#openstack-meeting-alt: keystone

Meeting started by lbragstad at 16:00:38 UTC.  The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary

* LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-weekly-meeting
  (lbragstad, 16:01:31)
* user survey questions  (lbragstad, 16:03:55)

* features in flight  (lbragstad, 16:28:58)
  * ACTION: lbragstad to summarize key loading performance notes on the
    openstack-discuss mailing list  (lbragstad, 16:33:53)

* cleaning up stale blueprints  (lbragstad, 16:52:36)

* ops meetup in berlin  (lbragstad, 16:53:18)
  * LINK:
    call for topics  (cmurphy, 16:53:38)

* open discussion  (lbragstad, 16:55:16)

Meeting ended at 17:00:38 UTC.

Action items, by person

* lbragstad
  * lbragstad to summarize key loading performance notes on the
    openstack-discuss mailing list
* openstack
  * lbragstad to summarize key loading performance notes on the
    openstack-discuss mailing list

People present (lines said)

* lbragstad (94)
* kmalloc (74)
* cmurphy (29)
* ayoung (25)
* knikolla (15)
* hrybacki (14)
* aprice (4)
* wxy| (4)
* jamesmcarthur (3)
* openstack (3)
* vishakha (3)
* gagehugo (2)

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