20:04:39 <woodster1> #startmeeting barbican
20:04:40 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Mar  3 20:04:39 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is woodster1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:04:42 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
20:04:44 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'barbican'
20:04:59 <SheenaG_> Who all is here for the Barbican meeting?
20:05:04 <redrobot> o/
20:05:05 <woodster1> Hello folks, running the meeting today as Jarret is't available
20:05:11 <lisaclark1> o/
20:05:15 <atiwari> o/
20:05:31 <hockeynut> o/
20:05:47 <woodster1> Just an FYI that we hope to be approved for incubation tomorrow
20:06:04 <woodster1> We are also due for an M3 release this week
20:06:47 <woodster1> We'll be stepping through some of the 'new' blueprints in front of that to assign a milestone to them
20:07:13 <woodster1> It seems the main new feature for M3 is the containers work
20:07:43 <SheenaG_> Are there any blockers on that?  Have all the containers related PRs landed?
20:08:29 <chadlung> o/
20:08:40 <woodster1> The main containers CR did land
20:08:59 <woodster1> See https://review.openstack.org/#/c/70189/
20:09:12 <redrobot> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/70189/
20:09:19 <woodster1> I believe other blueprints such as the orders re-do will not make M3
20:09:20 <atiwari> woodster just for fyi..., I have stared on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/barbican/+spec/api-orders-add-more-types
20:10:04 <woodster1> atiwari: That sounds good. I think other blueprints such as this one will need to be implemented in the Juno releases then.
20:10:26 <jvrbanac> o/
20:10:27 <redrobot> atiwari, can you assign the blueprint to yourself in launchapd
20:10:37 <atiwari> what is time line for M3
20:10:39 <redrobot> atiwari, right now it looks like it's still open for someone to grab
20:10:50 <woodster1> M3 is March 6th
20:11:09 <woodster1> That is a feature freeze milestone
20:11:35 <lisaclark1> feature freeze is technically tomorrow, string freeze on the 6th
20:11:53 <woodster1> So the order revamp, KDS, etc. will be good to flesh out via the blueprints
20:12:31 <woodster1> Does anyone see concerns with this approach though?
20:12:33 <redrobot> soooo, regarding M3 feature freeze, do we still want to get DogTag into this cycle?  https://www.openstack.org/vote-atlanta/Presentation/dogtag-and-barbican-open-source-key-management
20:12:58 <woodster1> hgedikli: Please let weigh in if you can as well
20:13:03 <atiwari> woodster can you please assign #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/barbican/+spec/api-orders-add-more-types to me
20:13:12 <atiwari> it is not letting me to do so
20:13:47 <woodster1> #action: Update blueprint to assing atiwari: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/barbican/+spec/api-orders-add-more-types
20:15:00 <woodster1> redrobot: I think the idea is to freeze new features for the final Icehouse release. If new work continues, it would probably need to be able to be disabled.
20:15:34 <redrobot> i suppose we could also argue that a new plugin is not a new barbican feature ...
20:15:36 * redrobot shrugs
20:15:56 <redrobot> alee was asking about dogtag progress earlier, but it seems he didn't make it to this meeting
20:16:04 <woodster1> that is true, as long as it doesn't require a change to the plugin interface
20:16:27 <redrobot> it will need a change to the plugin interface though
20:16:37 <redrobot> as we discussed during keystone hackathon
20:17:18 <atiwari> 3* for link https://www.openstack.org/vote-atlanta/Presentation/dogtag-and-barbican-open-source-key-management
20:18:08 <woodster1> I believe that was to allow for plug ins that can encrypt and store simultaneously…I think that change could be on the barbican side exclusively without need to change the interface, but we should revisit that before M3 this week.
20:18:42 <woodster1> atiwari: Ha, thanks for that plug!
20:19:14 <woodster1> Well, that was it for agenda topics this week I believe. Does anyone have any other issues to bring up at this point?
20:19:29 <atiwari> woodster we also need to  hash out #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/barbican/+spec/secret-isolation-at-user-level
20:20:07 <atiwari> replied to jraim's comments
20:20:20 <atiwari> in #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/secret-isolation-at-user-level
20:21:40 <woodster1> atiwari: I think implementing that feature for Icehouse would be problematic for the official master branch, but we should continue to flesh out that blueprint for sure
20:22:03 <atiwari> no I am thinking of Juno
20:22:50 <woodster1> Oh I see. Then I do see both time to flesh out the blueprint, as well as possible design summit meetings once barbican is incubated
20:23:29 <woodster1> atiwari: it might be helpful to add specific REST-type call examples to that blueprint
20:23:47 <atiwari> ok
20:23:56 <woodster1> Does anyone have other topics that we should cover now?
20:24:06 <atiwari> I am good
20:24:29 <woodster1> Ok then, I think we can wrap up this meeting. Thanks all for participating!
20:24:36 <woodster1> #endmeeting