#openstack-meeting: heat

Meeting started by shardy at 20:00:14 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* rollcall  (shardy, 20:00:23)

* Review last week's action  (shardy, 20:02:18)
  * sdake to raise BP re gold images  (shardy, 20:02:50)

* h2 blueprint status  (shardy, 20:03:54)
  * LINK: https://launchpad.net/heat/+milestone/havana-2  (shardy,

* Gerrit approval policy  (shardy, 20:10:14)

* open discussion  (shardy, 20:25:22)
  * ACTION: asalked to write up AS/Ceilometer wiki  (shardy, 20:41:13)
  * LINK: https://github.com/racker/virgo  (adrian_otto, 20:44:52)

Meeting ended at 20:59:22 UTC.

People present (lines said)

* shardy (74)
* asalkeld (50)
* zaneb (45)
* SpamapS (32)
* radix (31)
* therve (27)
* adrian_otto (22)
* randallburt (16)
* stevebaker (15)
* kebray (6)
* m4dcoder (5)
* andrew_plunk (5)
* openstack (3)
* zb (2)
* sdake (2)
* jpeeler (2)
* kgriffs (2)
* maksimov_ (1)
* jasond (1)
* uvirtbot (1)
* bgorski_ (1)
* tspatzier (1)

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