22:00:45 <gabrielhurley> #startmeeting horizon
22:00:46 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 20 22:00:45 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gabrielhurley. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
22:00:47 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
22:00:49 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'horizon'
22:01:10 <gabrielhurley> #topic overview
22:01:20 <gabrielhurley> Hello folks!
22:01:27 <lblanchard> hey all!
22:01:28 <jpich> Hello!
22:01:34 <kspear_> howdy
22:01:35 <vasiliy> hi ^)
22:01:35 <lcheng> Hello!
22:01:40 <gabrielhurley> I've got more "general" business than usual today. Shocking, I know.
22:01:42 <Daisy> Hello
22:02:12 <david-lyle> Hello
22:02:21 <absubram_> hi
22:02:27 <gabrielhurley> First off, I'd like to let everyone know that Liz Blanchard and Jaromir Coufal were granted ATC status by the technical committee earlier today for the contributions in the UX arena. So congrats to them!
22:02:51 <david-lyle> Congrats!
22:02:58 <lblanchard> woo hoooo! And thanks to gabrielhurley for the nomination :) Happy to be an ATC!
22:02:58 <jpich> Congratulations :)
22:03:00 <absubram_> conratulations!
22:03:18 <gabrielhurley> Next up, I've got a big item I'd like to get some group feedback on...
22:03:20 <vkmc> :) Congratz!
22:03:22 <lcheng> Congrats!
22:03:39 <gabrielhurley> The Trove team put up a review for adding panels to manage Trove databases and backups: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/add-trove-panels-unit-tests-coverage
22:04:02 <robertmyers> hello, that is my doing :)
22:04:19 <gabrielhurley> Normally my policy is not to include projects into the OpenStack Dashboard repo until they graduate from incubation (due to pains with Quantum a few years back)
22:04:48 <robertmyers> I see
22:04:49 <gabrielhurley> however Trove is in very stable shape, all the TC feedback has been positive, the API seems stable, and it's properly filtered behind the service being in the service catalog.
22:05:10 <hub_cap> thanks gabrielhurley!
22:05:26 <gabrielhurley> Since I think there are gonna be a lot of folks interested in Trove sooner rather than later, I could see it being a significant boon to them to have an optional inclusion in the dashboard in the final H release while they prepare for an official release in I.
22:05:43 <david-lyle> +1
22:05:45 <robertmyers> That would be great
22:05:49 <hub_cap> + <3
22:05:50 <vasiliy> +1 for Trove
22:05:50 <gabrielhurley> Perhaps it'd also encourage them not to mess with their APIs too much ;-)
22:05:55 <lblanchard> +1!
22:06:01 <robertmyers> +1
22:06:16 <gabrielhurley> so I mostly wanted to see if any of the Horizon core folks had objections to the inclusion in H
22:06:21 <hub_cap> gabrielhurley: oh besides the entire api rewrite once we go incubated (jk) ;)
22:06:32 <robertmyers> gabrielhurley: there seems to be 2 Blueprints
22:06:34 <gabrielhurley> haha. yeah
22:06:34 <robertmyers> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/trove-support
22:07:11 <gabrielhurley> robertmyers: so there are. I think that one can be closed as a duplicate in favor of the one I linked/you've been working on.
22:07:25 <gabrielhurley> or
22:07:26 <gabrielhurley> wait
22:07:29 <gabrielhurley> now I'm confused
22:07:47 <gabrielhurley> I had that backwards
22:07:48 <robertmyers> the one I just sent was the one the review is attached to
22:07:50 <gabrielhurley> yeah
22:07:56 <gabrielhurley> so the other should be closed
22:08:01 <gabrielhurley> I'll fix that
22:08:07 <gabrielhurley> we only need one BP
22:08:18 <robertmyers> I think the other assumes the trove panels were added
22:08:26 <robertmyers> as we do need tests
22:08:39 <gabrielhurley> gotcha
22:08:48 <david-lyle> they both seem valid
22:08:50 <gabrielhurley> let's get some tests into the current review before it merges, please
22:09:11 <robertmyers> sounds reasonable
22:09:30 <robertmyers> I wanted eyes on it first to see if it was on the right path
22:09:32 <gabrielhurley> usually having a basic suite of tests is part of the bar for feature inclusion
22:09:35 <gabrielhurley> totally understandable
22:09:39 <gabrielhurley> let's just add the tests before merging it
22:09:42 <gabrielhurley> but I haven't heard any objections so let's go ahead with the review and aim to merge it in H3!
22:09:50 <robertmyers> nice!
22:09:52 <lblanchard> robertmyers: would you post some screenshots in the blueprint?
22:09:55 <gabrielhurley> thanks for stepping up robertmyers and hub_cap :-)
22:10:09 <robertmyers> lblanchard: sure I can
22:10:21 <robertmyers> gabrielhurley: your welcome
22:10:24 <hub_cap> gabrielhurley: thx for the approval on the bp and the overall support!
22:10:30 <hub_cap> itll be great to have in dashboard
22:10:35 <lblanchard> robertmyers: awesome, thanks…will definitely have a look
22:10:36 <gabrielhurley> :-)
22:10:57 <gabrielhurley> Let's see... next item: I still haven't heard any new news about design summit talk submissions, will continue to let y'all know when there's news.
22:11:56 <gabrielhurley> Next, also important: We really ought to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1179526 so our source language is correct in transifex
22:11:58 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1179526 in horizon "source_lang in Horizon repo is overwritten by Transifex" [High,Confirmed]
22:12:09 <Daisy> nice !
22:12:14 <gabrielhurley> we've been stalling on this for a while, and I'd rather not let Havana get released without fixing it
22:12:19 <gabrielhurley> yep, I saw you there, Daisy ;-)
22:12:47 <gabrielhurley> I'm afraid it's gonna mean manually re-uploading a bunch of the translation files, but it needs to happen
22:12:49 <jpich> Are we going to go the deletion + recreation way?
22:12:53 <Daisy> I want to help but I'm not the maintainer so I cannot fix it. My plan is to delete the old resource and upload the new version.
22:13:16 <gabrielhurley> I can add whoever wants to fix it as an admin on the Horizon transifex project.
22:13:27 <gabrielhurley> If I could get a volunteer to work with Daisy that'd be fantastic.
22:13:43 <Daisy> Then please add me. And please tell me where is the latest POT file?
22:13:56 <jpich> I'd like to become more familiar with Transifex so I can try and help
22:14:10 <gabrielhurley> Daisy: will do, though it'll probably be easier if one of the Horizon core folks works with you too
22:14:11 <jpich> We can try and fix  https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1182011 at the same time
22:14:13 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1182011 in horizon "djangojs.po not available on Transifex" [High,Confirmed]
22:14:14 <gabrielhurley> jpich: perfect
22:14:22 <gabrielhurley> I'll get you both set up
22:14:45 <gabrielhurley> all I can really say is "preserve as much as possible of the existing translation work, but getting the job done is more important"
22:15:06 <Daisy> Yes, I came here to discuss about these with you.
22:15:50 <Daisy> First, I think we need the latest POT file on Transifex with source language as en.
22:16:02 <gabrielhurley> jpich: you're already added as a transifex admin, so that's good to go
22:16:20 <Daisy> Then I need to understand when is the string frozen date.
22:16:27 <Daisy> From Havana release plan, Sep 4 will be the string frozen date. Does that mean, after Sep 4, there won't be any string change?
22:16:51 <gabrielhurley> that's the idea
22:17:28 <gabrielhurley> Daisy: I just added you as a maintainer on the Horizon transifex project as well
22:17:47 <Daisy> Let's say this way, our translation team can focus on Horzion translation after string frozen. When finishing translation, we can also run Horzion in different langauge setting, which is called Translation Verification Test.
22:18:11 <gabrielhurley> Yep. That's perfect. We'll do our best to enforce the string freeze.
22:18:15 <Daisy> We may find bugs during TVT and we will report.
22:18:55 <Daisy> We hope we can get latest POT file update before Sep 4 so that we can spend some time on translation in order to get enough time after string frozen.
22:19:06 <gabrielhurley> definitely
22:19:27 <Daisy> As I know, the Horizon in Transifex is not updated automatically by Jenkins job. Can I know when and how you update them in Transifex?
22:19:33 <gabrielhurley> things shouldn't change *significantly* in the next few weeks, so the sooner you can get the source language issue fixed the sooner you can start working
22:20:04 <gabrielhurley> oh, did that never get set up? that's lame...
22:20:24 <Daisy> maybe I'm wrong...
22:20:39 <gabrielhurley> I used to have it linked to the github repo so that it would get the changes when the files changed in the repository
22:20:39 <gabrielhurley> not sure if that's been broken subsequently
22:20:39 <gabrielhurley> if y'all can investigate that too, that'd be good
22:20:57 <gabrielhurley> or if the infra team wants to get things working that's good too. updating manually with the transifex client is easy, but automated is better
22:21:15 <Daisy> ok. let me do the investigation then.
22:21:32 <Daisy> where is the link to PoT file in repo?
22:21:32 <jpich> So we push pot files out to Transifex automatically, but pull translations manually, is that correct?
22:22:01 <gabrielhurley> that's the idea, yeah
22:22:39 <Daisy> do you generate PoT file manually?
22:22:42 <jpich> I think many of the projects pull automatically, should we consider doing this too so translators see their contributions included earlier?
22:24:01 <gabrielhurley> jpich: it'd be nice to get that working, it didn't happen originally 'cuz the infra folks didn't want to write a second code path to work with django's particularities vs. babel.
22:24:15 <jpich> Daisy: I think we have 3 pot files to upload, though they may not be up to date at the moment in the repository
22:24:20 <gabrielhurley> I'm fine with that being an Ichouse target unless you want to work on it
22:24:36 <jpich> gabrielhurley: I see, that makes sense
22:25:01 <gabrielhurley> anyhow, I'll let you two work on it. Email me if you get stuck.
22:25:18 <Daisy> got it. Thank you, gabrielhurley and jpich .
22:25:27 <gabrielhurley> let's jump over to blueprints now
22:25:29 <jpich> Not sure it'll be possible for me now, but a Icehouse target would be nice
22:25:29 <gabrielhurley> #topic blueprints
22:25:44 <gabrielhurley> Overall the blueprint progress is looking really good
22:25:57 <vasiliy> Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/improved-boot-from-volume I'd like to discuss screen-shots https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zg5PS3-s4OJtSoYGttI13OMHEtragDPYv63GUl4zpF4/edit for patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/41728/ I need more opinions about implementation of planning changes in the pop-up "Launch Instance".
22:27:15 <gabrielhurley> vasiliy: did you have specific questions? I reviewed that this morning and thought it seemed reasonable.
22:27:53 <vasiliy> no specific question - just would like to hear opinion from core-developers
22:28:38 <david-lyle> looks good to me, just need to finish reviewing the code
22:29:00 <gabrielhurley> although, now that I look at the screenshots, I realize that this has the downside of moving a required field off the first tab...
22:30:11 <vasiliy> we will combine all needed options in one tab "Storage Backend"
22:30:11 <david-lyle> that's already been the case though (key)
22:30:38 <kspear_> personally i'd prefer to merge the entire storage backend tab with the details tab
22:30:51 <gabrielhurley> david-lyle: keypair isn't technically required, though that does catch people out.
22:31:27 <gabrielhurley> In the short term I think I'm with kspear_... in the long term, I think we may want to investigate a two-step form like when launching things through Heat
22:31:43 <david-lyle> can't create an instance without one or network
22:32:31 <gabrielhurley> by which I mean you'd have a first form where you select the source of the instance (image, volume, etc.) and submit that, then from you'd get the approriate set of other options in a second form. This would also simplify some of the work we're doing with tailoring flavor options to image sizes, etc.
22:32:43 <lblanchard> I agree that long term we can revisit this form to organize mostly everything on one clean page
22:32:48 <gabrielhurley> just throwing thoughts out there for long-term
22:33:09 <gabrielhurley> For now though I do think keeping image selection on the first tab would be best
22:33:36 <gabrielhurley> it's a place where there's no sane default, and you'll just get an error if you try to submit (unlike keypair, network, etc)
22:34:17 <gabrielhurley> (we should work on improving the sane defaults of those fields, btw, but that has nthing to do with this patch)
22:34:25 <gabrielhurley> vasiliy: does that make sense?
22:34:41 <zhelezniakov> hi
22:35:03 <vasiliy> make sense - but it's better to understand what do we need to make to complete current work on this blueprint
22:35:32 <zhelezniakov> in any cases user can select only one option: image, volume, snapshot etc/
22:36:08 <zhelezniakov> so, i don't see any reasons, why this options should be on the different tabs
22:37:19 <gabrielhurley> correct, it should only be on one, but I'm pretty sure it should be on the first tab, 'cuz it's fundamental to launching the instance. I would almost say it is the most fudamental aspect of choosing what instance you're going to launch.
22:37:47 <zhelezniakov> i think it is good idea
22:38:09 <vasiliy> so let's combine options from "storag backend" with first tab?
22:38:21 <gabrielhurley> correct
22:38:28 <vasiliy> good - thanks
22:38:31 <gabrielhurley> great
22:38:37 <zhelezniakov> If all fundamental options are placed on the one tab
22:39:39 <gabrielhurley> So, on other blueprints...
22:39:41 <zhelezniakov> thanks
22:39:41 <gabrielhurley> I did hear from bradjones about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/network-quotas and he's gonna look at it this week. If nothing's up by next week I'm gonna bump that.
22:39:52 <jpich> Oh
22:40:02 <jpich> This kind of looks like what I did to fix a bug
22:40:07 <jpich> https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1109140
22:40:09 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1109140 in horizon "Floating IP quota not coming from Quantum" [Medium,In progress]
22:40:27 <gabrielhurley> similar
22:40:35 <gabrielhurley> I think the BP encompasses more
22:40:41 <gabrielhurley> but I'm glad you fixed that
22:40:41 <absubram_> can I bring up the cisco blueprint :)
22:40:48 <gabrielhurley> absubram_: sure
22:41:24 <absubram_> thanks.. I have my diffs out on review but it failed Jenkins a few times already.. thanks to jpich and david-lyle for pointing out my commit message error
22:41:49 <absubram_> but it still looks like Jenkins is arbitarily failing different tests for me each time.. it passes once fails the next without any changes to my diffs
22:42:07 <absubram_> I have actually as of now sent my diffs for the new dashboard with it turned off by default
22:42:27 <gabrielhurley> yeah, I see some LOST jobs on there. Jenkins hasn't been great lately.
22:42:31 <absubram_> there are some changes to the cisco plugin that if it goes into H3 will need corresponding changes to Horizon too
22:42:50 <gabrielhurley> I don't know that I can offer much except to say "keep trying" as far as Jenkins goes.
22:43:10 <absubram_> so I felt having it turned off for the moment was better but that I could at least get the infrastructure up so that I could get some review comments
22:43:11 <gabrielhurley> it would be good to know if those plugin changes are going to happen ASAP
22:43:16 <absubram_> plus I also need to add test cases
22:43:27 <absubram_> and fix some existing tests when the dashboard is turned om
22:43:29 <absubram_> on*
22:43:30 <gabrielhurley> yep, definitely need those
22:43:49 <absubram_> will get the testcases fixed and new ones added by this week
22:44:13 <absubram_> but I wouldn't mind feedback about the rest of the code in the meantime given that this is my first attempt :)
22:44:23 <gabrielhurley> I think people are aware of it... I'll try and take a look. Perhaps you could offer up some advice on how to test your patch since I don't think most folks know how to simulate a Cisco N1K...
22:44:28 <absubram_> there's a blueprint in neutron for the plugin changes
22:44:37 <absubram_> I believe the review will be up in a day or so
22:45:02 <absubram_> ah of course.. as I mentioned though I have actually tuend the dashboard off
22:45:05 <absubram_> turned*
22:45:09 <gabrielhurley> The Neutron BP is all well and good, but this is why we try not to land features on our side that aren't done by early H3 at the very latest... these last minute changes to plugins mean we end up with unstable code.
22:45:18 <absubram_> so there should be no change to horizon functionally with my diffs right now
22:45:39 <gabrielhurley> okay. we'll see how the changes in Neutron go
22:46:22 <absubram_> I see ok.. I'll put up instructions on how to work with the cisco n1k in the bklueprint so people can try it out
22:46:27 <absubram_> I'll also add screenshots
22:46:35 <gabrielhurley> that would be good, thanks.
22:46:40 <gabrielhurley> Anybody else have blueprints they want to bring up or that they're concerned about?
22:46:45 <Toshi> can I bring up my topology view bp?
22:46:46 <gabrielhurley> I spent almost all day reviewing today, and feel like I know where things are at.
22:46:52 <gabrielhurley> Toshi: definitely
22:46:55 <Toshi> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/editable-network-topology-view
22:47:06 <Toshi> I think this implememtation is not so much different from the previous version, and no impact to other component, so If you could review and it would be merged to habana, that would be great.
22:47:31 <gabrielhurley> yep. for a while there I wasn't sure we'd see code for it, but now that it's up I see no reason not to include it
22:47:38 <gabrielhurley> I'll retarget that now
22:48:06 <gabrielhurley> blueprint is back in H3
22:48:33 <lblanchard> Toshi: UI design looks great at first glance, I will add more specific feedback in the BP tomorrow.
22:48:39 <Toshi> gabrielhurley:Thank you very much!
22:48:46 <gabrielhurley> You're welcome
22:48:51 <gabrielhurley> Anybody else got BPs to discuss?
22:49:17 <Toshi> lblanchard:Thanks, any coments are welcome :-)
22:50:25 <gabrielhurley> Just as a general FYI, Jenkins is really backed up currently, so things are taking a very long time to merge. There have also been a lot of merge conflicts unfortunately, so if you see a review that didn't merge cleanly but is otherwise ready to go, try and be proactive in updating it and getting the merge job kicked again. I'd like to shrink our review queue drastically this week.
22:50:59 <gabrielhurley> There are 11 reviews that are approved but unmerged currently, and another 5-10 that need a second review. We can get 2/3 of what's open merged this week, easily.
22:51:23 <gabrielhurley> #topic open discussion
22:51:46 <gabrielhurley> I think I've covered all of what I had. I just encourage everyone to keep diligent on the reviews
22:52:00 <gabrielhurley> We've got ten minutes if anyone has any other topics they care about currently.
22:52:05 <lcheng> Does anyone have an idea on this: https://answers.launchpad.net/horizon/+question/233742 ?
22:52:34 <jpich> lcheng: https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1210253 has some debugging information
22:52:36 <lcheng> I wonder if the  issue is on the debian packaging.
22:52:37 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1210253 in horizon "With Havana 2 installed, Launching horizon UI results in the error " NameError: name 'Dashboard' is not defined"" [Undecided,Triaged]
22:52:42 <gabrielhurley> no clue, personally
22:52:46 <jpich> and surfaced another bug with assert
22:53:04 <kspear_> lcheng: circular import maybe?
22:53:31 <kspear_> lcheng: (that's a wild guess)
22:53:37 <lcheng> jpich: thanks didn't notice there was updates on the ubg
22:54:12 <david-lyle> Are there plans to add an openstack-auth launchpad page?  Defects associated  with that repo don't seem to sync with gerrit.  Case in point https://review.openstack.org/#/c/42219/ isn't reflected in https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1212748  or is there a way to get them to sync?
22:54:14 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1212748 in horizon "log in for user with first project disabled fails" [High,Confirmed]
22:54:15 <lcheng> kspear: maybe, I'll try to dig around when I get the chance.
22:54:20 <jpich> I noticed something strange when setting Debug to False with Django 1.5.2 while trying to debug this, maybe someone can reproduce it and get a stack trace (nothing showed in the log, but the home page showed an error 500 page instead of the login screen, while it's fine with Django 1.4.5)
22:55:59 <gabrielhurley> david-lyle: probably a good idea. could you email the ML or ping monty about that?
22:56:09 <david-lyle> sure
22:58:02 <gabrielhurley> we're just about out of time here. any last minute items?
22:58:21 <absubram_> when is our exact freeze date?
22:58:22 <lcheng> jpich:  If there is an error in the Auth middleware in django, it just fails silently. It might be the version of openstack_auth causing the issue. It requires at least 1.0.9 to run in django 1.5.
22:58:58 <absubram_> Sept 4th or end of this week?
22:59:00 <jpich> lcheng: Ah, good one. I'll try that in the morning! Thanks
22:59:21 <gabrielhurley> absubram_: there's no *hard* feature freeze before the RC cut, but as it gets closer I use heavier discretion on the risk associated with the change.
22:59:37 <absubram_> got it.. thanks :)
23:00:34 <gabrielhurley> okay, that's it folks!
23:00:39 <gabrielhurley> thanks, and have a great week!
23:00:39 <jpich> Thanks
23:00:40 <lcheng> btw, for the reviewers you need to add django_openstack_auth to your watched projects to get notifications.
23:00:42 <gabrielhurley> #endmeeting