#openstack-meeting-3: defcore

Meeting started by eglute at 16:01:00 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* agenda  (eglute, 16:01:37)

* meeting time  (eglute, 16:02:31)
  * ACTION: discuss meeting time change after next week  (eglute,
  * AGREED: no meeting next week  (eglute, 16:09:57)

* Flag volume_from_snapshot test from 2016.08  (eglute, 16:10:18)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/385216/  (eglute, 16:10:34)

* 2017.01 Guideline  (eglute, 16:11:37)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/385781/  (eglute, 16:19:22)
  * ACTION: eglute research what happened to compute-flavors-list
    (eglute, 16:26:21)

* Name change  (eglute, 16:40:59)
  * ACTION: shamail to move wikis  (eglute, 16:49:36)

* Documenting how projects can become part of Guidelines  (eglute,

* Upcoming events: PTG  (eglute, 16:52:06)

Meeting ended at 17:01:02 UTC.

Action items, by person

* eglute
  * eglute research what happened to compute-flavors-list
* shamail
  * shamail to move wikis

People present (lines said)

* eglute (114)
* shamail (34)
* markvoelker (30)
* hogepodge (29)
* catherine_d|1 (13)
* gema (9)
* fungi (6)
* openstack (5)
* dmellado (2)
* luzC (1)
* kgarloff (1)
* GheRivero (1)

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