#openstack-meeting: gantt

Meeting started by n0ano at 15:01:11 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* forklift status  (n0ano, 15:02:20)
  * ACTION: bauzas to cmplet changes set 119807  (n0ano, 15:08:43)
  * ACTION: jaypipes to provide write up of refactoring steps  (n0ano,

* opens  (n0ano, 15:12:06)

Meeting ended at 15:16:58 UTC.

Action items, by person

* bauzas
  * bauzas to cmplet changes set 119807
* jaypipes
  * jaypipes to provide write up of refactoring steps

People present (lines said)

* bauzas (25)
* n0ano (23)
* jaypipes (5)
* openstack (3)
* PaulMurray (2)
* edleafe (2)
* kevinbenton (1)
* ihrachyshka (1)
* mspreitz (1)
* banix (1)
* obondarev (1)

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