Thursday, 2017-04-20

openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: GATE CHECK
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openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: WIP: restrict nova migration ssh tunnel
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]00:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1684297 in tripleo "Augeas[docker-daemon.json]: Could not evaluate. docker package removed /etc/docker/daemon.json" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Dan Prince (dan-prince)00:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]01:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684297 in tripleo "Augeas[docker-daemon.json]: Could not evaluate. docker package removed /etc/docker/daemon.json" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Dan Prince (dan-prince)01:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]02:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1684297 in tripleo "Augeas[docker-daemon.json]: Could not evaluate. docker package removed /etc/docker/daemon.json" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Dan Prince (dan-prince)02:10
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: TEST: DONT RECHECK or REVIEW: periodic jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Ensure /etc/docker/daemon.json
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]03:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]04:10
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openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: TEST - DO NOT MERGE
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]05:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]06:10
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Mount individual hostpath logs on /var/log
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]07:10
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jaosoriormarios, bandini hey guys, can you check this when you have some time ?07:11
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: glance: deploy services with Keystone v3 endpoints
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mariosack jaosorior07:21
jaosoriormarios: thanks dude07:23
jaosoriormarios: need any reviews? starting the review round here07:23
mariosjaosorior: thanks i think we're good there might be some cherrypicks later will ping you07:23
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Switch stackrc and to use Keystone v3
jaosoriormarios: sure07:23
jaosoriorbandini: thanks dude07:24
bandinijaosorior: np!07:24
bandinihohum I am still getting 403 on some rpm downloads. am I the only one?07:25
jaosoriorhaven't tried07:25
jaosoriorbandini: do you think it would be problematic so start usinb nbproc in haproxy?07:25
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bandinijaosorior: well it is discouraged upstream. what would be the benefit?07:27
openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Mount hostpath logs on /var/log
jaosoriorbandini: well it's discouraged upstream cause it's harder to debug, but we might gain some performance from making haproxy mutli-process, as long as we keep it below the number of processors07:28
bandinijaosorior: I'd be very surprised if haproxy was our bottleneck. But I am not against adding a tunable option that defaults to today's config07:29
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bogdandofolks, please review and merge
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jprovaznhi, anyone knows if it's possible to deploy overcloud with network isolation with *multiple nics* in in virtual env (libvirt)? it seems that tripleo-quickstart doesn't support this option (at least I don't see it would be possible to create virt hsot with multiple nics)07:47
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shardyjprovazn: I've done this in the past by modifying the VM after it was created via virt-manager to add more nics07:51
shardyjprovazn: or you can probably hack ./roles/libvirt/setup/overcloud/templates/baremetalvm.xml.j2 in quickstart to add the nics (or even better add a j2 loop and a new variable via a patch :)07:51
shardyjprovazn: FWIW this was possible via the old instack-virt-setup tool so we should enable it via quickstart IMO07:52
jprovaznshardy: aha, thanks - so for now I will update existing VMs manullay to save 2 hours for re-deployment07:53
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shardyjprovazn: 2 hours?  That sounds long to me, but yeah sounds good07:53
jprovaznshardy: slow machine07:54
jprovaznmaybe 90 mins07:54
openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Fix the last known good rdo trunk delorean repo
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bogdandojistr, shardy: hi! I have a Q, does host_prep_tasks run before docker_puppet_tasks ?08:05
bogdandoI expect that the latter runs at the primary role only, but after the host has been prepared as well, right?08:06
bogdando(working on a fix for and
openstackLaunchpad bug 1684075 in tripleo "Data races for init containers (docker_puppet_tasks) vs docker_config steps" [High,Incomplete]08:06
openstackLaunchpad bug 1677652 in tripleo "Make all db sync tasks idempotent and not racy with running services" [Medium,Triaged]08:06
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Run Zaqar with httpd in puppet service
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Include zaqar apache module
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]08:10
shardybogdando: yes
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shardybogdando: you can follow the depends_on through to see that we first do the HostPrepDeployment, then GenerateConfigDeployment, then the deployment steps08:11
shardywhere the deployment steps deploy on baremetal, containers, then the docker_puppet_tasks08:11
shardybogdando: it's a little confusing though because we run docker-puppet twice, once on all nodes to generate the config, and again to configure things only on the bootstrap node08:12
shardybogdando: FWIW the ansible patches I'm working on should simplify this sequence somewhat08:12
bogdandoshardy: it is ocnfusing, and I can't see depends-on for
bogdandoso this is rather "no" an answer08:13
shardybogdando: the thing that applies the config is the SoftwareDeployment* resources08:13
chandankumararxcruz: hello08:13
shardybogdando: so we can create the OS::Heat::Value and OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig resources in any order08:13
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Run Zaqar with httpd in puppet service
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Include zaqar apache module
shardybogdando: note however that heat also creates implicit dependencies via get_resource08:14
chandankumararxcruz: can we get a temprory job to test tempest-16.0.0 in tripleo-ci?08:14
shardyso if a Deployment references a Config, the Config is always created first08:14
shardyregardless of any depends_on08:14
arxcruzchandankumar: hey08:14
arxcruzchandankumar: you mean in ?08:14
shardybogdando: that shows where the tasks are made to run after the ContainersDeployment_Step08:15
chandankumararxcruz: yes08:15
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arxcruzchandankumar: I guess so08:15
shardywhich always runs after the host prep tasks due to the dependency I linked above08:15
shardybogdando: basically it's easiest to focus only on the Deployment resources, then the sequence becomes clearer08:16
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bogdandoshardy: I can see that host_prep_task has a name for dependency "HostPrepDeployment", and only GenerateConfigDeployment depends on it directly. While docker_puppet_tasks has a name for deps "DockerPuppetJsonDeployment" and there is no depends-on for that item . So how could we be sure that host_prep_tasks run before docker_puppet_tasks?..08:23
bogdandoperhaps we should be using direct names mappings08:24
bogdandoits hard to decrypt 1:1 relations encoded08:24
shardybogdando: host_prep_tasks runs before any of the deployment steps08:24
shardyit's probably helpful to write out the sequence on paper, or perhaps use the dot visualization we discussed last week08:25
bogdandothat's multi-node, but does that applies for singletons running at the primary role only? (docker_puppet_tasks). that was my Q and I can't figure that out from the code08:25
shardybogdando: yes the sequence is the same, you just run some extra things only on the primary node08:26
shardyGenerateConfigDeployment depends on HostPrepDeployment08:26
shardyContainersDeployment_StepN depends on GenerateConfigDeployment08:27
bogdandoshardy: yeah, perhaps we should create a template having all of those steps named as their real names, like host_prep_tasks having an item named  host_prep_tasks and so on, for all steps. Then use that dots magic08:27
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shardyDockerPuppetTasksDeployment depends on ContainersDeploymentStepN08:27
shardybogdando: well, host_prep_tasks has a deployment called HostPrepDeployment08:28
bogdandoshardy: oh, thanks! I've missed that last mapping
shardyso it'd fairly clear to me, but I'm sure we can improve it08:28
shardybogdando: I do agree this is a little hard to follow, which is why I'm refactoring all the config steps into a single ansible playbeook08:29
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shardythen we can just have a Deployment per step and the sequence will be clearer08:30
shardy(and probably faster)08:30
bogdandoshardy: or perhaps then that template for building graphs should have exactly those *Deployment names, as we want only them to be presented in the graph, i.e. host_prep_tasks: HostPrepDeployment08:30
bogdandoand the same for all possible steps08:30
shardybogdando: we could, but like I said, I'm planning to remove almost all of these deployments to support minor updates08:31
shardyand IMO the current naming is fairly clear08:31
bogdandoshardy: I'm ok with naming, just thinking of a way to auto generate a graph08:31
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shardybogdando: Heat already generates it, so you can e.g dot graph the dependencies from the heat output?08:32
shardylike the dotstack thing from larsks we discussed08:32
shardyI think there are a few tools that do that already08:32
bogdandoit generates it for end tasks, not for the metadata describing the steps those tasks belong to08:32
shardybut again, if we refactor this to be just one deployment per step, this all gets much easier08:33
shardybogdando: Not sure I really get it, but happy to see a patch and discuss further :)08:33
bogdandoshardy: that I'd like to get is a graph containing HostPrepDeployment et al, not the things it contains08:34
shardyjust be aware of that series, which will completely rework this08:34
bogdandoI called that metadata steps, not real steps08:34
bogdandoshardy: and that's why I want to automate the graph, cuz it's changing fast08:34
shardybogdando: Heat exposes the graph it generates, e.g the relationships between all *Deployment resources, so it should be fairly easy to consume that data08:35
bogdandoshardy: yeah, but I need to have HostPrepDeployment depicted, not the "Deployment resources" it contains08:35
openstackgerritLuke Hinds proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Implements management of `/etc/login.defs`
shardybogdando: HostPrepDeployment is one resource08:36
bogdandoand I hoped to make this working with a meta-template for those steps :) and dotstack. Ok, I'll try to make something...08:36
shardyit doesn't contain anything08:36
bogdandoshardy: but there are deployment resources bund to that step, right?08:37
bogdandoshardy: I mean heat templates have many entries for host_prep_tasks:08:37
shardybogdando: well, under the hood heat creates a nested stack with one resource per server08:37
bogdandoand I want to see not those entries, but the thing  itself08:37
shardybut that doesn't really matter here, it just applies HostPrepConfig to all nodes08:37
bogdandoits placement in the execution workflow08:37
bogdandoI can't explain it better, sorry08:38
shardybogdando: Ok, then you need to look at the "config" attribute of the HostPrepConfig that is associated with the HostPrepDeployment08:38
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shardy*Deployment resources only apply a config, they make the connection between a *Config resource and a server (or in this case multiple servers)08:38
bogdandoshardy: the plan is to create docker/services/deployment_steps.yaml meta resource08:39
bogdandoand put all possible steps there, containing only a single entry named as its corresponding *Deployment item08:39
shardybogdando: Ok, but like I said, I'm aiming to remove almost all of this08:39
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shardyso it's cool to try somethings and we can discuss, but I don't want to overlap too much08:40
bogdandobut we have to understand things now, while writing patches :)08:40
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shardybogdando: why :( ?08:40
bogdandoit's hard to move things around not seeing real execution flow impact08:40
shardybogdando: your complaint is this is hard to understand, I'm proposing we replace it with just one deployment per step08:40
shardywhich should make things much easier to understand/follow08:40
shardyand also enable minor updates08:41
bogdandoshardy: let me show be example patch08:41
shardyHopefully I can make progress on my patch series this week then we can discuss further08:41
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bogdandoshardy: an example, I moved this db sync task from docker_config, to docker_puppet_tasks Now I need to know, would host_prep_tasks ensure persistent logs dir by that new point of the graph?08:44
bogdandobefore the move, I knew it would08:45
bogdandothat's why the graph for steps is required, not for deployment resoutces08:45
bogdandoso before the change it was: host_prep_steps(create /var/log/aodh) -> docker_config(db_sync)08:46
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bogdandoshardy: and after the change it becomes ???host_prep_steps(create /var/log/aodh) -> docker_puppet_tasks(db_dync for primary role only) -> docker_config(no more db sync for other nodes)08:47
shardybogdando: No, we always run deployment step N (puppet), deployment step N (containers), docker_puppet_tasks08:47
bogdandoso my complaint is not related to hard/easy understanding, rather to automated understanding of the graph for the current code08:48
shardyhost_prep_tasks happens before any steps happen08:48
shardyso it will always happen first08:48
bogdandoshardy: yeah, I know that now, after I took a half of a hour of yoyr time :) I hoped to make things automatically illustrate the flow...08:48
bogdandoeither the things are about to change or stay still08:49
shardybogdando: alright, I'm going to make some coffee and get back to work then ;)08:49
bogdandoshardy: thanks for help!08:49
bogdandoshardy: I'll postpone the patch then, until your changes done or I figured out some graph automation for steps... I can be asking for ever otherwise, like do we have now the steps interleaved or not: "deployment step 1 (puppet), deployment step 1 (containers), docker_puppet_tasks step 1" vs "deployment step 1-6 (puppet), deployment step 1-6 (containers), docker_puppet_tasks 1-6" etc... :)08:59
shardybogdando: sure, yes they are interleaved, it's fairly clear if you spend a while looking at the template09:00
bogdandoshardy: those YAMLs with jinja2 sauce are write only :/09:01
bogdandowe need a robot to read :)09:01
bogdandoor an author perhaps! :)09:01
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shardybogdando: it gets easier over time09:02
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openstackgerritFlorian Fuchs proposed openstack/tripleo-validations master: Show all roles in inventory
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]09:10
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Save DefaultPasswords values for undercloud deploy
openstackgerritFlorian Fuchs proposed openstack/tripleo-validations master: Add host list by service to inventory
openstackgerritFlorian Fuchs proposed openstack/tripleo-validations master: Retreive AdminPassword from heat instead of mistral
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Haproxy: When using TLS everywhere, use verifyhost for the balancermembers
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Pluggable server type per Role
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jaosoriorowalsh: Hey dude, I'm seeing errors like this in a failed overcloud deployment (timed out deplying the compute) any idea if this migth be related ?09:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: Rename contrib to container-images for packaging
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-ui master: Add support for Indonesian language
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: N->O upgrade, fix wrong parameters to nova placement.
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Don't attempt to configure libvirt when not needed
jistrbogdando, mandre: i hope i'm focusing on the right thing now :D i'm yet about to test it
jistrthough my yesterday's upgrade passed even without this, which is very strange...09:40
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* jistr will test it via CI too09:41
openstackgerritMarios Andreou proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: N->O upgrade, fix wrong parameters to nova placement.
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jaosoriorshardy: any idea why the compute creation might have timed out but not the controller ?09:50
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openstackgerritAdriano Petrich proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: move mistral base action dependency to mistral_lib
jaosoriorshardy: it seems to be timing out on the NetworkDeployment, any idea how I can debug that?10:01
jprovaznany ironic expert around? ironic-inspector is complaining about "[Errno 32] Broken pipe" -
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hewbroccalucasagomes: ^^^10:06
jprovaznit seems that a client (conductor?) closes connection sooner than inspector replies?10:07
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shardyjaosorior: probably need to see /var/log/messages on the compute node to debug it, but it seems we failed to get those logs :(10:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]10:10
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Support container upgrades in multinode OOOQ CI
lucasagomesjprovazn, hmm seems like two errors there, conductor not being able to change the node's power state and this inspector api's broken pipe... Is there any other errors in ir-conductor log ?10:12
jaosoriorshardy: I thought we had a timeout for the overcloud deploy10:14
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: WIP: Containerize Horizon
jprovaznlucasagomes: I don't see anything else (though I might miss something of course, it's not the smallest one)10:18
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lucasagomesjprovazn, heh yeah, I was just wondering what was the failure for the ipmitool to not work10:19
jtomasekshardy, dtantsur|afk: in canse when I have 8 nodes and 3 of them are tagged to different roles, how is it decided which node is going to be used for deployment?10:19
shardyjaosorior: we do, it's set to 80mins there10:19
lucasagomesjprovazn, if you try to change the power state of the node via ironic's api  it works ? ironic node-set-power-state <uuid> on/off10:19
shardyjaosorior: there was a bug saying it wasn't working, but I've been unable to reproduce10:19
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jprovaznlucasagomes: before this try, I manually added extra network interfaces to the VMs - which may cause issues, but I would expect to find a reason about it in logs if it's the case10:20
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Include zaqar apache module
jprovazntrying, sec10:20
jaosoriorshardy: so this works in my deployment :/ I'm trying to rebuild my environment to see if I can reprodce it.10:20
shardyjtomasek: it depends on the flavor "baremetal" will pick any node regardless of tags, or you can select one where the capabilities match the tag to control placement10:20
jaosoriorshardy: this started failing in CI yesterday10:20
jtomasekshardy: yes, but lets say I want to deploy 3 of 8 nodes 1 controller, 1 compute, 1 ceph. so I tag 3 nodes appropriately and set the flavor at roles correctly10:21
jprovaznlucasagomes: no - manula "on" doesn't work10:21
lucasagomesjprovazn, hmm right yeah, the only thing I can think off is the wrong interface being pick for pxe boot... but it seems unrelated to the problems in the logs10:22
jtomasekshardy: ukalifon is hitting a problem when he does just that, untagged nodes are used instead of prefering the tagged ones10:22
lucasagomesjprovazn, right, does the ir-cond log says why ?10:22
shardyjtomasek: Ok, that sounds wrong then10:22
jtomasekshardy: because iiuc, in that case nova or whatever decides about picking nodes, does not prefer the tagged ones10:23
jprovaznIPMI Error while attempting "ipmitool -I lanplus -H -L ADMINISTRATOR -p 6230 -U admin -R 3 -N 5 -f /tmp/tmpU3Czxm power on" for node e3307de7-945f-4227-9964-68fc811913ce. Error: Unexpected error while running command.10:23
jprovaznlucasagomes: ^ -
shardyjtomasek: we have a filter which does an exact match based on the capabilites, so this should work and has been previously tested10:23
jtomasekshardy: iiuc, with that setup 'controller' node can get selected from 6 nodes in total (1 tagged and remaining untagged ones)10:24
lucasagomesjprovazn, "Stderr: u'Set Chassis Power Control to Up/On failed: Command not supported in present state\n'"10:24
lucasagomesjprovazn, seems to be BMC related, can you check if it's working ? You can try to reset it as well10:24
lucasagomesBMC's sucks in general10:24
jtomasekshardy: ok, so it should prefer tagged nodes first, right?10:24
lucasagomes(or is it a virt env ? in that case I haven't seem similar errors in that kinda of env010:25
jprovaznlucasagomes: virtualenv10:25
shardyjtomasek: AFAIK yes10:25
lucasagomesjprovazn, is it running with virtualbmc ?10:25
lucasagomesjprovazn, can you check "vbmc list"10:25
lucasagomessee if the services are running10:25
jprovaznlucasagomes: vbmc list is empty10:25
lucasagomesjprovazn, try with sudo10:26
jprovazn| Domain name |  Status | Address | Port |10:26
jprovazn|    ceph_0   | running |    ::   | 6232 |10:26
jprovazn|  compute_0  | running |    ::   | 6231 |10:26
jprovazn|  control_0  | running |    ::   | 6230 |10:26
jprovaznlucasagomes: ^10:26
lucasagomesyeah seems it's all running, hmm strange10:26
lucasagomesjprovazn, it was working before ? No updates ?10:27
jtomasekshardy: ok thanks10:27
lucasagomesmaybe after you added the nics for some reason you can't turn the nodes on ?10:27
jaosoriorshardy: actually. I think the timeout won't help. it hits the overcloud deployment's timeout, not actual job's timeout. So it finishes cleanly and everything. I don't understand though, why the compute logs are empty10:27
lucasagomesjprovazn, can you just try to do a "virsh start <domain>"10:27
shardyjtomasek: this may be a bug, where we respect exact placement for capabilities node:foo, but not profile:foo10:27
lucasagomesjprovazn, see if doesn't complain ?10:27
jprovaznlucasagomes: I'm sure that first OC deployment passed, since then I'm trying to deploy with multiple nics -> I had to add more nics to VMs manually10:27
shardye.g where we use SchedulerHints vs flavors10:27
lucasagomesjprovazn, right, try to manually turn those vms on/off with virsh because VBMC just uses the libvirt library to do it anyway10:28
jtomasekshardy: aha, I was confused on what capabilities:node means, never saw that, is that docummented somewhere?10:28
shardyjtomasek: it'd be interesting to see what happens if all the remaining nodes are tagged e.g notcontroller10:28
shardyjtomasek: ^^10:28
jtomasekukalifon: can you test that?^^10:28
jprovaznlucasagomes: I'll try it, thanks, I have to relocate now, will be back in 20 mins10:28
lucasagomesjprovazn, ok10:28
jtomasekshardy: thanks!10:28
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ukalifonjtomasek: shardy: I'll check that10:28
jtomasekukalifon: UI enables you to add custom tag on all nodes, try to tag other 5 nodes to 'randomtag' and redeploy10:29
shardyYeah, if that works then we have a bug but at least it's an easy workaround10:29
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: N->O Manual puppet commands have the right modulepath.
chemmarios: ^10:34
chemmcornea: ^10:34
mariosthanks checking10:36
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arxcruzadarazs: trown|outtypewww hey, can it be merged
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: N->O Manual puppet commands have the right modulepath.
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [WIP] add containerized deployment on multinode
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: N->O Manual puppet commands have the right modulepath.
chemmarios: thanks for the update in the description ... M,N,O ... silly me.10:50
marios:/ np chem was no huge burden !10:51
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matbuchem: marios did you already see this issue:
matbuchem: marios i don't understand it tbh, every thing looks good on the env10:52
mariosmatbu: i have not10:52
matbuthe systemd LimitNOFILE exist in the rb code10:53
matbuchem: you are a puppet expert ^10:53
chemmatbu: looking ... what is the context here ?10:54
matbuchem: puppet is failing during the controller upgrade10:54
matbuchem: on this error (limitNOFILE) on tripleo / mysql.pp10:54
chemmatbu: ack10:54
matbuit's upstream10:55
matbui didn't check if the downstream package have this setting10:55
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chemmatbu: do you have puppet-systemd installed ?10:58
chemmatbu: but it shouldn't be the issue, still looking11:00
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Run Zaqar with httpd in puppet service
matbuchem: puppet-systemd-0.4.0-0.20170210184545.a032136.el7.centos.noarch11:01
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marioschem: check ?11:08
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fultonjshardy: you had reviewed in the past. would you mind looking at it one last time?11:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,Triaged]11:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-docs master: Fix dlrn link to point to
shardyfultonj: done!11:17
fultonjshardy thank you!11:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: Touch /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: N->O Manual puppet commands have the right modulepath.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: TLS-everywhere: Enable for TLS libvirt live migration
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mariosjaosorior && anyone else : can you check when you get a chance please is a cherrypick11:23
jaosoriormarios: will approve once it passes the gate11:24
mariosthank you jaosorior11:24
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EmilienMcschwede: fyi, I'm now working on
openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)11:28
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chemmatbu: he, sorry got distracted, could you share a tmate on your env ?11:32
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chemmatbu: cannot reproduce it easily11:32
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openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: [DO_NOT_MERGE] Deploy Ceph using ceph-ansible via external workflow
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-validations master: Create the neutron-sanity-check validations
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jaosoriorEmilienM: is that only affecting the update gates? or is it a performance regression for all jobs?11:42
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Upgrade to keystone v3
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jtomasekhonza: I wanted to do a normal review, but I ended up coding updates as I tested things, so I sent it as a patchset
jtomasekhonza: could you check it please?^11:46
honzajtomasek: sure thing11:46
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Upgrade to containerized overcloud
jtomasekhonza: thanks!11:46
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add ovb-fakeha-caserver (TLS everywhere) job to cistatus
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openstackgerritHonza Pokorny proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Add language switcher to login page
ukalifonjtomasek: shardy_lunch: All the nodes tagged with "randomtag" were provisioned. The nodes tagged with control, compute and ceph-storage remained undeplyed.11:52
ukalifonjtomasek: shardy_lunch: There is still some randomness here, because I noticed this bug a few days ago already and when I tried to recreate it - it didn't happen any more. But now it happens every time.11:53
ukalifonjtomasek: shardy_lunch: Jiri, could it be something in the environment from a previous deployment ?11:53
ukalifon(although I think I didn't ruin the default plan_)11:53
honzajtomasek: How broken was the keystone code when you tried to run it?  It seems like your changes aren't trivial, and yet I didn't see anything broken when I uploaded the patch...11:54
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Support container upgrades in multinode OOOQ CI
matbuchem: yep , sorry i missed your ping11:55
matbuchem: pinging you on internal chan11:56
jtomasekhonza: if you don't use endpoints from keystone response (you probably override the endpoints in tripleo_ui_config_file), then you don't see the error11:56
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [WIP] add containerized deployment on multinode
jtomasekhonza: I've fixed that selector and removed having unnnecessary token>token nesting in state11:56
jtomasekhonza: thats all11:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-validations master: Add lookup plugin for tripleo heat templates
honzajtomasek: yep, looks good to me, just surprised that i didn't catch it :(11:56
honzajtomasek: reviews ftw :)11:57
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE: Testing increased overcloud deploy timeout tls everywhere
jtomasekhonza: this line let serviceUrl = appConfig[serviceName] || getFromServiceCatalog(serviceName, urlType);11:57
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP - Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
honzajtomasek: can you paste your config.js somewhere?  Is it mostly empty then?11:58
jtomasekhonza: yours is probably getting url from appConfig, so getFromServiceCatalog is not called for you11:58
jtomasekhonza: yes, no endpoints there at all11:58
jtomasekhonza: but it may not work on your setup11:59
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP - Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
honzajtomasek: my undercloud is busted at the moment, but i'll check it out later, thanks12:00
matbuchem: creds sent in pv12:01
chemmatbu: ack, thanks12:01
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openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Restrict nova migration ssh tunnel
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Move ceilometer upgrade re-run out of collector
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP - Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
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openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Restrict nova migration ssh tunnel
chemmatbu: so I think I got the errorr12:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)12:10
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matbuchem: \o/12:10
matbuchem: i know you were the guy, what is the error ?12:10
thrashlooks good12:11
thrashEmilienM: still don't totally understand how it was broken. I was never able to break it on my end.12:12
EmilienMthrash: all approved12:12
thrashEmilienM: awesome!12:12
EmilienMthrash: next step, enable wsgi in tripleo for mistral12:12
thrashEmilienM: was just about to say that. :)12:12
chemmatbu: if you go to the controller and sudo diff test-ko.pp with test-ok.pp12:13
chemmatbu: and the problem is that
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chemmatbu: we got the left version packaged12:14
chemmatbu: we need the right verison packaged asap and the current one shouldn't hit the puddle12:15
chemmatbu: which bug tracker should I hit ?12:16
matbuchem: erf ok, i tried to put the int value with quote, not the variable in quote12:16
matbuchem: i didn't open a LP12:16
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP - Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
matbuchem: i will open a LP and take care of it12:18
matbuchem: thank you for the help12:18
chemmatbu: so puppet-tripleo-6.3.0-0.20170308072655.6d204f4.el7.centos.noarch is broken12:19
chemmatbu: maybe a new version has come up since then, I mean 03/08 seems kinda old ?12:20
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matbuchem: yep , really old... im checking the upstream repo12:24
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Enable mistral mod_wsgi in undercloud
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP - Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
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openstackgerritDamien Ciabrini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Containerize clustercheck galera monitor for HA deployments
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: WIP - Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
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openstackgerritHarald Jensås proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Tripleo routed networks ironic inspector, and Undercloud
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openstackgerritHonza Pokorny proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Automatically enable all available languages
bogdandolarsks, shardy, jistr: I think I've found that I wanted !
bogdandoI'd appreciate if we could fix nodes omitted from the graph...12:44
openstackgerritDamien Ciabrini proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Containerize clustercheck galera monitor for HA deployments
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Restrict nova migration ssh tunnel
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)13:10
openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Restrict nova migration ssh tunnel
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openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Move OVB settings to tripleo-quickstart-extras
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openstackgerritJiri Tomasek proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Upgrade to keystone v3
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
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zzzeekis it normal that the tripleo CI jobs just fail like 50% of the time?13:24
EmilienMzzzeek: which jobs?13:25
zzzeekEmilienM: jobs like gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-nonha-multinode-oooq13:25
zzzeekthis change does nothing and like undercloud installs are sporadically failing per the logs
EmilienMzzzeek: not normal13:26
EmilienMI'll look asap13:26
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Rename misleading undercloud/overcloud hieradata overrides
weshayzzzeek, no 50% is not normal, over the course of the week.. that job has passed 80.6% of the time13:26
zzzeekEmilienM: my change there is add a new config option to haproxy.pp.   if it was an invalid option, all the jobs would fail every time13:26
openstackgerritDamien Ciabrini proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Clustercheck, monitor service for galera containers
weshayw/ 18.2% of the time it's failing on previously identified bugs13:27
zzzeekim like doing oooq w/ devmode to reproduce and over there, I keep getting undercloud ssh timeouts :( (that's my env likely)13:27
* weshay looking at and then clicking on the job name13:28
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EmilienMI know why13:31
EmilienM2017-04-19 23:03:08 | 2017-04-19 23:03:08,584 INFO: [1;31mError: /Stage[main]/Tripleo::Profile::Base::Docker/Augeas[docker-daemon.json]: Could not evaluate: Saving failed, see debug[0m13:31
EmilienMdprince fixed it last night13:31
EmilienMzzzeek: just do recheck, the problem was affecting all CI and is fixed now.13:31
zzzeekEmilienM: ok thanks!13:32
weshayhere's the link
EmilienMzzzeek: problem was fixed by
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zzzeekEmilienM: ah ok, and sporadic b.c. file would suddenly exist due to previos job or something?13:34
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Enable mistral to run under mod_wsgi
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EmilienMzzzeek: it's something in docker packaging, that we didn't control13:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-common master: add caching the GetParametersAction
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable mistral to run under mod_wsgi
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Rename misleading undercloud/overcloud hieradata overrides
bandinimandre: in a puppet manifest I need to add an if {} stub that executes code only when the service itself is running via docker. are there any hiera keys I can check for that?13:44
bandinijistr: ^13:46
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
jistrbandini: i don't think there are at the moment. You can however put in custom hiera keys or overrides in any of the manifest, e.g. see how we override apache::default_vhost here13:48
jistrbandini: we could perhaps come up with something better if this ^ doesn't seem like a good solution for the use case you have in mind13:49
bandinijistr: ack, I'll inject something custom for the time being13:49
bandinijistr: it would probably be good to have some global list of dockerized services in hiera. I expect this to be useful in general13:50
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bandinijistr: thanks ;)13:50
jistrbandini: sure thing :)13:51
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openstackgerritJohn Fulton proposed openstack/tripleo-specs master: Deriving TripleO Parameters
fultonjskramaja: abishop shardy ^ is jut for spelling fixes (lost update I promise). if you don't mind scoring one last time. thanks.13:53
fultonj(just* for spelling fixes)13:54
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abishopfultonj: Added my +113:57
fultonjabishop: thanks13:57
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
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thrashEmilienM: not sure how to solve that one14:06
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fultonjthanks shardy14:07
trozetflaper87: hi14:07
flaper87trozet: hey :)14:07
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EmilienMthrash: Class['::ironic::inspector'] ~> Exec['mistral-db-populate']14:07
trozetflaper87: hey wanted to let you know the ODL congtainer patch was just accepted into kolla14:07
flaper87fultonj: hey there, quick question. This is the repo y'all are working on for the ceph stuff, right?
trozetflaper87: so will be working on getting ODL conatiner into OOO soon14:08
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fultonjflaper87: yes, for now14:08
thrashEmilienM: that's already there.14:08
EmilienMthrash: problem is that ironic inspector runs in httpd but mistral-db-populate needs to be run after ironic inspector14:08
flaper87fultonj: ok, you might get some patches from me and questions :D14:08
thrashEmilienM: you mean that's the problem?14:08
EmilienMthrash: yes sir14:08
fultonjflaper87: awesome, thanks14:08
trozetflaper87: i think when i talked to Slower_ at PTG, he mentioned some repo where you were holding the built containers.  Is the first step to upload it there after I build it?  Or do you have a build system now?14:08
flaper87trozet: fantastic! Thanks for the heads up14:08
EmilienMmistral-db-populate needs to be run after httpd then14:08
EmilienMwe need to check if mistral-db-populate can be run after mistral api (httpd) starts14:09
EmilienMif yes, just remove this line14:09
flaper87trozet: we need to upload it manually for now14:09
thrashEmilienM: Don't think that can happen. Let me check though14:09
flaper87flaper87: how are you generating this?
trozetflaper87: sorry if this is already been answered in the container guide, but can you link me instructions on that or the repo itself if the instructions dont exist?14:09
fultonjflaper87: i'm just improving the POC there at the moment i'm looking to merge it into tripleo-common once the heat resource is done and the ceph-ansible package in the undercloud14:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)14:10
thrashEmilienM: populate needs to happen prior to api starting14:10
flaper87fultonj: this one?14:10
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flaper87fultonj: that's a heat-hook, right ?14:10
thrashEmilienM: or we need to bounce it.14:10
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thrashEmilienM: But I'm pretty sure it will fail. I can check for sure though.14:11
fultonjflaper87: that's the right idea, but it's now this one
flaper87trozet: it's not, we actually need to do it ourselves :( if the image is already in kolla then one of us can build it and upload it14:11
flaper87fultonj: cool, I'll read through it14:11
flaper87trozet: I'm a bit stuck right now, maybe mandre can do this quickly for you14:11
trozetflaper87: ok thanks14:11
trozetflaper87: also I had a question about the networking with containers.  How is that being done?14:12
fultonjflaper87: it came from
trozetflaper87: and also thinking ahead to the future with k8s, what network plugin do you plan to use?14:12
openstackgerritMichael Bayer proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add maxconn parameter to MySQL / HAProxy
flaper87trozet: the k8s question we'll answer later. we're not there yet14:13
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flaper87trozet: the networking for the docker-cmd based deployment uses the host network14:13
EmilienMthrash: we have a problem then. /me brb 10 min from now14:13
flaper87fultonj: is that patch going to be abandoned in favor of the hook ?14:14
thrashEmilienM: ack14:14 will replace workflow_execution.py14:15
fultonjgfidente: ^14:15
openstackgerritAdriano Petrich proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: move mistral base action dependency to mistral_lib
fultonjflaper87: sorry, let me find the correct heat hook :)14:15
fultonjflaper87: 420664 is correct ( OS::Mistral::ExternalResource would be used for Heat to trigger Mistral14:16
shardyflaper87: it's not a heat hook, it's a new heat resource plugin that can run an mistral workflow14:17
flaper87fultonj: fantastic, glad there's a patch already. I'll give this a try shortly14:17
shardyso a little different to how e.g the docker hook etc works14:17
flaper87shardy: I just realized that, awesome!14:17
fultonjflaper87: it's cool because different states of the resource and trigger workflows differently14:18
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fultonje.g. we can have it clean up after itself14:18
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fultonjlike a propper heat resource14:19
flaper87nice, even better14:19
flaper87my mom liked it when I used to clean after myself, now I understand why14:19
trozetflaper87: sorry i'm a container noob, so you create a docker bridged network and connect to the host interface for internal_api network in OOO?14:19
flaper87trozet: no worries. We don't create a bridged network but use the host network directly14:20
flaper87trozet: which means we bypass docker networking entirely14:20
flaper87this allows us for keeping the current network architecture14:20
flaper87for now14:20
flaper87that's not going to be the case for k8s14:20
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Enable mistral mod_wsgi in undercloud
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EmilienMthrash: ok back. So yeah, if both ironic & mistral run in wsgi, we need to 1) check if mistral-db-populate can be run before httpd start 2) if not, restart apache after mistral-db-populate again (it sucks)14:23
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fultonjflaper87: i'm compensating for missing pieces with . the new resrouce is starting the workflow but i'm debugging my mistral workflow itself. so if you try it will expose the current issue i hope to fix today14:24
thrashEmilienM: Or we need to figure out why ironic-inspector has to be running in order for the mistral actions to be created properly.14:24
thrashBut 2) is probably what's going to be necessary.14:24
fultonjthen I thought it would be nice to get a better ansible inventory14:24
thrashEmilienM: I'm trying a run with the line removed to see what happens. :)14:24
flaper87fultonj: how are you generating the inventory ?14:25
thrashEmilienM: also playing around with things locally.14:25
thrashEmilienM: will let you know what I find.14:25
EmilienMthrash: nice. you're about to break CI :P14:25
fultonjflaper87: a script gets it from nova14:25
thrashEmilienM: haha only if it lands. :D14:25
flaper87fultonj: gotcha14:26
flaper87fultonj: brb, call14:26
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jtomasekjpich: so this one is most important now
jtomasekjpich: specifically:
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jtomasekjpich: I am going to try to test it and provide a review14:29
chemEmilienM: he, if you could have a quick look at ?14:29
EmilienMchem: ok14:29
EmilienMweshay: tripleo ci meeting this week?14:29
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chemEmilienM: just to make sure you're ok with the way it's done :)14:29
EmilienMchem: lgtm14:30
chemEmilienM: ack, thanks.14:30
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: N->O Manual puppet commands have the right modulepath.
jpichjtomasek: Ok, so the patch is already there. I'm looking at these today, planning to review and test as well14:31
jpichjtomasek: The only other patch I was planning on doing related to these was a follow-up patch for the TODO, as in removing the last traces of the mistral env in the CLI once everything else has merged14:32
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weshayEmilienM, I think we have too many on pto14:32
EmilienMI left and arxcruz too14:32
jtomasekjpich: ack, another nice one would be
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jpichjtomasek: If the important work is stuff akrivoka already provided patches for then we're on the same page :) I was wondering about the other sub-blueprints that have actions related to networks and roles14:33
jtomasekjpich: we'll need roles crud eventually, but having at least updated listing would be nice14:34
jpichjtomasek: Just getting for now, or the update/validate as well?14:34
jtomasekjpich: just getting is fine14:34
jtomasekjpich: currently we're parsing overcloud.yaml template to get a list of roles. this should be changed to getting them from roles_data.yaml in swift14:35
jpichjtomasek: That seems somewhat manageable (says the person who knows next to nothing about this ;))14:36
jtomasekjpich: haha14:36
jpichjtomasek: Thank you for the pointers. I'll add that one to my to-dos and chat again if I get in over my head. *Theoretically* if we wanted to look into the other sub-blueprints, order of importance would be update/validate roles, then the networking actions -- or get-networks, and then update/validate for both...?14:37
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jtomasekjpich: get-networks first I guess, its up to you though14:38
jpichjtomasek: Ok, fine. Just wanted to make sure there aren't other blueprints/work depending on these ones14:39
jpichjtomasek: I'll aim my best with GetRoles but won't make any other promises as to the rest for now14:39
jtomasekjpich: ok, sounds great14:40
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
trozetflaper87: thanks14:46
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Switch to overlay driver for storage
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jaosoriortrown: so, for some reason, the nova flavor_list mistral action is not returning the profile :/14:55
jaosoriortrown: got an environment I could access?14:58
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Allow complex upgrade deployment for N to O
itzikbEmilienM: hi, regarding what can I do?14:58
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Download rpm tht package for mixed upgrade
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EmilienMitzikb: I'm working on CI now but got lot of interruptions to finish the work15:01
itzikbEmilienM: ok, sorry15:02
jaosoriorEmilienM: it seems it's not the same issue. The TLS everywhere gate just stalls when creating the compute. regardless of the timeout :/15:03
trownjaosorior: my env is currently deployed with master, instead of master-tripleo-ci15:03
trownjaosorior: I can redeploy though with your exact args15:03
jaosoriortrown: that would be great15:03
jaosoriorhrybacki: hey dude, I need help figuring out why the TLS everywhere gate is broken :/15:04
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trownjaosorior: what is in deploytls.yaml?15:04
jaosoriorhrybacki: submitted this
openstackLaunchpad bug 1684630 in tripleo "ovb-fake-caserver job failing, timing out creating the Compute resource" [Undecided,New]15:04
jaosoriortrown: it's the parameters to deploy a TLS everywhere environment15:05
jaosoriortrown: well, for the overcloud. not undercloud15:05
jaosoriortrown: you need a FreeIPA server somewhere to get that working though. I can help with that if you want15:06
trownjaosorior: hmm if it is only on the overcloud it is probably not related to your issue15:06
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Move OVB settings to tripleo-quickstart-extras
trownjaosorior: I am quite confused by what you are hitting though15:06
jaosoriortrown: yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not related15:06
jaosoriortrown: well, from what I can tell the nova.flavors_list action is not returning the profile info15:06
jaosoriorit returns a bunch of stuff but not that15:07
trownjaosorior: I am trying your command with everything but the tls stuff15:07
trownjaosorior: I wonder if you have a stale image in the cache and for some reason quickstart is not pulling a new one15:07
jaosoriortrown: alright15:07
trownjaosorior: could you post your delorean.repo?15:07
jaosoriortrown: let me try removing that15:07
jaosoriortrown: sure15:07
jaosoriortrown: ^^15:08
trownjaosorior: hmm that is the correct one15:09
trownso you have the latest image15:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)15:10
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openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: Add OVB support to
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jaosoriortrown: is there a way that I can give parameters to the flavors_list?15:11
trownjaosorior: I unfortunately do not know that mistral code very well15:11
dprinceEmilienM, mandre: looking at this again I know how to fix it. But question is do we want netiso enabled for the containers job. I think we do.... but for parity with nonha that does not use network isolation15:11
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jaosoriortrown: here
jaosoriorthrash|biab: ^^15:11
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jaosoriordprince: would be goot to have the docker jobs deploying with netiso. Seems like a more realistic scenario.15:12
jaosoriortrown: who can I ask about this?15:12
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jaosoriortrown: oh, I think I can just use input. Where do these yaml files get stored?15:13
trownjaosorior: thrash|biab or rbrady would know15:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Allow permissive access to non_root_user files
dprincejaosorior: agree, but we still want one job using the non-netiso case right?15:17
jaosoriordprince: maybe.... or do we want to make netiso the standard?15:18
jaosoriorbnemec: any idea why the compute logs where not copied here ?15:19
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bnemecjaosorior: The compute node wasn't created.  There's nothing to collect from it.15:21
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openstackgerritMichael Bayer proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Add maxconn parameter to MySQL / HAProxy
jaosoriorbnemec: oh, I thought it was15:21
jaosoriorbnemec: any idea why it wasn't? I saw no errors in the nova logs :/15:21
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jaosorioror actaully, I've been reading logs for hours and am pretty stumped as to why the compute doesn't get created there15:22
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bnemecjaosorior: Not off the top of my head.  It's actually very strange that the compute node shows in nova list but the heat resource timed out:
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jaosoriorbnemec: but isn't that the base resource? the compute role thingy. And that one contains the nova compute node15:23
jaosoriorbnemec: as far as I could tell, what actually timed out is the networkdeployment15:24
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bnemecjaosorior: Why do you think that?  According to what I see NetworkDeployment completed.15:25
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
bnemecAlthough that would also explain why no logs were gathered.15:26
jaosoriorbnemec: the one from the controller did. not the one from the compute15:26
jaosorioroh, why would it explain that? I've been pretty confused about that15:26
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shardyjaosorior: if the network is broken, scping the logs won't work?15:28
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jaosoriorshardy: thought the ctlplane plane would be fine either way.15:28
jaosoriorshardy: since that's not set up by that networkdeployment15:28
bnemecjaosorior: Nope, the fallback doesn't work.15:28
EmilienMbnemec: do you have metrics about your theory of stack update longer?15:28
bnemecAnd os-net-config wipes all the config when it starts running.15:28
jaosorioraw shit15:28
bnemecEmilienM: They're in the bug.15:29
bnemecI've been meaning to fix the fact that our safe default failsafe doesn't actually work for about a year now.15:29
EmilienMbnemec: indeed15:30
EmilienMbnemec: i'm investigating what could have caused this increase15:30
jaosoriorbnemec, shardy: What other options do we have for debugging that?15:31
bnemecEmilienM: My guess is the promotion:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud update time" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)15:31
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add defaults for docker puppet tasks
EmilienMbnemec: a promotion in ocata, right?15:31
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EmilienMbnemec: it is affecting stable/ocata jobs15:32
bnemecjaosorior: If you're running locally you could log into the console, but in ci there isn't much.15:32
bnemecEmilienM: No, it's not affecting stable branches.  Only master in this case.15:32
jaosoriorbnemec: I can't reproduce it locally :/15:32
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bnemecEmilienM: See the graph in the description:
EmilienMbnemec: I have seen a lot of timeouts on stable/ocata for upgrade jobs15:32
bnemecEmilienM: Yes, that's a different bug that has been going on longer than this one.15:33
EmilienMbnemec: ok15:33
EmilienMbnemec: indeed, we hav 2 problems15:33
bnemecThat's why I opened a second bug. :-)15:33
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: Fix depends-on for tipleo-quickstart
EmilienMbnemec: remember the issue we had with ssl with heat15:34
EmilienMbnemec: we had to increase timeout15:34
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EmilienMbnemec: it sounds related15:34
jaosoriorEmilienM: which ssl issue with heat?15:34
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EmilienMbnemec: I asked zaneb and he has no clue what in heat could have regressed15:34
bnemecEmilienM: Yeah, I was planning to troll the heat git log to see if anything looks suspicious.15:34
EmilienMlaunchpad 166607215:35
openstackLaunchpad bug 1666072 in tripleo "CI / SSL: 504 Gateway Time-out" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)15:35
thrashjaosorior: Sure.15:35
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thrashjaosorior: you would just add them as input: on that action15:35
bnemecI wonder if that resource chain takes as long on the initial deployment.15:35
shardybnemec: For the master updates job, are we sure it's not triggering yum update with the new pike-1 packages that aren't in the cached image or something?15:35
thrashjaosorior: in that particular workflow? Or in a different workflow?15:35
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: Add OVB support to
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shardyoh nvm I see you've isolated it to servicechain15:36
bnemecshardy: Shouldn't be.  This is a master job that should already have newer packages than pike-115:36
jaosoriorthrash: the file I need to modify? I want to add that here
shardyI'm seeing that locally with the undercloud installer I think15:36
bnemecOh, interesting.  This isn't just updates.  Initial deployments are having a much longer controller service chain time too.15:37
shardyYeah that's what I'm seeing for undercloud deploy15:38
shardyI thought it was due to the single process heat, but sounds like it's not15:38
bnemecBefore: ControllerServiceChain 36.015:38
bnemecAfter: ControllerServiceChain 624.015:38
* shardy builds 3c06d0a heat15:40
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bnemecIt's a miracle any of the updates jobs are completing under the timeout.  That's something like 20 minutes added per job.15:40
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EmilienMbnemec: tbh I spent some time this weekend to investigate and haven't found anything. I've pinged heat folks but not much help here15:42
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EmilienMbnemec: and zaneb told me to increase the timeout, which is what I did15:44
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EmilienMbut really increasing timeouts is not really helpful...15:44
bnemecEmilienM: Yeah, looks like the timeout increase just masked a legitimate bug.15:45
thrashjaosorior: there's no reason you can't add anything there.15:45
zanebbnemec: I sort-of agree, but I can't see anything that could cause a regression in the timeframe EmilienM mentioned15:46
thrashjaosorior: what are you looking to add anyway?15:46
jaosoriorthrash: right, but... what I don't know is where in my installation do I edit that file and how do I reflect the changes.15:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: N->O Manual puppet commands have the right modulepath.
jaosoriorthrash: nova flavors list has a "detailed" option, which I want to set to true15:46
thrashjaosorior: ahh. I see. Just make a copy of the file from /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-common15:46
thrashthen do a 'openstack workbook update validations.yaml'15:47
jaosoriorthanks dude15:47
thrashwith validations.yaml in your $(cwd)15:47
jaosoriorthrash: thanks dude, I'll try it out15:47
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thrashjaosorior: np. lemme know if you need anything else. :)15:47
EmilienMbnemec: on the bug I was working on (upgrade jobs timeouting) I think the mirror thing can help15:47
EmilienMbnemec: because the upgrade takes time to pull packages15:48
EmilienMif we can save little time here, it's always a bonus15:48
bnemecEmilienM: Sure, that makes sense.15:48
EmilienMbnemec: sorry I was confused15:48
EmilienMfor the ovb-updates thing, we need to restore the CI escalation15:48
zanebbnemec: did you see my comment ?15:49
openstackLaunchpad bug 1666072 in tripleo "CI / SSL: 504 Gateway Time-out" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)15:49
zanebbnemec: slow validation of the ResourceChain was definitely the cause in the case I debugged15:50
zanebbnemec: that could presumably be due to a change in t-h-t or in Heat. if we have some data that can narrow it down then that would be helpful15:51
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bnemeczaneb: Yeah, I suppose it's also possible that an earlier change in tht triggered this behavior, although apparently it wasn't present in the older version of Heat because we didn't see this until the promotion happened.15:53
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bnemecI was only looking at tht patches that merged around the 18th, but it's possible there was something earlier that has an impact here.15:53
zanebbnemec: is the most suspicious commit15:53
bnemecI'm not sure how long it had been since we last had a promotion before the 18th.15:53
zanebbut it shouldn't have had any measurable effect on create, when self.action == self.INIT15:54
bnemeczaneb: We can try a temprevert of that pretty easily.15:54
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zanebworth a try15:55
flaper87/query dsneddon15:56
flaper87ops, fail15:56
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Temprevert f94d76cb322f14a001e7990c0918a67f1a09ea16 in heat
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zanebbnemec: the good news is if that is the issue (which is plausible for stack *updates*) then cwolferh's patch should resolve it or get us very close16:03
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Make docker_registry_namespace a variable
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Generate the list of required containers from t-h-t
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1680259 in tripleo "Upgrades jobs timing out regularly" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)16:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud deploy/update time" [Critical,In progress]16:10
jistrthe upgrades job has regressed to the error which looks like i'm not passing the multinode environment files in16:12
jistrbut i *am* passing them in16:12
* jistr searches for what merged lately that could affect this16:12
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
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pabelangerEmilienM: left comments on ^. You shouldn't need to manipulate variables any more, just source the file and use NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR directly16:23
pabelangersame with NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY16:23
EmilienMpabelanger: yeah I saw16:24
EmilienMi'm working on it no16:24
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
EmilienMpabelanger: can you review it again? ^16:33
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Save DefaultPasswords values for undercloud deploy
pabelangerEmilienM: feedback on NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR.16:38
EmilienMpabelanger: merci16:40
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Save DefaultPasswords values for undercloud deploy
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: N->O Manual puppet commands have the right modulepath.
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
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shardybogdando: Hey see which we discussed yesterday, it updates the tripleo-undercloud-passwords.yaml so I think re-running undercloud deploy should now work modulo other bugs16:46
bogdandoshardy: thanks, looking. What should be the next step to make deploying rabbit with non empty cookie? Shall I restore the tripleo-common patch with depends on set on your patch?..16:48
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bogdandoshardy: I mean the abandoned one here
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shardybogdando: I'm still not sure why you're seeing it empty, with my patch we should save the RabbitCookie to tripleo-undercloud-passwords.yaml so it will always be set to the same string as the first undercloud deploy16:51
bogdandoshardy, please also take a look the graph builder, if you have time. It works well but omits some nodes (unknown from/to)... f.e. UndercloudDockerPuppetTasksDeployment4 in the rendered post.yaml (undercloud)16:51
shardybogdando: Yeah, IMHO we don't need the tripleo-common part, but I'm still testing this, feedback welcome16:51
bogdandoso I 'm about to resurrect
bogdandoand fix a little bit, with some help needed though :)16:52
openstackgerritHonza Pokorny proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Automatically enable all available languages
shardybogdando: Hmm, actually there's a bug, we need to not update existing keys after the first deploy16:52
shardy(a bug in my patch)16:52
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bnemecHmm, Juan left.16:58
bnemecIt looks like that compute node timeout problem he was looking into is a common one:*tripleo-ci*%20AND%20build_status%3A%20FAILURE%20AND%20message%3A%20%5C%22%5Bovercloud.Compute.0%5D%3A%20CREATE_FAILED%20%20CREATE%20aborted%5C%2216:59
bnemec31 hits in the past 24 hours. :-/16:59
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Save DefaultPasswords values for undercloud deploy
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openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: Add OVB support to
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EmilienMpabelanger: it failed because the / in the variable, in the sed. Should I use alternate regex ?17:06
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pabelangerEmilienM: escape it?17:07
EmilienMpabelanger: I use the variable that you provide in infra17:07
pabelangerEmilienM: got a log file?17:07
EmilienMpabelanger: but I could reproduce it locally17:08
EmilienMit's simply because the variable contains / so the sed fails17:08
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: Add OVB support to
mwhahahaEmilienM, use # maybe?17:09
mwhahahai think that can be used instead17:10
mwhahahaor maybe i'm confusing ruby17:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1680259 in tripleo "Upgrades jobs timing out regularly" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)17:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud deploy/update time" [Critical,In progress]17:10
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EmilienMpabelanger, mwhahaha found it17:13
EmilienMTIL sed17:13
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mwhahahano one actually learns sed17:14
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Update fakeha net-iso configuration
pabelangerEmilienM: sed -e "s|^baseurl=|baseurl=${NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR}|;" -i /foo.bar17:15
EmilienMpabelanger: I have another syntax but i think it will work too17:15
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
EmilienMpabelanger, mwhahaha :
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mwhahahaEmilienM: i like # better but i guess ~ works :D17:18
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EmilienMmwhahaha: teach me please the difference, i'm happy to change it17:18
mwhahahai don't think there is a difference17:18
mwhahahaother than visibility17:18
mwhahahaor readability17:19
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bandinianyone else seeing this on the undercloud: 2017-04-20 18:31:14.703 28461 ERROR ironic.conductor.manager [req-8c2c2cd9-2fd8-4aff-92f8-ad22c58e3765 9fb8c1bad7ca46218c67b2c2894f9cb8 a800cadc87bb4fcca0be37ff0e92e6f1 - - -] Error while preparing to deploy to node c9d8afe3-917b-4dca-9f92-fa04778c4414: Swift temporary URLs require a shared secret to be created. You must provide "swift_temp_url_key" as a config17:34
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1680259 in tripleo "Upgrades jobs timing out regularly" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)18:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud deploy/update time" [Critical,In progress]18:10
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slagleowalsh: are you going to backport all of to ocata?18:14
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openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: Add OVB support to
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openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: Add OVB support to
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DNM - CI testing - Upgrades from Ocata to Pike
mwhahahai'm seeing dlrn failures occasionally
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart master: WIP: Add OVB support to
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EmilienMmwhahaha: echo openstack/puppet-openstack-integration ?18:37
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mwhahahai know, i am confused about this18:37
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Switch to overlay driver for storage
mwhahahaunfortunately i have no idea what it's doing (have i said how much i hate ansible output)18:38
EmilienMI don't see errors on
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mwhahahais it because p-o-i isn't packaged?18:39
mwhahahaor is it packaged18:39
EmilienMdmacpher: any idea ^ ?18:39
EmilienMdmsimard: ^18:39
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mwhahahabut where is that even coming from18:40
mwhahahabecause rdpokg findpkg puppet-openstack-integration does fail18:40
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use AFS mirrors for legacy jobs
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: DNM - CI testing - Upgrades from Ocata to Pike
EmilienMmwhahaha: do you see it randomly or consistently?18:43
mwhahahabecause these are in the gate18:43
mwhahahabut the check passed18:43
mwhahahai'm rechecking to see if it's consistent or something but it's weird18:44
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Switch the ovb-containers-oooq to use network iso
jkilpatrbnemec, is there anywhere I should open a patchest for a scale CI job?19:00
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bnemecjkilpatr: You could try a tripleo-ci patch that hijacks an existing job.19:03
bnemecFor example,
bnemecChange the NODECOUNT and add a --compute-scale argument to the deploy args.19:03
bnemecYou'll probably have issues due to the small undercloud though.19:04
jkilpatrhow much ram do these underclouds get?19:04
bnemecOnly 8 GB.19:04
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jkilpatruh how does that even deploy? I've seen a trivial 3 node cloud push more than that.19:05
bnemecIt's pretty much the bare minimum.19:06
bnemecBut it matches what is used elsewhere in openstack-infra so we're somewhat limited there.19:06
bnemecIt might be an interesting experiment to bump the ovb undercloud flavor though.  I could see it significantly improving performance in those jobs.19:07
bnemecAnd we'd still have the 8 GB multinode jobs to make sure our memory usage didn't get out of control.19:07
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jkilpatrdo they push in to swap? do you have enough metric gathering to even know if they do?19:07
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bnemecWe had swap at one point.  I don't recall whether we do at the moment.19:08
bnemecOh, we have 8 GB of swap.19:09
jkilpatryou're probably pushing into that19:09
bnemecOnly about 100 MB used at the end of the job though.19:09
bnemecSwap:          8.0G        100M        7.9G19:09
jkilpatryeah but if it's being used during the highest load point of the deploy it would still slow things down19:10
jkilpatrneed a graph over time19:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1680259 in tripleo "Upgrades jobs timing out regularly" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)19:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud deploy/update time" [Critical,In progress]19:10
bnemecYeah, I thought we had dstat output somewhere.  I'm not immediately seeing it though.19:10
* bnemec keeps looking19:10
jkilpatrconsidering a 10 minute delay was marked as critical not using swap sounds high priority :)19:11
jkilpatrfor Zuul how do I view logs and stuff? the xdg open with telnet doesn't work in chromium or firefox or if I just try and telnet from my terminal19:11
bnemecHmm, the telnet console generally works for me.  Except for ipv6 nodes, where I have to telnet in from an ipv6 vm that I have.19:15
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/instack-undercloud master: Enable mistral mod_wsgi in undercloud
bnemecjkilpatr: Swap actually doesn't look too bad in
bnemecThere's some paging that happens for a few minutes, but other than that it's pretty minimal.19:15
bnemecNearly 2 GB of buffers/cache too.19:16
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rookum, please no swapping, even if we aren't talking about performance19:16
rookjkilpatr yes!19:17
jkilpatrrook, these people need grafana19:18
rookjkilpatr bro. I told weshay to get our shit a long time ago19:18
rookhe is too busy :-P19:18
* mwhahaha puts rook and jkilpatr into swap and will check back next week19:19
rookmwhahaha happens with most performance people...19:19
openstackgerritMartin André proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Generate the list of required containers from t-h-t
bnemecPerformance?  That's someone else's problem.19:20
bnemec- Every developer ever who doesn't have "performance" in their job title19:20
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jkilpatrbnemec, then there are only like what 8 people with that title...19:20
jkilpatrbnemec, anyways what would it take to get a larger undercloud flavor and some smaller overcloud node flavors?19:20
jkilpatrcompute node specifically19:20
rookbnemec haha19:21
mwhahahaact of god19:21
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rookjkilpatr in the OVB cloud, are you disabling telemetry on the UC19:21
rookI hope to god you are.19:21
bnemecWe do that automatically for everything except the nonha job.19:21
jkilpatrrook, you mean the host/real/what do we call this? cloud19:22
rookin any CI case19:22
bnemecjkilpatr: Well, we can't make the overcloud nodes smaller.  They will also oom if we do.19:22
rookwhy have that on, unless it is to test telem19:22
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bnemec"unless it is to test telem" <- That is why19:22
bnemecWe have users which need telemetry on the undercloud.19:23
jkilpatrrook, I was under the impression that quickstart disabled it but I never actually checked.19:23
jkilpatrbnemec, any of these jobs on quickstart yet?19:23
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bnemecMaybe some?  I don't know, I don't do quickstart.19:23
bnemecThere exist some quickstart ovb jobs but I don't know what they test off the top of my head.19:24
rookbnemec "i don't do quickstart"19:25
rookwhat do you do?19:25
bnemecFollow the docs.  Like our users have to.19:25
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* mwhahaha seconds that19:25
jkilpatrthe docs don't work if you have a cloud larger than like 30 nodes (was 20 fixed that)19:26
jkilpatrwhich is why we want a scale job...19:26
bnemecThe persistence of developer "easy mode" tools is why the TripleO user experience is still not where it should be.19:26
bnemec"User experience?  That's someone else's problem"19:26
bnemec- Every developer ever who doesn't have "user experience" in their job title19:26
* bnemec has an idea for a new irc bot...19:26
jkilpatrbnemec, uh the perf/scale team is on the other side19:27
weshayjkilpatr, I think we need to chat w/ arxcruz19:27
trowna bit of a chicken egg problem though19:27
bnemecjkilpatr: I'm being somewhat facetious.19:27
bnemecBut it is a problem.19:27
trownif the developer experience is not good, then who is going to work on the thing to make the user experience good19:27
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arxcruzweshay: yes?19:27
mwhahahadeveloper experiance shouldn't matter as much as end user experiance. because the goal should be to have 10x the users than developers19:28
mwhahahawhere as we currently have 10x developers to users19:28
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weshayjkilpatr, is looking to get a big scale job running..  since there is no capacity to do that kind of thing in a check gate.. I thought your publish results app would come in handy19:28
trownI dont think that is true: "10x developers to users"19:28
bnemecjkilpatr: So, back off the tangent I wandered onto, we _could_ potentially increase the undercloud size in ovb jobs, and I can write a testenv patch that will give you smaller compute nodes for the overcloud.19:28
weshayfor instance if jkilpatr were to run a 20-30 node scale out test.. w/ internal hardware.. we have the public logs19:29
weshaybut nobody would see the results w/o a tool like yours19:29
bnemecWe'd need to discuss the undercloud size change to see if anyone has concerns.19:29
weshayjkilpatr, do you want to chat about that for a minute w/ arx?19:29
jkilpatrweshay, sure19:29
weshayarxcruz, you have time?19:29
arxcruzweshay: sure19:30
arxcruzwhat can i do for you boss?19:30
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jkilpatrweshay, I do have the entire perf monitoring/visualization stack sitting outside the firewall for public publishing19:30
weshayjkilpatr, aye19:30
mwhahahatrown: i would argue that many of the users today would be closer to 'developers' than end users. yes 10x is an exageration but it's definately more devs than users19:33
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jkilpatrI'll take a moment to point out that most real users will have on the order of more 10-15 nodes and that's the usecase I'm trying to improve here19:35
jkilpatrbecause it's not tested well, the workflow may not be great but at least it works on smaller scale.19:35
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mwhahahawell we need to be able to expose the tunables in order to make that happen in a user friendly fashion. Ideally some should ship out of the box but they may not be the defaults we can do in our CI19:36
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Enable mistral to run under mod_wsgi
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mwhahahaand those should be in the docs which we shoiuld be following...19:37
bnemeczaneb: Hmm, the temprevert knocked about half off the time off the service chain create and update.19:38
bnemecControllerServiceChain 333.019:38
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zanebbnemec: so... that's one of but not the only culprit?19:41
bnemeczaneb: That would be my conclusion.19:41
bnemecAlways fun when problems stack.19:42
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EmilienMmwhahaha, pabelanger: I saw working in CI. The patch is ready for review, when you have time of courser19:43
EmilienMstevebaker: hey19:45
EmilienMbnemec: nice one19:45
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bnemecEmilienM: Well, zaneb suggested the patch.  I just did the typey typey in tripleo-ci. :-)19:46
EmilienMbnemec: ah ok, so revert the "nice one" :P19:46
zanebIf it's important then I'm ok with revert now and resubmit once cwolferh's patch has made this efficient again19:48
EmilienMbnemec: could we monitor ControllerServiceChain and make job failing if over a certain value19:49
bnemecEmilienM: We could potentially set upper bounds on certain resources.  Although this one only gets us about half way back to normal.19:51
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add yum-utils as EPEL dependency
bnemecWe could also just set an upper bound on deployment time as a whole.19:51
bnemecAlthough that would vary significantly by job type, so it might be a little trickier to get right.  We have the metrics on what is normal though.19:53
dmsimardEmilienM: sorry just saw your ping, I don't understand the question ?19:53
EmilienMdmsimard: mwhahaha found some weird things when delorean runs in gate, he posted logs if you can look when you have time19:53
dmsimardWhen it rebuilds a package inside a job ? Not familiar with the implementation but I can look19:54
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add os-collect-config data as an output
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dmsimardEmilienM, mwhahaha: so it's coming from here..
mwhahahayea i looked at that but have no idea how that works20:07
dmsimardBut why is it trying to build something for a puppet review ?20:07
mwhahahai wasn't sure how the list of things to build gets generated20:08
mwhahahabecause there are no p-o-i packages as far as i know20:08
bnemecWe filtered that out in tripleo-ci20:08
dmsimardOf course there isn't20:08
mwhahahaand it shouldn't be building that for puppet-tripleo or  instack-undercloud20:08
* bnemec finds the code20:08
mwhahahadid the filter get lost in oooq20:08
dmsimardmwhahaha: it looks like Sagi might be familiar with that role but he doesn't seem to be around20:09
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud deploy/update time" [Critical,In progress]20:10
dmsimardbnemec: that doesn't look very pretty but I guess it works ?20:12
dmsimardMaybe that filter should live in the role instead so that it doesn't try to build nonsense20:13
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EmilienMpatch to use AFS mirrors in multinode jobs not deployed by quickstart: - please review20:33
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: Fix path to overcloud_containers.yaml
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EmilienMnot sure why but gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-upgrades-nv is green on master20:48
EmilienMand I confirm it upgraded from ocata to pike \o/20:50
* EmilienM out20:50
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Support heterogeneous OVB environments
bnemecHmm, jkilpatr left. :-/20:51
bnemecrook: ^would allow testenvs with a few controller nodes and a bunch of smaller computes.20:51
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jprovaznbnemec, hi, do you have a minute? I'm struggling with multiple-nics virtual env20:54
bnemecjprovazn: Sure21:00
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add yum-utils as EPEL dependency
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jprovaznbnemec, when I deploy OC with multiple nics, it fails probably because external network is not set properly:
jprovaznbnemec, UC and OC's controller interfaces look like:
jprovaznbnemec, I suspect that the vlan on UC is not correct21:02
bnemecjprovazn: If you're using multi-nic, you shouldn't use a vlan on the undercloud.  Just configure the appropriate undercloud nic directly with
jprovaznbnemec, yes, I thought that vlan is inappropriate - seems oooq set it because I omit some variable21:04
jprovaznbnemec, dump question then... which interface is appropriate?21:06
bnemecjprovazn: I'm not sure what the appropriate interface in quickstart is.  I would expect it's whichever one has vlan10 associated with it though.21:07
jprovaznbnemec, thanks21:09
* bnemec goes for afternoon tea21:09
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/os-collect-config stable/ocata: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: Use comma_delimited_list for token flush cron time settings
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/tripleo-docs master: Fix references to files in tripleo-common/contrib
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1680259 in tripleo "Upgrades jobs timing out regularly" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)22:10
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud deploy/update time" [Critical,In progress]22:10
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-common stable/ocata: Add MigrationSshKey to generated passwords
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: SSH known_hosts config
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/ocata: Add migration SSH tunneling support
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/ocata: Configure migration SSH tunnel
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add yum-utils as EPEL dependency
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1680259 in tripleo "Upgrades jobs timing out regularly" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)23:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1684272 in tripleo "10 minute increase in overcloud deploy/update time" [Critical,In progress]23:10
mnaseris it safe to make some small changes and rerun the deploy cli command?  i'm trying to figure out the best way to test changes to create an ideal environment file23:20
mnaserif i have to reinstall the overcloud everytime that might end up taking quite sometime.23:20
mwhahahayea rerunning it should result in an update23:21
mwhahahaso depends on what your small change is23:21
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openstackgerritHonza Pokorny proposed openstack/tripleo-ui master: Add favicon icons
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Add all hosts to HostsEntry output
mnasermwhahaha cool, i'll be experimenting!23:56

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