:45:34 <rhallisey> pl 16:45:35 <rhallisey> ok 16:45:38 <sdake> we only ahve 5 minutes left, i'd like to ge the evoting in 16:45:49 <sdake> look at my exampless 16:45:53 <sdake> +0 is a vote as well :) 16:48:15 <sdake> folks please vote quickly - 2 minutes left 16:48:43 <sdake> ok i'll send followup to the ml asking for our team to vote :) 16:49:59 <sdake> 1 more minute 16:50:05 <sdake> ok timers up :) 16:50:14 <sdake> #topic heka discussion 16:50:31 <sdake> sorry this is out of order because inc0 has to leae shortly 16:50:41 <sdake> so apparently heka get rid of rsyslog 16:50:43 <sdake> which seems good 16:50:47 <SamYaple> sdake: you are not following the agenda 16:50:54 <sdake> SamYaple i know, see abovve 16:51:01 <elemoine> not fully sure 16:51:02 <SamYaple> ah there you go 16:51:08 <elemoine> about removal of rsyslog 16:51:17 <inc0> elemoine, you mentioned it will listen on stdout 16:51:27 <sdake> SamYaple all good now? 16:51:36 <elemoine> right 16:51:38 <sdake> some services don't output to sstdout 16:51:39 <SamYaple> for the record inc0 im not sold on listening on stdout for logs 16:51:52 <SamYaple> i rasied some concerns about that 16:51:58 <elemoine> yeah, mariadb writes to /dev/log (syslog) for example 16:52:09 <SamYaple> in the case of say neutron there is neutorn and dnsmasq logs 16:52:12 <sdake> elemoine do you have a solution in mind for that problem? 16:52:13 <SamYaple> one container 16:52:14 <inc0> SamYaple, right, however if we make this work (that's my requirement) it might be better than rsyslog 16:52:26 <inc0> can heka support both? 16:52:29 <inc0> at the same time? 16:52:40 <inc0> some containers stdout some /dev/log? 16:52:58 <inc0> or other streams if needed? 16:53:18 <elemoine> at the moment, and given sdake's latest email, keeping rsyslog may make sense actually 16:53:22 <sdake> if heka can't capture /dev/log in some cases, it seems like a non starter 16:53:22 <inc0> with rsyslog we can handle more-or-less everything. It's not ideal but it's working 16:53:47 <elemoine> inc0, right and we can easily log to files as well 16:53:58 <elemoine> which is a requirement as I understand 16:54:04 <sdake> ya thats the other thing, we need logs to files per node 16:54:09 <inc0> elemoine, file logging is actually temp solution 16:54:18 <inc0> before we get centralized logging in place 16:54:19 <SamYaple> inc0: no.. it was permanat 16:54:23 <SamYaple> even with central logging 16:54:27 <SamYaple> logs stay per node too 16:54:27 <sdake> inc0 i'd like to keep it for mitaka at minimum 16:54:36 <elemoine> we want both: log to local files + send logs to ES 16:54:42 <inc0> ok, in any case, we want it as well before we get centralized logging 16:54:46 <sdake> elemoine SamYaple agree +1 16:54:49 <SamYaple> operator side central logging is good, but local logging is required 16:54:57 <elemoine> yep, agree 16:55:05 <kproskurin> Local loging will require this logs rotation and so on 16:55:09 <inc0> but both heka and rsyslog does that, so I guess that's that 16:55:10 <sdake> the other requirement is multiline logs 16:55:18 <inc0> what I'm interested in is logging sources 16:55:24 <SamYaple> well thats more parsing than anything sdake 16:55:26 <kproskurin> And local logs will eat space 16:55:42 <inc0> kproskurin, you can turn it off, but you should be able to have it 16:55:43 <sdake> kproskurin we decided long ago we need locl node logging 16:55:46 <SamYaple> kproskurin: understood. and maybe we have an option to turn it off 16:55:53 <SamYaple> but it has to be there 16:55:56 <sdake> i'm good with an option 16:56:00 <sdake> but it needs to be present 16:56:05 <kproskurin> Oh with turn off switch I guess its ok 16:56:18 <akwasnie> with my ELK patch we give user a choice rsyslog or ELK 16:56:28 <inc0> anyway, I'm -1 on having heka AND rsyslog as heka require compute node agent 16:56:35 <elemoine> akwasnie, one may want both 16:56:35 <sdake> akwasnie do you disable rsyslog entirely then? 16:56:42 <inc0> and I want to limit this as much a as possible 16:57:03 <sdake> it sounds like we need to have more mailing list discussion 16:57:05 <SamYaple> I think this is still complex. well need a working implemntation i think 16:57:06 <akwasnie> no, I can have both or each of them, 16:57:07 <sdake> i knwo everyone just got up in the us 16:57:07 <inc0> akwasnie, you need something that will forward logs from node to ELK 16:57:19 <sdake> so please, lets sort it out on the mailing list 16:57:22 <elemoine> sdake, no, with akwasnie's path logs go to files if elk is not enabled, and they go to ES if elk is enabled 16:57:28 <sdake> i think elemoine has an idea of the requirements we have 16:57:50 <elemoine> yeah it's quite clear, thank you sdake for putting those requirements together 16:57:50 <sdake> are there other requirements we have which are unstated thus far? 16:57:57 <akwasnie> elemoine: yes, 16:58:02 <sdake> inc0 akwasnie ? 16:58:19 <sdake> i dont want to wait to the midcycle to begin implementation on a poc of this work 16:58:20 <inc0> I don't want 2 agents for logging on compute node 16:58:22 <inc0> either or 16:58:38 <sdake> inc0 which two agents - could you define them please 16:58:41 <elemoine> sdake, I'd like to fully understand the multiline logs problems you have 16:58:58 <sdake> SamYaple can you explain thato elemoine ? 16:59:06 <inc0> hega agent and rsyslog agent 16:59:08 <sdake> basiclly backtraces are multiline 16:59:12 <sdake> and rsyslog eats them i think 16:59:20 <inc0> sdake, it does not now 16:59:27 <inc0> but it doesn't break lines 16:59:27 <sdake> oh cool you fixed that? 16:59:34 <inc0> so we have rsyslog traces but ugly 16:59:38 <inc0> not me, dims did 16:59:42 <SamYaple> sdake: its not the logging agent that logs them thats teh problem, its the log parser that needs to PARSE them thats the issue 16:59:44 <inc0> it was bug on oslo side 16:59:45 <sdake> nice well thats solid then 16:59:46 <elemoine> sdake, rsyslog currently replaces newline chars with a special char 17:00:26 <sdake> elemoine so the last unstated requirement it sounds like is we dont want *both* rsyslog and heka 17:00:42 <sdake> has to be one or the other 17:00:51 <sdake> SamYaple ack on the agent parsing 17:00:53 <SamYaple> clarkb did make a good point on the mailing list about replacing logstash. if we do we can't benefit from the logstash code that currently parses the openstack logs 17:01:13 <SamYaple> so i think we should acknowleged that at the very least 17:01:23 <sdake> SamYaple agree i must have missed that point 17:01:30 <sdake> that sounds like another requirement for heka 17:01:37 <SamYaple> we will have to write new filters and maintain them 17:01:51 <SamYaple> it may be worth it, but it may not. i dont know 17:02:00 <sdake> our team is big enough to handle thta SamYaple 17:02:00 <elemoine> we do have heka code for decoding openstack logs 17:02:14 <sdake> elemoine fantastic 17:02:34 <sdake> ok, i'll take an action to parsse this discussio nand publish the requirements in a new thread 17:02:45 <elemoine> we've been relying on them for some time now, and we know they work well 17:02:53 <sdake> #action sdake parse irc discussion and get requiremetns on the mailing list for the record 17:02:57 <SamYaple> cool elemoine. i beileve you. I jsut wanted to point it out 17:03:15 <sdake> ok anything else on this topic? we are running short on time ;) 17:03:51 <elemoine> let's continue on the mailing list then 17:03:54 <akwasnie> for me nothing more 17:03:55 <sdake> elemoine i'd like the spec started asap please 17:04:12 <elemoine> let's finish the current ml discussions first 17:04:16 <sdake> our specs process requires majority vote of core reviewers for approval 17:04:19 <elemoine> then I'll start working on the specs 17:04:21 <sdake> elemoine sounds good 17:04:40 <elemoine> ok, cool 17:05:12 <sdake> moving on now 17:05:16 <sdake> #topic Kolla-mesos code sharing with kolla and kolla-ansible 17:05:25 <SamYaple> ill start this one 17:05:26 <sdake> SamYaple was this you that added to agenda? 17:05:29 <SamYaple> yes 17:05:51 <SamYaple> So me and nihilifer have notice a great deal of duplicate code in kolla-mesos and (what will be) kolla-ansible 17:06:01 <SamYaple> the code has been copy-paste moved 17:06:08 <sdake> SamYaple you have the floor ;) 17:06:20 <SamYaple> what this has caused is things that get fixed in kolla-ansible code do not get fixed in kolla-mesos 17:06:23 <SamYaple> thanks sdake 17:06:36 <SamYaple> so we need to figure out a better way of code sharing so that doesnt happen 17:06:50 <sdake> should this be a midcycle discussion topic? 17:07:06 <SamYaple> very possible it should be 17:07:07 <nihilifer> i see at least 2 potential things to share 17:07:22 <nihilifer> 1) major, sharing ansible modules 17:07:23 <rhallisey> err this may be a problem we can't wait on then 17:07:29 <nihilifer> 2) minor, sharing vagrant 17:07:58 <sdake> just added to the etherpad 17:08:20 <SamYaple> hmm nihilifer this is more comlpicated, should we just wait for the midcycle? 17:08:21 <rhallisey> I thought this could be punted until N, but maybe not 17:08:23 <sdake> for midcycle further discussion 17:08:28 <rhallisey> SamYaple, I think so 17:08:40 <SamYaple> sdake: can we get an assured block of time? 17:08:49 <sdake> depends on the voting 17:09:00 <SamYaple> rhallisey: i think it needs to be discussed long before N 17:09:04 <SamYaple> its only getting worse 17:09:09 * jpeeler agrees 17:09:30 <sdake> the more votes the sessions get, moves up to tuesday in the agenda and at primier times 17:09:31 <rhallisey> SamYaple, I was hoping we wouldn't need to do until N, but given what you're saying probably can't wait 17:09:42 <SamYaple> if we cant get a block of time for the midcycle we should really do it now 17:09:49 <sdake> i am not keen to split the repos until upgrades are done 17:10:04 <SamYaple> that requires reviews 17:10:07 * SamYaple should make a bot 17:10:19 <sdake> ok if this is something mandatory that needs discussion, I'll make time in the agenda for it 17:10:27 <sdake> sounds mandatory 17:10:31 <SamYaple> I believe it is 17:10:37 <SamYaple> if so then we can move on right now 17:10:45 <sdake> ok moving on then :) 17:11:03 <sdake> #topic python-kollaclient - are we proceeding with this? 17:11:31 <sdake> i am not sure if folks read my email thread related to the abandonment of the cli codebase waiting on mesos and ansible integration 17:11:46 <sdake> if you didn't, you should read it please 17:11:57 <SamYaple> I added that before the ML thread when fungi asked about it 17:12:00 <SamYaple> the topic that is 17:12:19 <sdake> but in essence the maintainers of the cli don't want to commit to one cli when mesos is on the horizon 17:12:26 <sdake> so for hte time being, we are putting this work on hold 17:12:33 <sdake> unless unicorns come and implement it for us 17:12:44 <sdake> i am removing it as a deliverable from our governance repository 17:12:52 <sdake> this can always be undone later 17:13:09 <fungi> thanks again SamYaple for bringing it up for discussion. i mostly wanted to make sure it wasn't hiding under a different name or something such that i was missing counting your contributors 17:13:23 <SamYaple> appreciate that fungi 17:13:28 <sdake> fungi appreciated :) 17:13:50 <sdake> fungi did you see my mailing list discussion on the topic? 17:14:07 <sdake> it wasn't really a discussion more like an announcement 17:14:16 <fungi> sdake: yep, appreciated the details. 5 months in governance with no corresponding repo or even a patch to create it struck me as anomalous 17:14:33 <sdake> fungi it was going to go in then i had the tooth infection 17:14:47 <sdake> then mesos picked up steam and the contributors of the cli dont want to commit to it any longer 17:14:54 <fungi> i remember, that sounded terrible and dangerous. glad we've got you back now 17:16:24 <sdake> ok then any questions or shall I move on? 17:16:33 <SamYaple> move on i think 17:16:42 <SamYaple> my questions have been answered 17:16:54 <sdake> #topic priorities discussion 17:17:11 <sdake> so I added a midcycle session for this, please vote on it :) 17:17:23 <sdake> but basically my #1 priority is upgrades, my #2 priority is diagnostics 17:17:36 <sdake> I wanted to poll the core reviewers for their list of priorities 17:17:57 <sdake> part of this is to help me ramp back up from my december hiatus 17:18:05 <SamYaple> #1 upgrades #2 split repo for kolla-ansible (this will also help kolla-mesos) 17:18:28 <sdake> i'd like all core reviewers to respond please 17:18:33 <sdake> and in fact an ycontributors as well 17:18:54 <sdake> time box 7 inutes - so start typing :) 17:18:56 <nihilifer> #1 upgrades #2 split repo 17:18:57 <rhallisey> ditto SamYaple 17:19:28 <jpeeler> #1 upgrades, #2 split repo 17:19:45 <sdake> nobody seems to care about diagnostics :) 17:19:51 <jpeeler> maybe 17:19:53 <jpeeler> #3 17:19:54 <SamYaple> i do, its just not top priorites 17:20:01 <SamYaple> thats #3 for me (tied with ssl) 17:20:04 <jpeeler> see 17:20:08 <elemoine> I do care, but I'm not able to go to midcycle :) 17:20:20 <akwasnie> sdake: #1 upgrade, #2 diagnostics for me:) 17:20:23 <sdake> elemoine roger what is your opinion on prioirties then 17:20:26 <nihilifer> ditto, diagnostics is #3 for me 17:21:02 <sdake> so we have upgrades, diags, split repo, ssl 17:21:06 <elemoine> #1 upgrades, #2 diagnostics & split repo 17:21:07 <sdake> any other candidates? 17:21:19 <Jeffrey4l> #1 upgrade #swift #diagnostics :) ( care the produce issue more.) 17:21:29 <SamYaple> when docker 1.10 lands we can do neutron thin containers 17:21:32 <sdake> Jeffrey4l what do you mean swift? 17:21:34 <SamYaple> thats kinda a priority 17:21:37 <Jeffrey4l> s/produce/product/ 17:21:39 <Jeffrey4l> yep. 17:21:43 <sdake> SamYaple cool 17:22:10 <elemoine> SamYaple, what Docker feature do you want to leverage? 17:22:39 <SamYaple> elemoine: private/shared mount namespaces 17:22:42 <sdake> Jeffrey4l what part of swift doessn't work for you now with kolla? 17:23:03 <SamYaple> it merged in 1.7-rc1 and was removed in 1.7-rc3. itttsss baaaaccckk 17:23:04 <elemoine> SamYaple, thanks, I need to look into that 17:23:12 <sdake> nice ;) 17:23:45 <sdake> ya thin containers for neutron would be win - need to sort out how to get that implemented 17:23:53 <Jeffrey4l> sdake, I haven't tested it detailly. But i am care about it. 17:23:56 <sdake> any other candidates for priorities? 17:24:04 <sdake> Jeffrey4l it worked when I tested it 17:24:04 <SamYaple> elemoine: https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/17034 17:24:11 <elemoine> and https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/10088 17:24:32 <sdake> ok sounds like we are all pretty much on same page 17:24:33 <Jeffrey4l> sdake, so why it is in the topics. 17:24:39 <sdake> so I'm going to move on 17:24:59 <sdake> Jeffrey4l for autobuilding rings 17:25:07 <sdake> i think that can wait until N 17:25:14 <Jeffrey4l> roger 17:25:21 <sdake> #topic open discussion 17:25:29 <sdake> 5 minutes 17:25:36 <sdake> sorry so little time for open discussion - we had a packed agenda 17:26:19 <sdake> anyone want the floor? 17:26:36 <ajafo> got short question - maybe it'll need to discuss - does we care about situation with rebuild only one container with for example added some packages (e.g. someone want to have sth additional installed in some docker container), because if yes it can broke dependencies in some situations 17:27:11 <sdake> we can rebuild just one container with our current build tools ajafo 17:27:21 <ajafo> I know but 17:27:46 <ajafo> lets imagine that someone want only rebuild nova_compute container with add some package in dockerfile, in the meantime were some updates in repository distribution repository, now if he is in ubuntu he get 404 no such package, and he know that he need to rebuild everything, but if he use centos then this one container will update own dependencies and install packages in other version than are in other containers, so we care about it or no? Is the rule 17:28:10 <SamYaple> ajafo: we do that though 17:28:12 <SamYaple> even now 17:28:24 <sdake> we rebuild all dependent cotnainers 17:28:28 <sdake> that is required for correct operation 17:28:59 <sdake> so that scenario yo ujust laid out, I am pretty sure can't happen 17:29:14 <ajafo> it just happend 17:29:19 <ajafo> with ubuntu 17:29:28 <sdake> ok, ajafo please post a discussion on the mailing list 17:29:31 <sdake> we are out o time :) 17:29:31 <elemoine> maybe another subject for the mailing list 17:29:33 <ajafo> ok 17:29:45 <sdake> thanks for your time folks :) 17:29:51 <sdake> and lets rock greenville :) 17:29:53 <sdake> #endmeeting