15:00:13 <dtantsur> #startmeeting ironic
15:00:13 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Jul 26 15:00:13 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dtantsur. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:13 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:13 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic'
15:00:20 <rpittau> o/
15:00:21 <dtantsur> #chair TheJulia
15:00:21 <opendevmeet> Current chairs: TheJulia dtantsur
15:00:24 <TheJulia> o/
15:00:24 <erbarr> o/
15:00:25 <stendulker> o/
15:00:25 <dtantsur> hello everyone!
15:00:32 <dtantsur> welcome to the most ironic of all meetings
15:00:36 <cenne> o/
15:00:38 <dtantsur> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic is our agenda
15:00:39 <rloo> o/
15:00:44 <TheJulia> wait!?! We added more ironic?!?
15:00:53 * TheJulia is confused with the levels of ironic
15:00:55 <dtantsur> there is never enough, is there?
15:01:12 <dtantsur> #topic Announcements / Reminder
15:01:13 <rpioso> \o
15:01:22 <dtantsur> mmm, I wonder if #topic works any more :)
15:01:28 <dtantsur> anyway
15:01:34 <dtantsur> #info Spring 2 releases have been done!
15:01:44 <dtantsur> thanks all for your contributions!
15:01:59 <dtantsur> #info Please add ideas vote for the midcycle slot: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-xena-midcycle
15:02:13 <dtantsur> #link https://doodle.com/poll/mhh959u4s4rturxi doodle for midcycle
15:02:20 * dtantsur suspects some slots are already in the past
15:02:34 <dtantsur> #info Please add your ideas for the PTG: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-yoga-ptg
15:02:43 <dtantsur> As a reminder, it will be in October, 18-22
15:03:11 <dtantsur> anything else to announce or remind of?
15:03:55 <dtantsur> #topic Review action items from previous meeting
15:04:00 <TheJulia> Nothing from my end.
15:04:03 <dtantsur> iurygregory has created a midcycle doodle, thank you!
15:04:28 <dtantsur> #topic Review subteam status reports (capped at ten minutes)
15:04:41 <dtantsur> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard starting on line 66
15:05:00 <dtantsur> the number of bugs has reduced. if somebody has been triaging/fixing them - thank you!
15:05:58 <dtantsur> JayF, zer0c00l, how has the story if the anaconda CI finished? I don't remember the last week well :)
15:06:27 <JayF> AFAIK, there is no planned time for us to spend on additional anaconda ci
15:07:00 <JayF> TheJulia said she'd give the CentOS people a heads up about the artifacts we'd need to avoid doing image-building work in the gate
15:07:03 <TheJulia> dtantsur: triaging/cleaning up as of recent
15:07:24 <dtantsur> nice re cleaning up!
15:07:39 <TheJulia> I'm not quite sure I remebering committing to that
15:07:46 <dtantsur> JayF: not sure about the others, I feel pretty uneasy about having the whole deploy interface not really covered
15:07:47 <TheJulia> s/remembering/remember/
15:08:17 <TheJulia> We likely need to have  real discussion with opendev folks though, since it is a narly build in CI for us to build them every time
15:08:20 <JayF> dtantsur: I don't like the situation either; but we just don't have the time, and building CI went up an order of magnitude in complexity when we realized that centos does not publish any compatible image
15:08:39 <dtantsur> JayF: what exactly do you lack?
15:08:48 <TheJulia> A second stage image
15:08:54 <JayF> It's documented in the storyboard story linked in the subteam report
15:08:57 <dtantsur> what is it technically? a root fs?
15:09:00 <JayF> yeah
15:09:18 <TheJulia> *but* that can be generated from centos native hosts if memory serves, and someone has recently posted some centos jobs to a number of projects....
15:09:29 <JayF> building it is documented in our docs, but the tools needed (yum/yum-utils) are not in the Ubuntu in our gate which is the first problem :(
15:09:41 <dtantsur> JayF: this ugly stuff cannot help you? https://opendev.org/openstack/metalsmith/src/branch/master/playbooks/integration/centos-image.yaml#L85-L125
15:09:58 <dtantsur> mm, yeah. we can have a bifrost job, it works on centos.
15:10:07 <dtantsur> but note that centos8 doesn't have yum-utils either.
15:10:15 <JayF> dtantsur: hm, I don't know.
15:10:24 <JayF> It's all documented in that story, I haven't looked at it since filing that
15:10:33 <dtantsur> JayF: that's what I did in metalsmith to get a kernel/ramdisk/root from a whole disk image
15:10:57 <JayF> It looks closer than anything I've seen, but I just don't know for sure
15:11:36 <TheJulia> Perhaps table this for now and schedule a specific time to get some contributors on a call to at least brainstorm and sort through it?
15:11:54 <TheJulia> or maybe midcycle topic?
15:12:02 <dtantsur> yeah, but let's not drop this on the floor. we have enough untested corners.
15:12:05 <dtantsur> midcycle ++
15:12:28 * TheJulia opens the etherpad to add it
15:12:36 <JayF> dtantsur: that's why I documented the crap outta the problem and put it on the etherpad :)
15:14:02 <dtantsur> okay, adding
15:14:46 <dtantsur> arne_wiebalck: have you heard anything from kaifeng about the node history?
15:14:55 <TheJulia> arne_wiebalck is on vacation
15:14:57 <dtantsur> TheJulia: have you chatted with janders re cleaning?
15:14:59 <dtantsur> ah
15:15:01 <TheJulia> s/vacation/holiday/
15:15:05 <TheJulia> dtantsur: I have not
15:15:13 <TheJulia> my last week was slammed
15:15:26 <dtantsur> I see. I'll try to remember (maybe he'll see the ping)
15:15:43 <TheJulia> hopefully
15:16:15 <dtantsur> \o/ re RBAC done
15:16:32 <rloo> yay!
15:16:33 <dtantsur> would it be too much to ask for Bifrost support? ;)
15:16:54 <TheJulia> dtantsur: uhhhh
15:17:04 <dtantsur> the answer "yes" is perfectly acceptable :)
15:17:06 <TheJulia> dtantsur: lets midcycle that because that would require some policy enforcement internals
15:17:20 <dtantsur> as an MVP we can only do it when keystone is enabled
15:17:37 <TheJulia> I guess I feel the need to have a clarifying doc written for rbac
15:17:52 <dtantsur> oh, at least fix the 2 conflicting docs
15:17:55 <TheJulia> since presently the policy enforcement code is bypassed in noauth model
15:18:03 <dtantsur> there was a patch for it, seems abandoned though
15:18:05 <TheJulia> or non-keystone auth models
15:18:11 <TheJulia> orly?
15:19:18 <dtantsur> https://review.opendev.org/789082
15:20:01 <TheJulia> I guess that is a fair change to perform
15:20:41 <TheJulia> \o/ ask refined
15:20:45 <dtantsur> okay, is everyone done with the statuses?
15:20:50 <dtantsur> we can continue the RBAC chat later
15:21:17 <TheJulia> ++
15:22:07 <dtantsur> #topic Deciding on priorities for the coming week
15:22:25 <dtantsur> I have 3 CI patches https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent/+/801898 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-inspector/+/801873 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/801876
15:22:51 <opendevreview> Riccardo Pittau proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Fix for missing fonts in PDF jobs  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-ironicclient/+/802324
15:22:52 <dtantsur> and https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/800084 from cenne
15:23:03 <dtantsur> any objections?
15:23:22 <TheJulia> none
15:23:25 <rpittau> nope
15:23:58 <TheJulia> We've got some backports on to ussuri that would be good, but they are presently failing CI, it appears due to random timeouts :\
15:23:59 <opendevreview> Ruby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: Minor updates to anaconda doc  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/802314
15:24:11 <cenne> umm..
15:24:15 * cenne raises hand
15:24:18 <dtantsur> should we remove https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-specs/+/764801 for now? it has been without updates for months
15:24:38 <dtantsur> cenne: we're listening :)
15:24:39 <rpittau> sounds good
15:24:52 <TheJulia> yeah, agree to remove
15:25:14 <cenne> so, there's a few tests that are currently commented out that i was wondering if make sense to just remove
15:25:32 <dtantsur> interesting, where is that?
15:25:44 <TheJulia> and are there comments accompanying them?
15:26:32 <cenne> ironic/tests/unit/conductor/test_manager.py Line 513, 604.
15:27:06 <cenne> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/800084/11/ironic/tests/unit/conductor/test_manager.py
15:27:26 <dtantsur> ah, you mean, in your patch, not in git master?
15:27:31 <cenne> TheJulia: Sorry, I was going to ask today/this-week
15:27:41 <cenne> Yes in the patch.
15:27:51 <dtantsur> let's discuss it on the patch then?
15:27:58 <cenne> okay.
15:28:00 <TheJulia> ++
15:28:19 <dtantsur> anyone has anything else for the priorities?
15:29:14 <TheJulia> not today
15:30:25 <dtantsur> #topic OpenInfra Live
15:30:32 <dtantsur> TheJulia: the mic is yours!
15:30:49 <TheJulia> oh, so the tl;dr is some of us have started collaborating on a basic presentation on "what is ironic"
15:31:26 <TheJulia> and the previously mentioned operator feedback loop session didn't really gain any traction as openinfra live. The consensus is we need the forums back.
15:32:11 <TheJulia> That is it for OpenInfra Live. Any questions? Anyone want to collaborate on a high level what is ironic and maybe "why you should be using it!"
15:32:21 <dtantsur> for which audience?
15:32:35 <cenne> yay :)
15:32:38 <TheJulia> for which part?
15:32:39 <dtantsur> I'm not sure I understand what you propose if the proposal hasn't gained traction?
15:32:56 <TheJulia> There were two proposals, one was for a feedback session and that didn't gain any traction
15:33:07 <dtantsur> I actually wrote a few paragraphs of "why ironic" for my upcoming post, can share the draft with you
15:33:09 <TheJulia> The ironic session for openinfra live is tentatively on August 12th
15:33:14 <TheJulia> dtantsur: ++
15:33:22 <dtantsur> Aug 12th => no dtantsur
15:33:26 <TheJulia> ack
15:33:27 <dtantsur> I'll pm you once I render it
15:33:37 <TheJulia> k
15:33:59 <TheJulia> Safe to proceed to the next topic?
15:34:05 <dtantsur> yep
15:34:06 <TheJulia> #topic Cancelling review jams?
15:34:09 <cenne> ~~When is it? (OpenInfra Live)~~. I am also working on a blog entry with similar title.
15:34:32 <cenne> / August 12 ack.
15:34:45 <TheJulia> So, JayF pointed out that I've been struggling to be present for Review Jams, and the tl;dr is I've had meetings take over my Tuesday calendar.
15:35:02 <rpittau> that's unfortunately also my case :/
15:35:09 <JayF> I mainly noticed nobody at all was attending them
15:35:10 <JayF> except me.
15:35:19 <TheJulia> We've also struggled with attendance after the last major release, which makes me think they are good for end of cycle get things sorted/merged activities
15:35:34 <dtantsur> Our team now also has a partly conflicting meeting
15:36:04 <TheJulia> JayF: Well, truth be told, It helps to have someone present who is kind of hitting the drum to drive people to the meeting and topics to get listed
15:36:27 <TheJulia> I just can't hit the drum on the boat to waterskiiing speed on Tuesdays :)
15:36:44 <JayF> I'll also generally note, as a reviewer, we haven't had many outstanding ironic/ipa/ironiclib patches recently
15:36:48 <TheJulia> (think, someone drumming and a bunch of rowers to reach water skiing speeds)
15:36:51 <JayF> they tend to get in pretty quick
15:37:12 <TheJulia> So I guess, any objections to cancelling them at least until the midcycle?
15:37:26 <TheJulia> If we identify priorities there then we should consider resumption and appropriate scheduling then?
15:37:42 * dtantsur agrees to both
15:37:59 <JayF> ++
15:38:01 <TheJulia> Anyone objections?
15:38:14 <rpittau> none from me
15:38:18 * TheJulia believes the motion carries
15:38:41 <TheJulia> So we're done with Discussion then
15:39:28 <TheJulia> #topic Baremetal SIG
15:39:51 <TheJulia> arne_wiebalck is out, and I don't believe there are any updates. Does anyone have anything sig related?
15:40:05 <dtantsur> not me
15:40:33 <dtantsur> #topic Who is going to run the next meeting?
15:40:35 <TheJulia> Maybe a reminder, upcoming topics https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/bare-metal-sig <-- Around line 160 might interest people
15:40:44 <dtantsur> a bit early, sorry :)
15:40:49 <TheJulia> no worries
15:41:00 <dtantsur> the question persists though: any volunteers?
15:41:12 <TheJulia> I'll do it next week
15:41:12 <rpittau> I can run the next one
15:41:22 <dtantsur> we have a conflict, the PTL will break the tie!
15:41:29 <rpittau> :D
15:41:31 <TheJulia> lol
15:41:46 <TheJulia> rpittau: if you really want to your welcome run the meeting :)
15:41:53 <rpittau> eheh ok :)
15:42:22 <dtantsur> The PTL's judgement has been announced!
15:42:27 <TheJulia> lol
15:42:33 <dtantsur> #topic Open discussion
15:42:45 <dtantsur> The floor is open, does anyone has anything?
15:42:48 <TheJulia> I feel like my glorious purpose is to go reply to yet another email
15:42:51 <rpittau> I have one hopefully quick thing, the lower-constraints job is actually working as expected now https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/801350
15:43:01 <dtantsur> s/now/for now/ :D
15:43:13 <rpittau> lol
15:43:21 <dtantsur> rpittau: you forgot the limit to master only
15:43:56 <rpittau> I didn't mention that in the commit message?
15:44:15 <dtantsur> rpittau: I mean something like https://opendev.org/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/commit/963b23e0ae703f230815b474f1a2bf32cb4e807f
15:44:25 <dtantsur> so that we don't have yet another thing to remember when creating branches
15:44:34 <rpittau> oh yeah, sure, I'll add that
15:44:49 <dtantsur> I'm not 100% sure it works with templates.. but worth trying?
15:45:02 <rpittau> yep, let's give that a try
15:45:07 <dtantsur> thanks!
15:45:15 <rpittau> np
15:46:55 <dtantsur> anything else?
15:48:19 <TheJulia> not from my point of view
15:48:59 <dtantsur> thanks all!
15:49:12 <dtantsur> #endmeeting