15:00:07 <ramishra> #startmeeting heat
15:00:08 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 18 15:00:07 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ramishra. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:09 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:12 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'heat'
15:00:17 <ramishra> #topic roll call
15:00:41 <ricolin> O/
15:01:25 <cwolferh> o/
15:01:32 <therve> Hola
15:02:33 <ramishra> seems we don't have many around
15:02:44 <ramishra> #topic adding items to agenda
15:02:58 <ramishra> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/HeatAgenda#Agenda_.282017-01-18_1500_UTC.29
15:03:57 <ramishra> other than ocata-3 status I don't have anything else to discuss.
15:04:12 <ramishra> anyone has anything else feel free to add
15:04:24 <ricolin> how about PTG session
15:04:59 <ramishra> ricolin: we'll have a new PTL in a few weeks to take care of that;)
15:05:14 <ricolin> ramishra: got it!
15:05:28 <ramishra> I've not seen many sessions added to the etherpad I started.
15:05:37 <ramishra> anyway let's discuss it later
15:05:44 <ramishra> #topic ocata-3 status
15:05:57 <ramishra> #link https://launchpad.net/heat/+milestone/ocata-3
15:06:31 <ramishra> most of the bps are done, other than https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/support-auto-none-special-network
15:07:13 <ricolin> huangtianhua: around?
15:07:32 <ramishra> Actaully it's the give-me-a-network stuff in nova and neutron.
15:07:45 <ramishra> I'm not convinced about the implementation
15:07:48 <prazumovsky> Hello, sorry for late
15:08:14 <ramishra> #link https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/newton/implemented/get-me-a-network.html
15:08:20 <ramishra> This is the nova spec
15:10:03 <ramishra> Actually it allows a string('none' and 'auto') for the networks property of server
15:10:09 <ramishra> therve: any thoughts?
15:10:19 <zaneb> o/
15:10:28 <therve> ramishra, I haven't looked at the patches
15:10:41 <ramishra> It can be either a map or a string for a property
15:10:48 <ramishra> Do we've a way to do it?
15:11:36 <zaneb> iirc the Properties stuff requires a fixed type
15:11:45 <ramishra> therve: ok, to me it looks unique case
15:12:28 <therve> ramishra, Wait it's not just none or auto?
15:13:40 <ramishra> networks property of server can be 'none' or 'auto' or a map(like it's now)
15:20:54 <ramishra> there are number of bugs still in progress, may be all of us can spend some more review time:)
15:21:40 <zaneb> when is FF?
15:22:15 <ramishra> zaneb: next week
15:22:33 <zaneb> oh wow, that's... soon
15:22:38 <ramishra> therve: what about https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/1566845?
15:22:56 <ricolin> short release
15:23:46 <ramishra> yeah, nomination for next PTL from next week too, I think.
15:25:04 <zaneb> re bug 1566845... it's so hard to know the right solution there. the limit is on total connections to the DB, but individual heat engines don't have a global view on that
15:25:08 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1566845 in heat "DB errors for large/nested stacks with convergence enabled" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Thomas Herve (therve)
15:25:10 <openstack> bug 1566845 in heat "DB errors for large/nested stacks with convergence enabled" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1566845 - Assigned to Thomas Herve (therve)
15:25:47 <ramishra> yeah I agree
15:26:23 <zaneb> best would be to handle the error gracefully and retry, I guess?
15:26:45 <ramishra> bug 1656429, I think all patches are approved now, no?
15:26:45 <openstack> bug 1656429 in heat "Convergence loads all resources to check a single resource" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656429 - Assigned to Zane Bitter (zaneb)
15:27:25 <zaneb> approved but not merged :)
15:27:35 <therve> ramishra, I think my "fix" is still somewhat reasonable, but nobody likes it :)
15:28:32 <ramishra> therve: :)
15:28:56 <ramishra> bug 1570576 , that's the last one with high priority
15:28:56 <openstack> bug 1570576 in heat "After updating a stack stuck IN_PROGRESS, resources will be permanently stuck IN_PROGRESS" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1570576 - Assigned to Tanvir Talukder (tanvirt16)
15:29:44 <ramishra> zaneb: Is that ready? I saw you reviewed it few times. I've not checked that for a while.
15:29:50 <zaneb> there's a new patchset up for that, I need to re-review
15:30:02 <zaneb> the last one looked pretty good but was marked WIP
15:30:11 <ramishra> ok
15:30:17 <zaneb> so there's a good chance this will be landable
15:30:32 <zaneb> is that a word? I'm making that a word.
15:31:19 <ramishra> ok, we've just a few days, else I'll push the bugs to pike
15:31:30 <ramishra> none of them seem critical to me though.
15:32:16 <ramishra> gate seems very stable last few days, so good chance of landing it the first time with the gate job after approval;)
15:32:31 <therve> You jinxed it
15:32:40 <ramishra> lol
15:33:35 <ramishra> I've nothing else in the agenda.
15:33:47 <ramishra> #topic open discussion
15:33:49 <zaneb> ramishra: whoa, *bugs* don't have to be pushed to Pike at FF time
15:34:02 <zaneb> blueprints, yes
15:34:11 <pvrazumovsky> I have one
15:34:43 <pvrazumovsky> zaneb, therve, ramishra https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/heat+branch:master+topic:bug/1620859 please review, this is new one translation mechanism
15:35:07 <ramishra> some of these are bugs, but are features kind of, spec-lite
15:35:20 <ramishra> I meant to move those
15:35:22 <zaneb> ramishra: fair enough
15:36:50 <ramishra> translation changes, I think it would be risky to land them so late in the cycle, any thoughts?
15:37:11 <pvrazumovsky> Maybe really move it to p1
15:37:44 <ricolin> ramishra: I think those patch are nice, but maybe move to p1 will give more time to review
15:38:04 <zaneb> thoughts: 1) this is awesome. 2) reviewing this by next week is going to be *really* hard work
15:38:46 <ramishra> ricolin: yeah, we wanted it to fixed it this cycle to start with.
15:39:04 <ramishra> though it's late, may be few can spend extra hours to get them in.
15:39:04 <skraynev_> hi all, I am late :) sorry
15:39:36 <ramishra> Though we've not seen new bugs on translation this cycle.
15:39:43 <ramishra> skraynev_: hi
15:40:52 <zaneb> let's see how it goes this week, but be ready to fall back to p1. at least we are in a good position to get it landed early in Pike thanks to pvrazumovsky's hard work :)
15:41:11 <skraynev_> ramishra: I answered on your question here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/415849/7 :)
15:41:17 <ramishra> zaneb: sure
15:41:52 <pvrazumovsky> agree
15:41:57 <ricolin> zaneb: sounds great
15:42:26 <ramishra> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/heat+branch:master+topic:gabbi, REST API tests, if someone can review.
15:43:06 <skraynev_> I suppose, that translation rules code now comes to pvrazumovsky  in night dreams now ;)
15:43:07 <ramishra> skraynev_: sure, will have a look
15:43:16 <skraynev_> ramishra: awesome, thx :)
15:43:47 <ramishra> anything else?
15:43:50 <ricolin> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/heat-pike-ptg-sessions
15:44:13 <ricolin> guys please put more ideas in
15:44:32 <ramishra> btw, I registered a new project in launchpad https://launchpad.net/heat-agents
15:44:38 <ramishra> therve, zaneb ^^
15:44:46 <therve> ramishra, Ah thanks
15:45:07 <skraynev_> ramishra: cool!
15:47:06 <ramishra> Are we done? move back to #heat ?
15:47:21 <zaneb> great. working on getting it packaged in RDO as well
15:47:42 <ramishra> zaneb: thanks!
15:48:22 <ramishra> ok, thanks all for joining!
15:48:43 <ramishra> #endmeeting