Thursday, 2020-12-17

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sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: install-server: delegate tasks to the correct hosts
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sfbenderDaniel Pawlik created software-factory/sf-config master: Disable elasticsearch oss repo
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/dhall-nodepool master: Update package structure using shake
sfbenderMerged software-factory/dhall-nodepool master: Update package structure by splitting each components
sfbenderMerged software-factory/dhall-nodepool master: Add diskimage utility functions
sfbenderFabien Boucher created software-factory/sf-config master: Feed custom-links from sfconfig.yaml to info.json
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sfbenderFabien Boucher created software-factory/sf-config master: Avoid wipe of /var/lib/software-factory/ansible/group_vars/all.yaml
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: install-server: delegate tasks to the correct hosts
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: Disable elasticsearch oss repo
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akrpan-pureHello! I've been working through installing software factory and have been running into various issues documented in issue #3632 (, and I figured it may be faster to ask here if anyone was willing to help me through the installation/sanity check my commands?21:03
akrpan-pureCC @tristanC, thanks for all your good work btw21:03
tristanCakrpan-pure: hey, nice to meet you!21:04
akrpan-pureHi! So my latest venture is trying to install software factory all in one node (except separate install server), and now it's managing to fail to SSH to itself21:05
akrpan-pureFun times21:05
tristanCakrpan-pure: hmm, let me see21:06
akrpan-pureTASK [sf-gerrit : Add zuul user] ***********************************************21:07
akrpan-puressh gerrit gerrit create-account zuul -g '\"Non-Interactive' 'Users\"' --email --full-name '\"Zuul' 'CI\"' --ssh-key -", "Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)."21:07
akrpan-pureAnd I ssh'd myself and tested it and confirmed it hits that error21:07
tristanCakrpan-pure: just making sure, you are running sfconfig as root?21:07
tristanCakrpan-pure: in the ~/.ssh/config there should be an entry for Port 2941821:08
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tristanCdoes it looks correct, and is the /root/.ssh/gerrit_admin valid too?21:10
akrpan-pureOn the node itself there's no SSH config, on the install server it has an ansible managed block for the FQDN, the "gerrit" host, and the node itself (all of which are actually the same VM). The gerrit one additionally specifies the gerrit_admin key21:10
tristanCoh, i missed the `separate install server` part21:11
akrpan-pureWell I may have found the issue21:11
akrpan-pureThe gerrit_admin key is on the SF node, but the SSH config is on the install server21:11
akrpan-pureReferring to a key that isn't there21:11
akrpan-pureAlso fyi, I have this whole setup under Terraform and Ansible, so I've been doing fresh wipes/reinstalls every time just to make sure it's consistent, so I can tweak this however you need21:12
tristanCarg i see, another corner-case where sf-config assume some services are running together21:12
akrpan-pureI can try doing it all (including install server) on one node for now and hopefully that'll definitively fix things XD21:12
akrpan-pureGimme a bit to tweak some configs and I'll get back to you if it works21:13
tristanCakrpan-pure: that's great, thank you for the feedback, it's hard for us to test all the combinaison, we might add your arch to sf-ci to avoid regression there21:13
akrpan-pureAlso also, I can open multiple issues for various things I find if you want, or I can just keep adding to the same #363221:13
tristanCas you prefer, i think it's ok to keep #3632 for those custom architecture related issue21:14
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: gerrit: delegate user creation to the install-server
akrpan-pureWorks for me. I'll get back to you in a couple hours (lunch and a couple meetings)21:16
tristanCakrpan-pure: should fix that `Add zuul user` failure, it's rebased on the other fix for 3.521:21
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erbarrhello, how do i configure nodepool to dib a focal image?22:27
tristanCerbarr: hi, maybe try to copy opendev configuration, e.g. from
erbarrtristanC, thanks i'll try, I had something pretty similar and I'm getting error with debootstrap not found22:45
tristanCerbarr: oh right, you might be able to pull that in by running `sudo ansible -m yum -a "name=" nodepool-builder22:52
erbarrtristanC, ahh nice, let me try that22:53
akrpan-puretristanC: after moving everything to one node including the install server, I got a successful install at least with 3.4. I can try out some other build whenever you want22:57
tristanCakrpan-pure: , should fix the last error you reported23:00
tristanCakrpan-pure: (it's the build of )23:01
erbarrtristanC, that made it go further, now looks like "/usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/focal" is missing23:03
tristanCerbarr: arg, let me see if i can find a more recent version23:09
tristanCerbarr: actually, that file is just a symlink, you can fix that by running `sudo ansible -m file -a "src=gutsy dest=/usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/focal state=link" nodepool-builder`23:14
tristanC(if those quickfix works, it might be worth adding to the doc :)23:14
akrpan-pureAlright, well now I'm getting SSL errors on running an sfmanager command23:54
akrpan-purerequests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /auth/about/ (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'ssl3_get_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')],)",),))23:54
akrpan-pureThis is using generated certs from sfconfig, not any of my own certs23:55

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