#openstack-meeting-alt: barbican

Meeting started by redrobot at 20:01:05 UTC.  The full logs are
available at

Meeting summary

* Roll Call  (redrobot, 20:01:19)

* Action Items  (redrobot, 20:03:41)
  * ACTION: redrobot to check on status of reported security bug
    (redrobot, 20:04:06)
  * ACTION: redrobot to ping ccneill about the nova+cinder security bug
    (redrobot, 20:05:23)
  * ACTION: redrobot to touch base with Designate folks  (redrobot,

* Liaison Updates  (redrobot, 20:07:57)

* Add support for internal interface  (redrobot, 20:10:36)

* Setup a Barbican Guild meeting  (redrobot, 20:33:32)
  * ACTION: redrobot to ask the rackspace overlords for a time to get
    the guild together  (redrobot, 20:36:05)

* KMIP Key Manager for Castellan  (redrobot, 20:38:26)
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/246546/  (redrobot, 20:38:35)

* Required configuration options without a default value  (redrobot,
  * LINK: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/273863/  (redrobot, 20:41:44)
  * LINK:
    line 35  (diazjf, 20:42:31)

Meeting ended at 20:57:30 UTC.

Action items, by person

* redrobot
  * redrobot to check on status of reported security bug
  * redrobot to ping ccneill about the nova+cinder security bug
  * redrobot to touch base with Designate folks
  * redrobot to ask the rackspace overlords for a time to get the guild

People present (lines said)

* redrobot (78)
* rellerreller (23)
* arunkant (17)
* diazjf (15)
* silos (7)
* kfarr (6)
* woodster_ (5)
* openstack (4)
* jkf (4)
* jhfeng (3)
* panatl (2)
* rm_work (1)
* maxabidi (1)
* hockeynut (1)
* edtubill (1)
* mp1 (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4