Tuesday, 2020-11-17

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erbarrhi tristanC, I'm trying to add openstack nodepool, i got dib working to create a dib-centos-7 image and a node is created on the cloud and zuul shows the node as ready with connection type ssh, but on gerrit i'm still seeing a NODE_FAILURE status when trying to run the check pipeline, how can I find what I'm missing? I changed sfconfig.yaml with default_nodeset_name and label to match the dib-centos-7 label and20:54
erbarrreran sfconfig20:54
tristanCerbarr: node_Failure means that nodepool was unable to provide a node to zuul, if you check the /var/log/nodepool/launcher.log it should indicate why20:56
tristanCe.g. could be an incorrect label request, or maybe ssh didn't start20:56
erbarrmmnn, i'm seeing a single entry there from nodepool.PoolWorker.default-main21:05
erbarrtristanC, i'm seeing that has a node_type: runc-centos and i searched the configs and I'm seeing that on _jobs-base.yaml in the base job, i'm guessing i need to overwrite the label on the check job21:17
tristanCerbarr: oh i see, perhaps the sfconfig push the change directly and zuul didn't notice the update21:20
tristanCerbarr: could you try to `systemctl reload zuul-scheduler`21:20
erbarrtristanC, thanks I did that and explicitly added the node in my job and that cleared it21:28
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