#openstack-meeting: gantt

Meeting started by n0ano at 15:00:19 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* review action items  (n0ano, 15:01:40)
  * LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Gantt-summit-sessions
    (bauzas, 15:02:58)
  * ACTION: YorikSar to publish nova-spec for no-db scheduling BP
    (n0ano, 15:12:49)

* forklift status  (n0ano, 15:23:37)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/89893  (bauzas, 15:24:59)
  * ACTION: n0ano to review the old client library implementation
    (n0ano, 15:30:04)

* summit sessions  (n0ano, 15:37:38)
  * LINK: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Gantt-summit-sessions
    (bauzas, 15:38:57)

* opens  (n0ano, 15:40:21)
  * ACTION: ;)  (bauzas, 15:45:06)
  * ACTION: session proposers to create etherpad for their session
    (n0ano, 15:45:15)

Meeting ended at 15:58:36 UTC.

Action items, by person

* n0ano
  * n0ano to review the old client library implementation
* YorikSar
  * YorikSar to publish nova-spec for no-db scheduling BP
  * ;)
  * session proposers to create etherpad for their session

People present (lines said)

* bauzas (93)
* n0ano (66)
* johnthetubaguy (63)
* YorikSar (18)
* jay-lau-513 (14)
* PaulMurray (10)
* llu-laptop (6)
* yjiang51 (5)
* glikson (3)
* openstack (3)

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