Monday, 2017-10-23

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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Move to dictionary list of projects zuul._projects
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Convert zuul.projects to a dict
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Convert zuul.projects to a dict
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kklimondaSpamapS: well, there is at least one too smart for its own good firewall between executors and the scheduler - both client and server receive responses to tcp keepalives, but not from each other.07:29
kklimondaSpamapS: and in the meantime NAT session/flow is deleted but keepalives keep coming07:30
kklimondaSpamapS: my current theory is that I have 3 devices: A, B and C - A responds to the client keepalives, C responds to server keepalives, and B sees no traffic so it drops the session07:31
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ianwi'm not too convinced the unit test failures on are caused by my change.  in fact i saw the coverage test pass once08:40
ianwi think it has to do with "- child finger://ubuntu-xenial-vexxhost-ca-ymq-1-0000380491/d2ca05bd0f6c4904aa7eb52afe58375b : FAILURE in 3s"08:41
ianwthat's the common thread i think08:41
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tobiashianw: there was a change merged in zuul which introduced a test with a race11:08
tobiashianw: fixes this11:09
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kklimondaSpamapS: I'm now running with that patch and I'll see if that keeps the connection open/handles dropping connection
kklimondaConnection is probably not the place I wanted to do that, but that seemed to be the quickest approach.11:23
kklimondaSpamapS: I'd love to get some form of that into zuul/gear so that we don't have to carry the delta around - suggestions welcome :)11:23
kklimonda(other than not sending ECHO_REQ when we've recently heard from the server)11:26
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leifmadsenmordred: wanna schedule some more time to go over some zuul v3 docs?13:50
leifmadsenmaybe... next week or week after?13:51
leifmadsenCC: jeblair ^^13:51
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Shrewsthe week after, most folks will be in Sydney14:02
jeblairleifmadsen: i'm available later this week or earlier next week.  (early this week i should leave open for fixing openstack's zuul deployment; next friday i'm flying to sydney).14:16
jeblairtobiash: it looks like we've both agreed on preferring the graph-order fix.  thanks for finding that and exploring the options.14:17
leifmadsenShrews: ah, thought that was this week :)14:17
leifmadsenI guess I should know better because not missing any of our team :)14:17
tobiashjeblair: already abandoned the other one :)14:18
tobiashjeblair: I learned something new about the zuul data model during debugging :)14:18
sambettsHi folks, in zuul v2 is there a way to acheive the same effect as the semaphores I see in the new documentation??14:23
jeblairsambetts: there's a mutex (one job at a time), but not semaphores (multiple jobs)14:25
sambetts:( I have a shared resource, which has a limited number of that resource and each job takes one so I wanted to limit my jobs to the amount of the resource I had14:26
tobiashsambetts: if you run your own zuul v2 you can add this patch to it:
tobiashsambetts: that adds semaphores to zuulv214:27
tobiashsambetts: I have this in my productive zuul v2 deployments14:27
sambettsthanks, but I'm not sure I'm able to patch my zuul :( I think I might be able to acheive a similar thing in my environment by fiddling with nodepool config and limiting the number of avaible VMs under a certain label, but I was hoping to avoid it14:30
* sambetts files that patch away for later use though 14:30
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jeblairsambetts: i think that should work too14:38
sambettsjust a shame that max-servers is only defined on providers, so I have to put my provider in twice, once for the jobs I have that I don't need to limit and then again for the labels I want to limit14:40
* sambetts can't wait for zuulv3 to become prime time for third party CI...14:40
sambettsjeblair: can you help me out with this patch btw, I'm not sure if this is going to work, but now zuul/ansible are involved with checking out the right version of each project, I don't know if I can pin to a ref like I could pre-zuulv314:50
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Document executor/merger stats
jeblairsambetts: replied on that change14:58
sambettsjeblair: thanks14:58
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: experiment with late-binding inheritance
mordredjeblair: moring! I just sent you an email - but tl;dr I'm in my plane seat and my flight does not have wifi15:11
jeblairmordred: ack thx!  see you on the other side!15:13
mordredjeblair: I worked on removing the requirement for project name in config loader on the flight to ams - but it isn't owkring just yet - will finish debugging that nad adding a few more tests - then likely hack on log streaming refactoring since that's a thing I can do self-contained on a long flight too15:13
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add log streaming logging and exception handling
jeblairmordred: be aware of tobiash's change to add project name regex support (which i haven't reviewed yet):
mordredjeblair: if I get BOTH of those done I have all of tristan and mnaser's current patches and I may try to rationalize both of them with the webpack/yarn patches - but I honestly doubt I'll get that far15:15
mordredjeblair: oh - thanks for reminding me - I am aware of it but I wanted to grab it to make sure I'm not conflicting15:15
jeblairmordred: kk15:15
dmsimardPerhaps a silly question, but just making sure I understand -- with the git namespace flattening project that we want to do, does that just mean that we'll need to rename projects and modify the project layouts for each project in zuul v3 ?15:16
jeblairmordred: i'm about to leave some questions on it, so i think some form of it will go in, but i'd suggest not depending on it15:16
dmsimardjlk: came up when we were discussing how we could define (for example) the 'system-required' project template for every project without having to maintain 1000+ project layouts15:18
mordredjeblair: ok. cool. I don't thinik it's super conflicty anyway15:18
jlkah okay15:18
jlkdmsimard: thanks. Was there a spec attached, or did it not need one?15:19
mordreddmsimard: I'm working on making project names go away from most in-repo project stanzas which will make that easier - but yah, required-projects entries will need to get renamed as will likley roles entries15:19
dmsimardjlk: I don't think there was a spec, tobiash just felt inspired and wrote things I think. Maybe there could be one.15:19
dmsimardmordred: doing that across 1000+ repos (and each branch) sounds like fun15:20
jlkneat little bit of programming15:23
jlklike when I did mass rebuilds (in a reasonable order) of Fedora packages.15:24
tobiashYeah, I thought I also might have a use case and wrote this as a proposal in my spare time15:24
tobiashjeblair: i've replied to your comment15:32
tobiash(on 513368)15:33
dmsimardjeblair, mordred: I remember us discussing the concept of 'artifacts' (of jobs/builds) being a thing in Zuul v3 -- to easily expose files from a parent job to child jobs. Is that a thing yet ? Glancing through the v3 config docs I'm not sure it is.15:36
dmsimardMaybe it's just zuul_return ?15:38
jeblairdmsimard: it's not yet a thing.  we'll talk about it more after things settle down.15:39
dmsimardjeblair: ok, it's not a rush, it's a question I got that I wasn't sure about.15:40
dmsimardWe can fairly cleanly work around it by leveraging zuul_return with the location of the artifacts which would be pulled by the child jobs.15:40
jeblairdmsimard: yeah; the buildset uuid may also be interesting (it uniquely identifies a particular run of a collection of jobs)15:42
jeblairdmsimard: a missing piece for this kind of solution is cleanup though -- you'd need external cleanup for now, until we add some more things to zuul.15:43
dmsimardjeblair: yeah we override the log path to use buildset uuid in v2 for RDO.15:47
jeblairjlk: do you have a minute to +3  ?15:50
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Shrewsdid flake8 get an update or something? seeing pep8 failures for things I did not change:
Shrewsah, yep16:05
Shrewsnew version updated 2017-10-2316:05
Shrewsjeblair: how would you like to proceed with changing zuul for that ^^^? Add some ignores for those errors, or fix the actual errors, or some combination of both?16:07
Shrewslook like just E722 and E74116:08
jeblairShrews: i can't find e741 described...16:10
jeblairdo not use variables named ‘l’, ‘O’, or ‘I’16:10
jeblairit's for people with bad fonts.16:11
jeblairShrews: i think we should ignore E741 and fix E722.16:11
jeblairpabelanger: if by 'nice' you mean 'absurd', i agree :)16:11
pabelangerI just use wingdings now16:12
jeblaire722 is a legit issue though, and we really should work to avoid it.16:12
Shrewsjeblair: k. i'll work on that16:13
jeblairShrews: thanks!16:13
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix for pep8 E722 and ignore E741
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Only autohold failed builds
clarkbtobiash: fyi I think ^ generally addresses your comments, lets see if zuul is happy with it16:56
clarkbI think it will fail on pep because it needs 514372 though16:56
tobiashclarkb: looking16:58
kklimondafor zuulv3, when I deploy zuul-executor behind the firewall, there is no clean way of getting log streaming to work - so far I've figured out some sort of reverse tunnel (autossh) or vpn could be used - that is actually working, the last piece of the puzzle being finger:// urls - I've created a small patch for that (not really tested yet, however I think it shows what I'm looking at - each executor16:59
kklimondawould be binding to finger on a different port and use the public hostname from config instead of its own) but perhaps there is a better way and/or someone had already been thinking about it.16:59
jeblairkklimonda: the intent is eventually to have the executors run the streamer on a non-privileged port, and then serve the finger port from a multiplexer, the same way we do with websockets now.17:02
jeblairkklimonda: would that address your current situation as well, since the multiplexer and executor would be on the same side as the firewall?  you'd only need to make sure users can get to the multiplexer...17:03
jeblairkklimonda: or i could be misunderstanding -- does websocket streaming work for you now?17:04
kklimondajeblair: web streaming will be working once we open the port - in that case I just have to run zuul-web behind a firewall, and open a port to the public, right?17:06
jeblairkklimonda: yes17:06
kklimondamhm, so assuming we can get the IT team to open one or two ports we would be good with multiplexers17:07
jeblairkklimonda: cool.  hopefully someone will get around to implementing the finger multiplexer soon.  :)  then the finger urls can switch from finger://executor/job to finger://zuul/job, and no one has to see executor hostnames anymore17:08
kklimonda(even if I can't get ports opened, multiplexer would let me not have to worry about executor hostnames for finger - I'd just have to create reverse tunnels so that multiplexer can connect to executors)17:09
tobiashkklimonda: last week also was merged, this could help you in defining the executor hostname17:09
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: add more debugging to the upload-pypi role
jlkjeblair: done!17:10
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: add more debugging to the upload-pypi role
kklimondatobiash: I've seen that patch, but it doesn't solve an issue of multiple executors running behind firewall - in that case finger hostname should be common (zuul-web hostname) but that shouldn't affect zuul-executor hostnames, as that's used at least for executor:stop:{hostname} and probably in other places17:12
tobiashkklimonda: I see17:13
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: add more debugging to the upload-pypi role
kklimondaalso, a way to limit a backlog when streaming over the web may be nice - trying to stream megs of logs with chrome has cooked my laptop.17:18
SpamapSweird.. curling the webapp port is just hanging for me17:21
SpamapSjust sits there17:22
jeblairSpamapS: is the scheduler up and running correctly?17:22
jeblairSpamapS: iirc, that may happen if it hasn't completed it's initial configuration17:22
jeblairSpamapS: (either it's still loading, or it bombed)17:22
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SpamapSjeblair: ahhh no executor was down17:24
SpamapS2017-10-23 10:19:33,003 DEBUG zuul.TenantParser: Waiting for cat job <gear.Job 0x7f39c80a6518 handle: b'H:' name: merger:cat unique: 8da117682a494ad888526dbf7ddf3f8c>17:24
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: add more debugging to the upload-pypi role
SpamapS <-- ERROR while starting executor17:26
SpamapSjeblair: ^^ seen that?17:26
SpamapSoh.. I bet I have an in-repo zuul.yaml that is bong17:27
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jeblairSpamapS: weird, that looks like a zuul bug...maybe that could happen if a merger has an error while trying to run a cat job?17:31
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: experiment with late-binding inheritance
SpamapSjeblair: that wa actually the scheduler log, I was mistaken.17:41
SpamapSjeblair: the executor finished the cat job fine. I'm debugging now.17:41
SpamapSjeblair: removing some half-baked zuul.yaml's from the equation at this point.17:41
Shrewsjeblair: is the test_data_return test failure a known thing? i've seen it fail more than once now17:43
Shrewsjeblair: most recently on the pep8 change17:43
jeblairShrews: yep.  it's blocked by the pep8 change.17:44
jeblairso we'll need to recheck-bash the pep8 change in, or squash the two, or update the test fix to pin flake817:44
SpamapSjeblair: yes that was a very old zuul.yaml in an old experimental fork17:45
SpamapSI almost feel like zuul should tag commits that it has gated and landed on layout changes and refuse to consider layouts that lack the tag or something.17:46
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SpamapSthat's just a knee jerk reaction.. reality is: we were breaking stuff a lot for a reason and we won't do that anymore.17:47
jeblairShrews: tell you what, i'll add a skip add/remove to those 2 changes17:49
Shrewsjeblair: that'll work17:50
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix for pep8 E722 and ignore E741
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix undefined sort order when applying parent data
jeblairShrews, tobiash: ^ that should get us moving17:51
jeblairtobiash: thinking about the project regex -- is similar to the problem you point out.  perhaps we should change all the implied regex options to only regex if they start with "^".  (you can, of course, still write '^.*?something' if you really don't want it anchored at the start of the string)17:58
tobiashjeblair: sounds good to me18:00
tobiashjeblair: should we also make regexes full match by default (I did this in the regex patch)?18:01
jeblairtobiash: probably so18:02
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Only autohold failed builds
fungidigging into the sqlreporter exceptions which are blocking our smtpreporter from working... it looks like the insert in the method were written to assume change-based pipelines exclusively and fail when trying to insert empty strings for irrelevant fields into integer type columns (e.g. the "change" value for gerrit ref-updated pipelines)18:13
fungishould i coerce those values to 0 or is there a "better" way?18:13
jlkSo with zuul-web, if things are running fine, should I be able to curl <ip>:9000   and get something other than a 404 back?18:13
pabelangermight need tennat in URL18:14
jlkoh, maybe my tenant config is jank18:14
pabelangerbut, should be able to curl a project public key18:15
fungiyeah, we do some rewrite tricks in apache right now to hide the tenant part of the url18:15
fungibut you probably want <ip>:9000/<tenant>/status.json or something18:15
jlkhuh, nothing but 404s.18:15
Shrewsjlk: afaik, the only route zuul-web serves is websocket based (assuming you're not going through apache)18:16
Shrewsso curl won't handle that (i don't think)18:16
jlkthat said, I don't see zuul-scheduler actually trying to download content to load the tenant18:16
jlkShrews: oooh, hrm.18:16
jlkbut, it has a listen address?18:16
pabelangeroh, 8001 I think is default for web18:17
Shrews<ip>:9000/console-stream is the only route at this point18:17
jlktwo different things18:17
jlkthere's "webapp" which runs on scheduler, and then there's the zuul-web service18:17
jlkShrews: ah okay.18:17
pabelangerI think that is the default18:18
fungijlk: ohhh... and you're trying to get to the zuul-web service which serves the console streams?18:18
jlkyeah I was just trying to see if it was alive. I forgot that not much has landed there. I was testing before using in-flight code that hasn't merged yet18:19
Shrewsyou need a websocket client18:19
Shrewsjlk: the websocket tests have an example client, if you need it18:19
Shrewsjlk: also, iirc, i was using a chrome extension (simple websocket client) to test the websocket connection at one point18:23
Shrewsprobably something similar for other browsers18:23
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Default change and patchset to 0 in SQLReporter
fungiokay, convinced myself that 0 was correct there ^18:25
jlkalright, so I can't even call zuul cli to show me anything. My scheduler process is not exactly doing what it should be :(18:42
tobiashjlk: is the scheduler started fully (and has printed its layout to the log)?18:44
jlkit has not.18:44
tobiashjlk: before that the scheduler doesn't react to status requests18:44
jlkIt seems to be stuck somewhere, either not able to communicate with zookeeper or gear or what. I can't seem to convince it to try to parse the tenant yaml18:45
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tobiashso there are not cat job logs?18:46
jlknot yet no.18:46
tobiashjlk: do you use the zuul supplied gearman server or an external one?18:47
jlkzuul supplied one18:47
jlkI should make sure that's actually working18:47
jlkis there a good way from the cli to see that status?18:47
tobiashhm, I'm usually looking into the debug log of the scheduler18:48
jlkthis is running in daemon mode, so in theory I should be getting debug on the stdout, and yet...18:48
tobiashcan you post the debug log?18:49
SpamapSjlk: echo "status" | nc scheduler-ip 473018:49
jlkonly thing in logs is: 2017-10-23 18:32:55,577 DEBUG zuul.MergeClient: Connecting to gearman at zuul-gearman:473018:49
jlk2017-10-23 18:32:55,580 DEBUG zuul.MergeClient: Waiting for gearman18:49
jlkblah, I don't have nc in the container18:49
tobiashthese are the first log lines of my (working) scheduler18:51
jlkokay, so I'm stuck getting connected to zookeeper perhaps18:52
tobiashso seems to be either the gearman connection or the zookeeper connection18:52
tobiashunfortunately you don't see in the log when it's finished with gearman connection and starting zookeeper connection :/18:52
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SpamapSthe error message on zuul.yaml config problems is really nice19:12
SpamapSjeblair: ^^ well done on that. It's really clear when I've messed something up horribly in a PR. ;)19:12
jeblairi can't wait to be able to do inline comments.  and once v3 is released, maybe link to docs in the error msg.  :)19:13
jlkso something I'd like to work on at some point soon, better start-up debugging, of where things are at19:13
jeblair(actually, we can probably link to docs once we merge the dashboard and start self-hosting generated docs)19:14
jeblairjlk: ++19:14
jeblairit's very opaque now19:14
jlkyeah, and I'm not convinced that the changes that went in to make debugging to stdout the default when running in nodaemon are actually doing the write thing.19:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Support upper-constraints in tox-siblings
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix for pep8 E722 and ignore E741
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix undefined sort order when applying parent data
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Only autohold failed builds
clarkbok I think ^ is finally ready for review. simplified the test a bit (and got it working)19:53
ianwtobiash: (from ages ago) thanks that looks like it20:04
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Document executor/merger stats
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: experiment with late-binding inheritance
jlkSpamapS: I got20:14
jlkecho "status" | nc localhost 473020:14
jlkis a period expected?20:14
jeblairyeah, that's end-of-data20:15
jeblair(so no jobs are registered)20:15
jeblairbut the server is up and running20:15
SpamapSthat's my running zuul20:15
jlkokay, interesting20:16
jlkso hitting localhost works, but hitting the k8s "service" name does not work.20:16
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add log streaming logging and exception handling
Shrewsjeblair: rebased ^^^ and also added exception handling around the serve_forever() part that should hopefully catch an abnormal termination of the serving thread20:19
jeblairShrews: lgtm!20:20
Shrewscool. hopefully we can catch something with that20:21
jlkugh I wonder if the Fedora container image is running iptables20:28
Shrewsjeblair: qq... is the error from zuul on due to the fact that the depends-on change has not merged, or is zuul confused because there are two changes with change ID I22007434b38129379690f4e469a1981ed7dcb68c ?20:28
Shrewsjeblair: one of those changes with that ID is aborted20:28
Shrews(it's still a mystery to me how i made two changes with the same ID, but whatever...)20:29
jeblairShrews: that's hard to say without a trip into the zuul logs.  if you don't feel like spelunking, it may be worth starting with a recheck.20:29
jeblairalso, this may answer the question from fungi earlier about depends-on:abandoned behavior20:30
Shrewsjeblair: i shall do the easier option first20:30
jlknope, hrm.20:30
clarkbjlk: firwall on the host maybe?20:31
clarkb(we've seen host firewalls interact with lx(c|d) for osa in the past20:32
SpamapShrm.. weird.. bwrap isn't working on centos7's kernel20:36
SpamapSbut it was 3 weeks ago20:36
pabelanger7.4 release?20:37
SpamapSCentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)20:37
SpamapSthat would be weird20:37
SpamapSregressing non-user namespaces?20:37
* SpamapS will try an older kernel I gues20:38
pabelangermaybe tristanC know more, but think he is still on PTO20:38
SpamapStrying 7.3 kernel now20:40
tristanCSpamapS: yep, you likely need
SpamapStristanC: oh 0.2.0 .. that's easier than kerneling ;)20:41
clarkbcan you change the max user namespaces as an alternative?20:41
clarkbmy local machine says I can have 63k of them20:42
tristanCclarkb: probably, but (iirc) then you need to enable userns on kernel command line, it should be disabled by default on redhat kernel20:43
SpamapSyeah it was pretty unstable until the most recent kernels20:43
SpamapSstill pretty annoying that this broke this way :-P20:44
SpamapSalso I'm running setuid so why is it even trying to USER_NS?20:44
clarkbah, well I'm running 4.13.1 and it seems happy enough20:45
clarkbbut getting newer kernel may be more of a pain on centos then just patching bwrap :)20:45
tristanCSpamapS: it's trying because zuul uses --unshare-all20:47
SpamapSclarkb: yeah, I already had to find bubblewrap.. might as well get latest20:47
SpamapSbtw we need to yell at the projectatomic people for not signing their tarball releases20:48
SpamapSthat doesn't work either20:50
SpamapS0.2.0 just as broken unfortunately :-/20:51
SpamapSoh hm20:52
SpamapSmaybe this is just zuul-bwrap being broken20:52
tobiashSpamapS: with centos 7.4 you have to supply a boot arg to allow user namespaces21:05
SpamapStobiash: I don't want ot use user ns21:05
SpamapSI want to use setuid21:05
jlkokay this is frustrating21:05
SpamapSand have been :-P21:05
jlkan nginx service works fine in k8s21:05
jlkboth the endpoint IP and the cluster IP, and the service name. But gearman, not so much21:06
jlkmaybe gearman just doesn't like the networking setup?21:06
SpamapSgearman shouldn't really care21:06
SpamapSjlk: what's your symptom at this point?21:07
jlkdoes "nc" not do the proper things for going through proxies?21:07
SpamapSnc is just a dumb TCP pipe21:07
SpamapSconnect() and then write/read21:07
jlkSpamapS: zuul-scheduler start up is stalled somewhere, and I'm trying to determine what's stalling it. Trying to verify that scheduler is able to communicate with gearman21:07
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: experiment with late-binding inheritance
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: Add implied branch matchers on 'master'
SpamapSjlk: if you're using the internal gearman (the default) zuul-scheduler just forks it off and listens on :::4730 ...21:08
jlkyes, I'm able to nc into it21:08
jlkbut I'm running zuul-scheduler in one pod, and executor(s)/web(s) in other pods, that presumably have to connect to that gearman on scheduler21:09
jlkso in the config, I have the german address as the service name (zuul-gearman)21:09
jlksince that DNS maps throughout the cluster21:09
SpamapSmakes sense21:10
SpamapSbut the IP that the service has may be complicated to contact from the pod backing it?21:10
SpamapSmaybe try separate zuul-scheduler config that uses ::1 (or
SpamapStobiash: anyway, 0.2.0 works21:11
SpamapStristanC: ^ thanks21:11
* SpamapS can move on21:11
SpamapSwould be nice if EPEL updated to it.21:12
SpamapSso I don't have to maintain my own copy somewhere or link to rawhide urls ;)21:12
jlkoh very interesting21:15
jlklaunch the executor, and it can see the service21:16
jlkand then status shows things about the executor21:16
tobiashAlpine is also pre 0.221:16
jlkfeels like there is something wrong with hairpining21:16
clarkbtristanC: trying to build bwrap locally (running make) fails when building the manpage beacuse seems to conflict with url at is that a bug?21:16
SpamapSjlk: yeah that's exactly how it feels.21:17
clarkbSpamapS: ^ you may know since I think you are building bwrap too21:17
SpamapSclarkb: yeah I hit that bug too21:17
SpamapSwho needs manpages?21:17
clarkbSpamapS: well I want the manpage :)21:17
clarkbmy local manpage from distro is broken21:17
clarkbso want to make sure upstream works (seems to)21:17
clarkbI'll make a pull request21:17
SpamapSwe're in a post-manpage world man21:18
jlkhahaha fucking hell21:18
jlkof course I have to minikube ssh in and set a permisc flag.21:19
jlkthat was absolutely what was stalling scheduler start up. Now I get errors in my project-config :)21:21
SpamapSjlk: don't you have a bluemix k8s to play with?21:23
SpamapSI'm sure it has 50 other issues but it wouldn't be minikube ;)21:23
jlksure, I could put in a request for that, and I might get it in 2 weeks.21:23
jlkmaybe with a working external IP21:23
clarkbSpamapS: now you can have mangpages too21:23
SpamapSclarkb: well played sir21:25
SpamapSjlk: seems legit21:25
SpamapSYou know what's a MASSIVE pain btw?21:25
SpamapSadding all the hooks, and user perms, and and and, to github21:25
SpamapSwe have automation for the hooks, which is amazing21:26
SpamapSbut zomg still so much to do :-P21:26
jlkoh heay neat21:28
SpamapSI suppose the integrations/apps makes this quite a bit smoother.21:28
jlkturns out you can just restart the scheduler (and gearman), and executor will just wait around and reconnect21:29
jlkSpamapS: yeah, apps makes it a pretty much one-click thing21:29
jlkcan one-click for an entire org worth of repos too21:29
jlkalthough on a side project I'm playing with ansible modules to manipulate repos, so you could write a playbook to do all your things...21:30
jlk$ curl http://zuul-webapp:8001/z8s/status.json21:31
jlk{"zuul_version": "2.5.3.dev1543"21:31
SpamapSoh look at that I'm 2 patches behind21:32
jlknext, get the webhook feeding working21:34
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add log streaming logging and exception handling
Shrewsi think that fixes the test issues21:35
SpamapSjlk: that's really cool. I definitely am interested in consuming what you produce. The Ansible from hoist is incredibly high quality.. but 5 - 7 minutes for every config change is annoying.21:35
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: experiment with late-binding inheritance
jeblairit's zuul meeting time in #openstack-meeting-alt21:59
clarkbSpamapS: wow it apparently is not a bug to have `make` not work21:59
clarkbI might have to stop computering now21:59
jeblairclarkb: you keep computering.  it's the other people that already stopped.22:00
clarkbwhat is the point of a makefile if `make` doesn't wrok22:01
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Shrewsnot all makes are the same. i remember different versions that weren't compatible22:03
clarkbwell in these case its beacuse they have a broken command22:03
clarkbso make properly fails and says go away22:03
clarkbbut that is intentionally I guess22:03
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add log streaming logging and exception handling
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Only autohold failed builds
SpamapSclarkb: well it should be exploding in configure22:17
clarkbSpamapS: ya I think that is the actual bug based on the response22:18
clarkbor make should disable man by default22:18
SpamapSmake isn't the culprit22:18
SpamapSdefinitely configure22:18
SpamapSautoconf should disable man page building if you don't have the components to build the manpages22:18
* SpamapS struggling with matchers on github statuses22:19
SpamapSis it user:tenant:pipeline or tenant:pipeline? :-P22:20
SpamapSactually user:tenant/pipeline:result22:20
SpamapSbut still not working :-/22:22
SpamapSlooks like maybe labeling pr's for requirements doesn't work22:38
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: fix the path for the launchpad credentials file
SpamapSjlk: did you ever notice any race conditions with the github driver?22:46
SpamapSI think I'm seeing where statuses are lagging on fetch after an event that changes them22:46
SpamapSas in, we get an event on the webhook "hey the status changed to X" and then querying it immediately shows status empty.22:47
SpamapSbut querying it a second later shows it filled in22:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add zuul.{pipeline,nodepool.provider,executor.hostname} to job header
Shrewsjeblair: fwiw, i've no idea why keeps failing. passes for me locally on repeated runs. will investigate more in the morning22:59
dmsimardjeblair: more broadly speaking, one of the topics we barely touched but will be scheduling a session on is how the jobs running on will look like once we roll out Zuul v323:05
jeblairdmsimard: forum session?23:05
dmsimardjeblair: I won't be at the Forum, so if there's something there I won't attend that one :)23:05
jeblairdmsimard: or another bluejeans meeting?23:05
jeblairdmsimard: (wondering what you meant by 'scheduling a session on')23:06
dmsimardjeblair: probably on bluejeans, it was something we meant to discuss back at the PTG but didn't get around to it23:06
dmsimardjeblair: basically, we'd probably add project-config/zuul-jobs/openstack-zuul-jobs on to be able to leverage the roles, playbooks and jobs that are defined there -- but then there's some question marks, like secrets, for example23:06
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: experiment with late-binding inheritance
dmsimarda good amount of tripleo jobs will be running as third party from review.rdo so we'd like to avoid duplicating things as much as we can versus the jobs that run in -infra23:08
clarkbdmsimard: third party jobs run against our gerrit though right? or maybe I'm misunderstanding the use of third party here23:09
dmsimardclarkb: yeah, basically those RH1 jobs23:09
dmsimardclarkb: against tripleo gerrit patches23:09
clarkbin that case they can just use the upstream repos maybe?23:09
clarkbI guess you'll have problems with secrets (mentioned earlier)23:09
dmsimardclarkb: yeah, there's a couple question marks... secrets, logserver. I wonder to what extent can the entirety of their job setup live 100% upstream23:10
jeblairdmsimard: cool, this will be a very good test of reusability.  :)  one thing to note is that currently we are building an api contract for zuul-jobs.  we are not, at the moment, expecting to do that for openstack-zuul-jobs.  so if we want to make those reusable, we'll have to be explicit about that.23:10
dmsimardand then it gets weird, because if we add project-config, do we inherit from the zuul/main.yaml so we load every project in the universe ?23:11
jeblairdmsimard: project-config is a very good candidate for not reusing.  :)23:11
dmsimardjeblair: yeah, I suspect we will have to define our own base jobs and secrets -- based on the same roles and everything.23:12
jeblairdmsimard: fortunately (and not coincidentally), most of those roles are in zuul-jobs.23:12
dmsimardThere's some roles in project-config too, perhaps. It'll be interesting to write down what we actually need from where.23:13
dmsimardMore on that later :)23:13
* dmsimard &23:14
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Revert "Add zuul.{pipeline,nodepool.provider,executor.hostname} to job header"
dmsimardmnaser: why?23:18
mnaserit broke things i think23:19
clarkbShrews: are you still around? can you see comments on really quick if so?23:19
mnasernodepool is undefined somehow23:19
SpamapSwow this is driving me crazy23:19
mnaserand everything is failing in pre23:19
SpamapSI wonder if there's some kind of caching between me and github's API23:19
dmsimardmnaser: ok let's revert and figure it out after23:19
mnaserdmsimard agreed23:20
dmsimardmnaser: I took the time to write integration tests for that too, wtf..23:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Revert "Add zuul.{pipeline,nodepool.provider,executor.hostname} to job header"
* mnaser shrugs23:21
mnaseri dont know much :p23:21
mnaseri just know it broke things23:22
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Revert "Revert "Add zuul.{pipeline,nodepool.provider,executor.hostname} to job header""
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Revert "Revert "Add zuul.{pipeline,nodepool.provider,executor.hostname} to job header""
SpamapSanyone see the syntax error there?23:55
SpamapSZuul isn't telling me what's wrong with it23:56
SpamapS2017-10-23 16:53:24,115 DEBUG zuul.ConfigLoader: Created layout id 2ada486dcbef40589fb5c12454d70a5e23:56
SpamapS2017-10-23 16:53:24,124 INFO zuul.Pipeline.GoDaddy.check: Configuration syntax error in dynamic layout23:56
SpamapSjust when I thought I understood how to write zuul.yaml's :-P23:56
pabelangerSpamapS: line 28 is wrong, you can drop name23:58
pabelangerand 3123:59
jeblairSpamapS: what did zuul report on the pr?23:59
SpamapSjeblair: nothing23:59
jeblairSpamapS: at the very least, it should have reported "unknown configuration error" or something23:59

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