19:02:43 <fungi> #startmeeting infra 19:02:44 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 19 19:02:43 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is fungi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:45 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:02:48 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:02:51 <fungi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:02:56 <fungi> #topic Announcements 19:03:01 <fungi> #info Reminder: late-cycle joint Infra/QA get together to be held September 19-21 (CW38) in at SAP offices in Walldorf, DE 19:03:03 <fungi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sprints/QAInfraNewtonSprint 19:03:09 <fungi> #topic Actions from last meeting 19:03:13 <fungi> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2016/infra.2016-07-12-19.02.html 19:03:14 <anteaya> confirm the space has enough seats 19:03:15 <pleia2> if this team has a birthday, I think it was last week on July 14th with the first commit to syste-config http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/commit/?id=5d85125bf7739a38c788256ccfba7877b46d2132 19:03:15 <fungi> (none) 19:03:24 <pleia2> ^^ re: announcements 19:03:24 <anteaya> pleia2: ah 19:03:28 <fungi> anteaya: heh, we don't want a repeat of the nova mid-cycle 19:03:32 <anteaya> happy birthday team 19:03:35 <anteaya> fungi: indeed 19:03:45 <pleia2> 5 years, woo 19:03:46 * anteaya types from her hotel room 19:03:56 <Zara> hehe 19:03:56 <fungi> pleia2: oh, yep that's a good one 19:04:01 <zaro> o/ 19:04:20 <fungi> #topic Infra config 5 year birthday (pleia2) 19:04:28 * pleia2 passes around cake 19:04:31 <fungi> link us proper like 19:04:38 <pleia2> #link http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/commit/?id=5d85125bf7739a38c788256ccfba7877b46d2132 19:04:52 * markus_z throws emergency-confetti 19:04:58 <fungi> #info 5 years since the first config repo patch 19:04:58 * anteaya puts on a funny hat 19:05:02 <anteaya> markus_z: whew 19:05:18 <pleia2> ok, we can move along :) 19:05:23 * fungi gets down to "srs bznz" 19:05:31 <fungi> #topic Specs approval 19:05:40 <fungi> #topic APPROVED: Newton testing on Xenial 19:05:48 <fungi> #link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/newton-on-xenial.html Newton testing on Xenial 19:06:12 <fungi> i've also updated the priority list in our agenda to have a slot for this as needed 19:06:20 <fungi> #topic APPROVED: Firehose: A unified message bus for Infra services 19:06:26 <fungi> #link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/firehose.html Firehose: A unified message bus for Infra services 19:06:40 <fungi> #topic Priority Efforts: A Task Tracker for OpenStack (Zara) 19:06:46 <fungi> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/worklist/129 current blocking tasks 19:06:47 <fungi> On the agenda you wrote: "A couple of questions from talking with the Nova bugs team" 19:06:54 <Zara> hi! 19:06:59 <Zara> yeah, okay, so etherpad here 19:07:02 <Zara> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-bugs-team 19:07:06 <Zara> question is line 174 19:07:21 <Zara> 'assumed we transition tomorrow to storyboard, what's happening with the current open bug reports of Launchpad? The bug report numbers are used in a lot of commit messages of changes in Gerrit. Gerrit also links comments, like "bug 123" to the bug report 123 in LP. ' 19:07:21 <openstack> bug 123 in Launchpad itself "There's no direct way to see the project info when translating it" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123 19:07:31 <Zara> hahaha 19:07:38 <mordred> :) 19:07:45 <Zara> what a beautiful demonstration 19:07:57 <fungi> there was a plan for this! 19:08:12 <fungi> basically when we import, we preserve the lp bug number as the imported story number 19:08:13 <mordred> Zara: so - I think we had, at some point in the past, talked about transitioning the lp bugs to storyboard so that they had identical bug numbers (which is why all the new bugs stsart at 2 million) 19:08:52 <mordred> that way things like bug links in gerrit that reference by id can get new urls 19:09:00 <jeblair> so we have to move off of lp before it hits 2 million bugs :) 19:09:05 <Zara> hahaha 19:09:16 <markus_z> OK, that would be great. I asked that question because I wanted to avoid that Nova (or any other project) has to adjust several hundred commit messages. 19:09:22 <fungi> yeah, the only reason we haven't don ethat yet is because it's a global change to gerrit and we can't do that while only infra projects are in sb 19:09:24 <mordred> markus_z: totally 19:09:28 <mordred> markus_z: that would be terrible 19:10:05 <fungi> was that all we needed to cover? or were there more questions/concerns? 19:10:27 <anteaya> markus_z: are you happy? is E011 addressed for you? 19:10:27 <markus_z> We had the catch22 when transitioning. 19:10:32 <markus_z> anteaya: no, not yet 19:10:36 <anteaya> okay 19:10:47 <Zara> okay, that's all from me, the other question was covered in-channel (it was originally 'when do we want to have a cross-project discussion about this' but anteaya has said she will organise that) 19:10:59 <anteaya> Zara: thanks 19:11:11 <markus_z> background for the others: there are a lot of scripts out there which interact with the API of LP 19:11:24 <markus_z> I don't yet see how the transition looks like for those scripts 19:12:13 <Zara> we have a python client to talk to the storyboard api, so I imagine you'd want to import that 19:12:16 <markus_z> I was asking for some kind of "staging area" where people can test their rewritten scripts against. 19:12:27 <fungi> as an example, we have scripts which comment on, change status and reassign bugs in lp when changes referencing them are proposed or merged. in that case we're replacing those scripts with a gerrit plugin that talks to the sb api 19:12:27 <markus_z> Zara: yep 19:12:27 <anteaya> I don't think that the storyboard team has the ability to transition people's individual scripts 19:12:32 <clarkb> markus_z: there is a dev storyboard server you can use for that 19:12:36 <markus_z> anteaya: no, I'm not asking for that 19:12:39 <anteaya> markus_z: that is the dev server 19:12:41 <SotK> we should migrate some real data into storyboard-dev 19:12:46 <Zara> +1 19:12:49 <markus_z> +1 19:12:52 <SotK> and use that for staging 19:13:09 <SotK> by some I may mean all, idk 19:13:21 <clarkb> would be a good test of current state of migration too 19:13:24 <fungi> SotK: in the past we considered exporting a db dump from production and loading that in dev, though i suppose a script to create a variety of content may also make sense 19:13:31 <anteaya> okay, who is the person or persons that has the ability to migrate production data into -dev? 19:13:36 <fungi> oh, or migrate from lp, sure 19:13:49 <clarkb> I would do lp to storybpard again just to make sure it works 19:14:05 <anteaya> clarkb: to storyboard -dev? 19:14:06 <clarkb> since both lp and storybaord have been changing 19:14:10 <clarkb> anteaya: yes 19:14:12 <SotK> thats what I was thinking 19:14:17 <anteaya> great 19:14:22 <markus_z> It doesn't need to be acurate at all points in time, but it should reflect reality (from one single point in time) 19:14:28 <anteaya> who can help with this? 19:14:28 <fungi> anteaya: the awesome people listed at http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/modules/openstack_project/manifests/storyboard/dev.pp#n40 plus all of infra-root 19:14:42 <anteaya> fungi: wonderful thank you 19:15:09 <fungi> anything else? 19:15:15 <anteaya> so which are we doing, storyboard production to -dev? 19:15:22 <anteaya> or lp to storyboard-dev? 19:15:29 <fungi> i think test the lp migration/import script on dev 19:15:34 <SotK> +1 19:15:37 <markus_z> +1 19:15:37 <anteaya> okay thank you 19:15:43 * anteaya creates a story 19:15:47 <fungi> that kills several birds with one command 19:16:04 <fungi> or something 19:16:28 <fungi> #agreed We plan to keep LP bug numbers as SB story numbers on import 19:16:54 <anteaya> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000677 19:17:10 <fungi> #agreed Test the migration script on storyboard-dev so as to also provide a useful dataset that interested parties can use for validating replacement tooling 19:17:24 <markus_z> Is time for another question? 19:17:28 <fungi> sure 19:18:22 <markus_z> I was wondering if we plan to migrate all projects or just a subset. Especially when working with Nova, quite a lot of issue affect other projects too (Glance, Cinder, Neutron, ...). 19:18:33 <fungi> markus_z: the plan is all of them at the same time 19:18:44 <markus_z> ok, cool, that resolves the issue I've seen 19:18:54 <fungi> because of the prevalence of cross-project bugs like you describe 19:19:00 <markus_z> (to split one issue over SB + LP) 19:19:01 <fungi> otherwise we'd end up very disjointed 19:19:07 <markus_z> yes, great 19:19:17 <fungi> we migrated infra early because our bugs have very little overlap outside infra projects 19:19:28 <fungi> so we could serve as a sort of island to dogfood sb 19:19:46 <fungi> but the rest of openstack would need to happen all at once 19:19:53 <mordred> island of dogfood 19:19:55 <anteaya> markus_z: do you feel your concerns including E011 have been addressed? 19:19:58 <fungi> that's part of the reason coordinating this decision is so complicated 19:20:05 <Zara> :D 19:20:42 <fungi> #agreed We can't migrate some projects' bugs at different times--it's an all-or-nothing situation 19:21:38 <markus_z> anteaya: There wasn't yet an "agreed" on giving folks time to rewrite their scripts, or did I miss it? 19:21:39 <clarkb> though mny other potential islands have asked to use sb but we turned them away. Might be worth it if a specific group knows what they are getting into 19:21:57 <anteaya> markus_z: how much time would you like us to give? 19:22:27 <fungi> clarkb: yeah, we came to an agreement not too long ago that we wouldn't tell ancillary projects they couldn't use sb as that was crippling interest 19:22:46 <markus_z> anteaya: after the -dev server has real life data, 4-6 weeks? 19:22:56 <anteaya> can we agree to 4 weeks? 19:23:11 <anteaya> after the -dev server has real data? 19:23:16 <markus_z> I can rewrite mine in that time, I cannot speak for the release team 19:23:17 <anteaya> it might be more than that 19:23:28 <anteaya> that is fine, I'll check with the release team 19:23:47 <anteaya> markus_z: can we create an agreement next meeting after I talk with the release team? 19:23:55 <markus_z> sure 19:23:59 <anteaya> thank you 19:23:59 <fungi> yeah, given that this is still the requirements collection phase, we still need some development after the gap analysis is done and convincing the tc 19:24:25 <anteaya> fungi: yes, but I think we can hope to create the agreement markus_z is asking for next week 19:24:30 <fungi> i have a feeling 4 weeks from when we test the migration script is a lot less than what we'll actually end up with for a timeline anyway 19:24:38 <anteaya> fungi: me too 19:24:50 <fungi> okay, thanks Zara, anteaya, SotK, markus_z! 19:24:57 <Zara> thank you! :) 19:25:01 <anteaya> which is why I have no issue working towards the agreement markus_z wants 19:25:03 <fungi> #topic Intel/Mellanox Barcelona talk proposal: Openstack CI - testing SRIOV/NFV (wznoinsk) 19:25:04 <anteaya> thank you 19:25:26 <fungi> wznoinsk: i left this on the agenda as i wasn't sure whether you got the discussion you needed after the meeting in #openstack-infra 19:25:33 <fungi> do you still need this as a meeting topic? 19:26:16 <fungi> i'm guessing wznoinsk is not around. i'll move on and we can come back to this during open discussion if necessary 19:26:26 <fungi> #topic Infra mascot/logo (fungi) 19:26:32 <fungi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-mascot-ideas Infra mascot/logo ideas 19:26:38 <fungi> i'm thinking the easy way for this would be to distill the ideas proposed there so far and do a civs poll to provide a ranked list of our preferred options 19:26:45 <fungi> maybe just use infra contributors over the past year like we do for infra ptl elections (those people seem to make good choices!) 19:27:09 <anteaya> hehe 19:27:11 <fungi> any other preferences? 19:27:18 <anteaya> keystone seems to want a turtle 19:27:25 <pleia2> there aren't many ideas on the pad 19:27:32 <fungi> we could ask keystone to choose a mascot for us i guess 19:27:37 <anteaya> according to their post to the mailing list 19:27:37 <fungi> they seem to be good at this 19:27:43 <pleia2> hehe 19:27:46 <AJaeger> ;) 19:27:47 <anteaya> that could work 19:28:03 <AJaeger> as long as we could veto ;) 19:28:32 <fungi> should this get deferred another week for the purpose of collecting more ideas? 19:28:44 <fungi> or just go with the list we have now and vote this week? 19:29:03 <anteaya> I'm meh on the whole idea actually 19:29:14 <anteaya> I think neutron voted in favour of not having a mascot 19:29:33 <fungi> and yes, keystone leaning toward a turtle which was also on our list is what makes me think a ranked list via civs would be good, as we may not get our first choice 19:29:50 <anteaya> we naturally gravitate to things anyway, I'm fine if we gravitated to something 19:29:57 <anteaya> this just feels imposed to me 19:29:59 <fungi> i'm happy with "no mascot" being an option in the list too 19:30:05 <Zara> +1 19:30:10 <anteaya> I would support that option 19:30:14 <pleia2> I like mascots a lot 19:30:44 <fungi> i wonder if any other projects have dibs on homo sapiens as a mascot 19:30:55 <HenryG> Where did neutron vote against a mascot? 19:30:56 <fungi> some of them can be cool 19:31:01 <Zara> it is banned 19:31:05 <Zara> ;_; 19:31:28 <fungi> aww, the only animal in nature we can't choose i guess 19:31:43 <AJaeger> wonder how our stickers would look like with a big "no mascot" on it ;) 19:31:45 <HenryG> Neutron has an etherpad to collect ideas for a mascot, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-project-mascot 19:31:45 <anteaya> HenryG: wasnt' that part of a thread to the mailing list about mascots? 19:31:51 <pleia2> AJaeger: haha 19:31:56 <anteaya> HenryG: or am I mis-remembering? 19:32:33 <markus_z> fungi: http://i.imgur.com/mBkT1qd.png ;) 19:32:39 <anteaya> HenryG: I'm remembering something on the mailing list and I had thought it was neutron 19:32:46 <pleia2> markus_z: nice 19:32:47 <fungi> markus_z: yep 19:32:56 <anteaya> markus_z: ha ha ha 19:33:25 <HenryG> anteaya: looking now, because I was not aware of it 19:33:46 * krotscheck wants to create a font with all the logos/mascots as custom UTF code points. 19:33:54 <anteaya> HenryG: I might be wrong, in which case thank you for providing facts to refute my vague recollections 19:35:05 <anteaya> fungi: I also wonder if "maybe later" should be an option, leaving us the chance to gravitate to something later 19:35:08 <fungi> i'm sensing not a lot of excitement over the current list. i'm on the fence about whether there will be more exciting things a week from now, or whether we should just go with the list we 19:35:11 <fungi> 've collected 19:35:31 <anteaya> I'm not excited nor am I expecting to be more excited next week 19:35:35 <pleia2> fungi: I'd appreciate a push for more ideas through next week 19:35:44 <fungi> anteaya: yeah, that's sort of what i meant with "no mascot" as an option (decide not to decide now) 19:36:01 <pleia2> and we don't seem to be good about being serious about this :) 19:36:02 <anteaya> fungi: okay cool 19:36:04 <HenryG> anteaya: All I can find with neutron + mascot on the mailing list is http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-July/099281.html 19:36:14 <pleia2> so, more serious ideas please, add them 19:36:32 <fungi> pleia2: the marketing people i've talked to say this is serious business, or something. i'm inclined to believe them 19:36:38 * pleia2 nods 19:36:43 <anteaya> HenryG: oh okay, guess I'm wrong then, I had thought I remembered something though 19:36:57 <anteaya> HenryG: thanks for the reasearch and sorry to give the wrong impression 19:37:11 <HenryG> anteaya: no worries 19:37:27 <fungi> okay, so pleia2 is in favor of giving it another week to drum up some better ideas. anyone want to second that, or oppose? 19:37:42 <anteaya> may as well give her the week if she wants it 19:37:45 <anteaya> seconded 19:37:48 <pleia2> thanks 19:37:54 <fungi> hearing no objections 19:37:55 <anteaya> welcome 19:38:05 <clarkb> wfm 19:38:15 <markus_z> how about a network of veins? (not sure how the correct medical term is). Without it, the other projects die? 19:38:17 <fungi> #agreed We'll give the mascot ideas collection an additional week and revisit in our next meeting 19:38:24 <anteaya> markus_z: ha h aha ha ha 19:38:38 <pleia2> infra wins for grosses mascot 19:38:41 <pleia2> +t 19:38:51 <fungi> markus_z: the human circulatory system. i like it 19:39:04 <mordred> fungi: I cannot imagine the marketing people not liking that 19:39:06 <krotscheck> Maybe a honeycomb? 19:39:12 <fungi> honeycomb's big 19:39:22 <fungi> (yeah, yeah, yeah) 19:39:28 <anteaya> krotscheck: a honeycomb is good 19:39:30 <AJaeger> bees or ants 19:39:32 <anteaya> fungi: ha ha ha 19:39:39 <fungi> okay, ideas discussion -> etherpad 19:39:48 <anteaya> well bees aren't collaborative 19:39:54 <anteaya> neither are ants 19:40:00 <anteaya> the both are ruled by queens 19:40:05 <fungi> for those who need it again, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-mascot-ideas 19:40:10 <anteaya> I don't think the group would like that implication 19:40:18 <Zara> btw, I assumed 1 thing each, if we want *loads* of ideas maybe it's worth saying it can be more than that? 19:40:18 <fungi> #topic Proposed: Contributor survey (pleia2) 19:40:18 * krotscheck has graphical skillz in case they're required. 19:40:30 <fungi> #undo 19:40:30 <timrc> You have to admit though that mind controlling pheramones are pretty cool. </hides> 19:40:31 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x7f5bbf3a47d0> 19:40:39 <fungi> thanks Zara! good idea 19:40:47 <anteaya> Zara: I didn't assume one idea each 19:40:50 <fungi> #agreed Multiple ideas from one person are fine 19:40:55 <anteaya> and yeah sounds like pleia2 wants lots 19:41:01 <fungi> the more the merrier 19:41:05 <Zara> fungi: yw :) 19:41:31 <fungi> #topic Proposed: Contributor survey (pleia2) 19:41:34 <fungi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-newton-contrib-survey Contributor survey draft 19:41:54 * fungi is genuinely excited 19:42:06 <pleia2> some background here: there have been a few folks who are unhappy with contributing to our team, which makes me sad 19:42:38 <fungi> yes, i would love to have a better understanding of why, so this is a good way of figuring that out (i think) 19:42:39 <pleia2> broadly speaking I don't think it's just us, OpenStack has a whole toolset and testing infrastructure that can be difficult, but I don't actually know 19:43:00 <zaro> i've gotten the same feedback 19:43:03 <pleia2> so I drafted up this survey to figure out why, then passed it around to a couple of my broader open source buddies who do this sort of thing to weigh in 19:43:15 <pleia2> and fungi chimed in too 19:43:19 <timrc> Contributing as in significant contributions, drive-by contributions, all of the above? 19:43:35 <pleia2> timrc: all of the above, the survey gathers which the participate currently is 19:43:37 <fungi> timrc: also unsuccessful contributions 19:44:01 <anteaya> I'm fine gathering data and anaylsing it, the bit I would like to avoid is simialr to a working group deciding they dont' want to learn irc so we should all move off of it 19:44:20 <mordred> anteaya: ++ 19:44:25 <pleia2> so this agenda item is to present the etherpad to the rest of the team to weigh in, and get the ball rolling on how we'd share such a survey 19:44:30 <fungi> i doubt that's likely in our case ;) 19:44:34 <pleia2> other teams have wanted survey software, we don't run any 19:44:54 <anteaya> so if we are actually looking at things to fix but we need more input on how to fix them or what output folks want, a survey is great 19:45:00 <fungi> yeah, it's been discussed before that we could configure limesurvey or something 19:45:17 <anteaya> but if the data says respondants all want to submit patchest to github not gerrit that actually puts us in a hole 19:45:17 <pleia2> I see a survey as a first step, I think the results will determine where we go from there 19:45:26 <jesusaur> while our tooling does have a certain learning curve, i think getting reviews / getting reviewers attention can also be a large hurdle 19:45:26 <mordred> pleia2: ++ 19:45:39 <pleia2> jesusaur: yeah, this is the kind of feedback we want 19:46:01 <anteaya> yes the ux team mentioned limesurvey to me about a year ago 19:46:02 <timrc> anteaya: Excuse me ma'am, do you have a moment to talk about Slack with me? 19:46:09 <anteaya> I haven't had a good chat with piet in a while 19:46:14 <anteaya> timrc: no 19:46:17 <timrc> :P 19:46:20 <anteaya> :) 19:46:21 <mordred> jesusaur: yah. I mean, I have a hard time finding reviews sometimes, and I know ALL of you people 19:46:23 <rcarrillocruz> Imho, a key factor is that is hard to get a dev infra to play with 19:46:43 <rcarrillocruz> (hi from a restaurant) 19:46:44 <fungi> i expect to discover very little through this process that we can fix with more technology or process. it's likely almost all going to be human interaction/conflict (or lack thereof) at issue 19:46:54 <anteaya> timrc: when the jehovah's witnesses come to my house I walk past them informing them I am going for a walk and they are welcome to sit in the yard if they wish 19:47:05 <mordred> fungi: I expect the same - although I do think that gathering the data will be useful/interesting 19:47:06 <anteaya> timrc: they haven't returned since I extended that invitation 19:47:06 <pleia2> fungi: that's my guess too, but we can fix humans too :) 19:47:14 <pleia2> (at least some of us) 19:47:30 <rcarrillocruz> So reviewng stuff can be daunting 19:47:37 <mordred> pleia2: I thought having humans fixed was generally frowned on 19:47:40 <fungi> pleia2: absolutely--my take is that we may learn ways we can adjust our behavior to be more friendly and welcoming to new contributions 19:47:42 <rcarrillocruz> For newcomers 19:47:45 <pleia2> mordred: haha 19:47:48 <mordred> fungi: ++ 19:48:00 <timrc> jesusaur: I feel like Gerrit topics are good, but there needs to be some higher level, logical way of looking down into infra, zooming in, and seeing activity. 19:48:01 <anteaya> pleia2: I think tat was the point of the leadership training at zingermans 19:48:12 <pleia2> anyway, I don't want to get into actually talking about the things, but if folks can look at the survey and we can agree that we can set up limesurvey or something, that would be good :) 19:48:21 <anteaya> which I would love to start practicing some of the items like how to give feedback 19:48:26 <krotscheck> Any tool will be judged against the one with the simplest user experience. In a world with Github, nothing more complicated will ever measure up. 19:48:27 <mordred> fungi: often times we are familiar enough with things that we forget how many things we know that newcomers don't - even when we have docs for a given subject 19:48:30 <timrc> pleia2: ++ 19:48:31 <pleia2> s/the things/the issues 19:48:59 <clarkb> krotscheck: I had to use github the other day. Not sure it is very simple. I think familiarity is more at play with github than simplicity 19:49:05 <mordred> clarkb: ++ 19:49:06 <clarkb> I couldn't figure out how to push to a gist 19:49:06 <anteaya> timrc: well if you can concive of a storyboard feature that shows that, that is worth discussing 19:49:10 * mordred finds github quite hard to use 19:49:11 <clarkb> I spent 20 minutes on that 19:49:11 <Zara> +1, I actually still don't know how to use it 19:49:16 * mordred also finds macs quite hard to use 19:49:25 <krotscheck> clarkb: Habituation matters, yes. 19:49:32 <fungi> yeah, github has a sort of ubiquity and mindshare going for it, not necessarily simplicity 19:49:39 <pleia2> mordred: me too, confounding machines 19:49:48 <anteaya> krotscheck: I agree with you, github users want everything to work like github 19:50:04 <mordred> anteaya: to be fair, I want github to work like gerrit - so I can see where they are coming from :) 19:50:14 <anteaya> so yeah, if we actually have a problem we want to fix, then a survey is great 19:50:20 <timrc> anteaya: Maybe a firehose project :) aggregate review topics to queues which map to specs or other topics. I dunno... but yeah, maybe I should think more about it :) 19:50:21 <anteaya> mordred: yes, I can see your point 19:50:23 <krotscheck> It's a complicated topic. Windows people want windows. Mac people want macs. Linux people want linux 19:50:32 <clarkb> (I actually still don't know how to push to a gist, I gave up) 19:50:33 <mordred> yah. so - this brings up a good point 19:50:39 <pleia2> only 10 minutes left and I think we're tangenting a bit 19:50:39 <anteaya> timrc: did you look at the firehose spec that merged last week? 19:50:42 <clarkb> (and I really know how git works so ya...) 19:50:46 <mordred> which is that it's really quick to fall into discussing tools and tooling 19:50:49 <timrc> anteaya: Indeed. 19:50:56 <fungi> pleia2: so anything else you wanted to get out of this in today's meeting? 19:51:01 <fungi> a timeline? 19:51:01 <mordred> but as fungi said earlier, it's likely to be more human issues that will come up 19:51:07 <anteaya> timrc: it would be awesome to build a dashboard out of that 19:51:15 <fungi> did you want to write up a spec for hosting a limesurvey instance 19:51:17 <fungi> ? 19:51:18 <pleia2> fungi: if people can look at the survey by next meeting, that would be good, and maybe a spec for limesurvey setup? 19:51:19 <mordred> as we look at any results, it'll be good to remind ourselves to not immediatley fall into the "fix the tool" response 19:51:24 <mordred> pleia2: ++ 19:51:34 <pleia2> I can work on a spec 19:51:39 <timrc> mordred: That is a solid point. 19:51:39 <anteaya> pleia2: limesurvey 19:51:52 <anteaya> pleia2: thank you, piet would be a stakeholder in that spec 19:51:55 <anteaya> the ux ptl 19:51:57 <fungi> #agreed Revisit survey questions at next meeting 19:51:57 <pleia2> anteaya: good to know! 19:52:01 <anteaya> pleia2: thank you 19:52:17 <fungi> #action pleia2 Submit a spec to host an instance of limesurvey 19:52:21 <fungi> yeah? 19:52:26 <pleia2> wfm 19:52:32 <pleia2> thanks all 19:52:38 <anteaya> and I do thnk sharing some of the zingtrain things with the infra team would be great 19:52:44 * fungi refreshes agenda to spot last-minute additions 19:52:51 <anteaya> since me and mordred and jeblair attended 19:53:02 <fungi> #topic Open discussion 19:53:17 <pleia2> anteaya: ++ I would have liked to attend, but I had a conflict 19:53:27 <anteaya> pleia2: I understand, perhaps next time 19:53:42 <anteaya> I can book the sprint channel some friday for sharing if there is interest 19:54:01 <fungi> i have a mental block against "leadership training" after encountering a number of people in the past who were brainwashed into multi-level marketing cults masquerading as "leadership seminars" 19:54:01 <ianw> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/316175/ <- gerrit commit msg length checking -- seems this is stuck between "have a parameter" and "hardcode". don't care which but we should pick one and do it 19:54:10 <anteaya> I think the constructive feedback bit is useful 19:54:26 <anteaya> fungi: understood, and I share the same feelings 19:54:36 <clarkb> I am going to try restarting nodepool again today for the new demand calculations unless I am told not to 19:54:42 <anteaya> I can share the info and we can do buffet style 19:54:47 <anteaya> pick the bits you like 19:54:49 <fungi> given that none of you have yet mentioned having a quota for how many people you need to sign up for the next session, i'm encouraged 19:54:54 <pleia2> anteaya: I'd show up on friday 19:54:59 <zaro> ianw: param would be better for 3rd party to reuse our manifests 19:55:04 <anteaya> and if mordred and jeblair attended too, perhaps they also would share 19:55:30 <anteaya> pleia2: thanks, after nova mid-cycle I'll look at the sprint channel availablity 19:55:38 <pleia2> anteaya: after 1800utc (I have a morning thing) 19:55:48 <anteaya> fungi: :) 19:56:01 * persia thought the quota was 3 19:56:07 <anteaya> pleia2: oh um sorry I meant I would look next week 19:56:14 <timrc> Maybe we should develop a series of DVDs and books and take infra on the road! 19:56:14 <anteaya> not that I would book next week 19:56:20 <zaro> all patches for its-storyboard is ready if anybody is interested, #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:its-storyboard 19:56:23 <anteaya> pleia2: but noted, thanks 19:56:25 <pleia2> anteaya: ah, ok 19:56:29 <Zara> zaro: yaaaayyy! 19:56:38 <anteaya> Zara: zaro yay! 19:56:48 <anteaya> yes its-storyboard reviews please 19:56:55 <rockyg> fungi, if the leadership attendees start using common terms in strange ways, you better run 19:56:58 <anteaya> and thank you crinkle for your puppety feedback 19:57:07 <pabelanger> clarkb: ++ 19:57:07 <clarkb> ianw: I have no opinion on that :P 19:57:07 <crinkle> you're welcome 19:57:20 <fungi> rockyg: things like "triple-bottom line" 19:57:26 <pleia2> hee 19:57:43 <pabelanger> Did HPE move infracloud yet? 19:57:52 <pabelanger> I haven't heard anything recently 19:57:52 <anteaya> yet/still 19:57:52 <crinkle> they are working on it 19:57:52 <fungi> ooh, good question 19:58:03 <pleia2> there's a jira ticket that I didn't look at 19:58:04 <fungi> thanks crinkle! 19:58:08 <rcarrillocruz> They are 19:58:12 <rcarrillocruz> Lulz 19:58:13 <clarkb> ianw: zaro but will that globally reject commits that don't fit under the limits? 19:58:13 <crinkle> there seems to have been some confusion about how urgently we needed it 19:58:15 <fungi> pleia2: i find that's the best way to use jira 19:58:18 <timrc> "jira ticket that I didn't look at"... par for the course re: jira :) 19:58:22 <timrc> fungi: ++ 19:58:25 <rcarrillocruz> Unracked, moved, but not racked 19:58:34 <clarkb> ianw: zaro refusing commits for that does seem like not a such a great idea if globally applied 19:58:35 <pabelanger> rcarrillocruz: thanks 19:58:49 <pleia2> crinkle, rcarrillocruz: thanks 19:59:03 <pabelanger> crinkle: thank too 19:59:30 <fungi> 30 seconds left 19:59:43 <pleia2> thanks for chairing, fungi 19:59:47 <zaro> clarkb: refusing commits? 19:59:55 <fungi> we're out of time--thanks everyone! 19:59:59 <anteaya> thank you for the meeting 19:59:59 <fungi> #endmeeting