#openstack-meeting: gluon

Meeting started by bh526r at 18:01:19 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* JinLi  (jinli, 18:01:56)
* Roll Call and Introduction  (bh526r, 18:02:05)
  * Tom Hambleton  (tomhambleton, 18:02:14)
  * Bin Hu  (bh526r, 18:02:19)
  * Kamil Renczewski  (KamilRemczewski, 18:02:37)

* Admin Update  (bh526r, 18:03:35)
  * Bin has requested a session in Nova at Barcelona Summit  (bh526r,
  * https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ocata-nova-summit-ideas  (bh526r,
  * Topic is "Gluon Introduction and Socialization"  (bh526r, 18:05:00)
  * the rough schedule is at the end of Etherpad  (bh526r, 18:05:22)
  * Kamal Hussain  (kamal___, 18:05:45)
  * Bin tentatively set the time at 11:50-12:30 on Thursday 10/27
    (bh526r, 18:05:54)
  * since the schedule now is quite open  (bh526r, 18:06:30)
  * LINK:
    (kamal___, 18:06:35)
  * if we prefer another time slot that is still open, we can always
    change it before all slots are filled up  (bh526r, 18:07:04)
  * Georg Kunz  (georgk, 18:09:23)
  * Group reviewed the time slot, and the consensus is to change the
    session to 2:20-3:00 Thursday 10/27, and it is currently available
    (bh526r, 18:13:08)
  * Change has been made to request the time slot 2:20pm-3:00pm Thursday
    10/27 in Nova session
    https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ocata-nova-summit-ideas  (bh526r,
  * another update is that wiki is updated with task list, PoC tracking
    and BPs  (bh526r, 18:16:04)
  * task list is also re-organized and categorized, and pushed to repo
    (bh526r, 18:16:24)

* Tracking Progress of PoC  (bh526r, 18:17:07)
  * The first task is for Ian to push current code from Github repo to
    Gluon repo.  (bh526r, 18:17:49)
  * This task is still pending Ian's action  (bh526r, 18:18:10)
  * another task for Tom to write initial proposal describing ML2
    approach  (bh526r, 18:18:56)
  * Tom has experimented the code to validate the method. The proposal
    is work in progress  (bh526r, 18:20:49)
  * Tom is at the point that needs initial code repo populated.
    (bh526r, 18:21:37)
  * Bin will communicate with Ian again for completing his task
    (bh526r, 18:21:54)
  * the 3rd task is for Niko to write implementation proposal of MySQL
    for database migration  (bh526r, 18:22:54)
  * Niko is absent. Georg will communicate with Niko so that Niko can
    sends an update via email tomorrow  (bh526r, 18:25:13)

* Round Table  (bh526r, 18:29:31)
  * Jin is working on test cases, and an initial test case proposal
    (bh526r, 18:38:02)
  * Once Tom finishes ML2 wrapper, Jin can start to write and run test
    case code.  (bh526r, 18:38:31)

* New Blueprint Discussion  (bh526r, 18:42:37)
  * LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4pqTVE9zJsaUng9LPF-Qqg
    (Xablo29, 18:43:58)
  * LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4pqTVE9zJsaUng9LPF-Qqg
    (Xablo29, 18:43:59)
  * LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4pqTVE9zJsaUng9LPF-Qqg
    (Xablo29, 18:43:59)
  * Meeting adjourned  (bh526r, 18:49:41)

Meeting ended at 18:49:49 UTC.

People present (lines said)

* bh526r (80)
* tomhambleton (16)
* kamal___ (10)
* jinli (10)
* georgk (4)
* trevormc_ (3)
* Xablo29 (3)
* openstack (3)
* KamilRemczewski (2)

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