Thursday, 2020-11-12

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sfbenderYatin Karel created DLRN master: Use git-core instead of git
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sfbenderMerged DLRN master: Use git-core instead of git
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sfbenderMerged master: Add sprint 15 summary
lyrHow incompatible is 3.4 with CentOS 8 ?10:20
lyrAnsible's asking dnf instead of yum for python 3, python3-dnf is only available on CentOS 8... I'm in a deadlock on CentOS 7 atm10:21
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tristanCzenkuro: lyr: sf is packaged for centos7, support for centos8 or fedora is still under discussion, i think the main blocker is to provide a simple upgrade path for existing deployment13:13
lyrwhat about new installation ?13:15
lyrah ok, when you say packaged, you mean I'm gonna hit wall after wall installinf sf rpms13:15
tristanCwe would have to rebuild the rpm for a new baseos, which shouldn't be too complicated as we have all the dependencies covered13:16
tristanCanother strategy we discussed was to publish centos7 based container image, and update sf-config to use podman to install the compoment, that would work on both centos8 and fedora13:16
zenkurotristanC: second way sounds better, since it can be moved to other systems, and whole sf would be a set of configs13:19
zenkuroI mean if everything in container -> you can focus on protocol and not on the libraries13:20
zenkuroso once everything in container you can slowly upgrade each container/service from centos7 to centos813:21
tristanCzenkuro: about the issue you posted yesterday, it seems like the deployment stopped because the telegraf db couldn't be ensure in influx, have been able to solve the error?13:21
zenkuroIt looks like if sf is not working for 2-3 week something goes bad...13:22
zenkuroit is a 3-rd time I have this issue13:22
zenkuroI will probably reinstall everything from scratch with x.5 version13:23
tristanCnhicher: do you recall what can cause such issue ^13:23
tristanCzenkuro: it seems like influxdb is not working, could you check the service log (journalctl -u influxdb)13:24
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zenkurotristanC: Nov 12 14:21:01 influxd[1358]: ts=2020-11-12T13:21:01.330604Z lvl=info msg="Retention policy deletion check (end)" log_id=0QPlRxil000 service=retention op_name=retentio13:29
zenkurotristanC: it starts from yesterday, when I tried to reinstall sf13:30
zenkurotristanC: and it looks like no error from that moment13:30
lyrtristanC : either way, from user (my) pov being stuck on centos 7 hence sort of python 2 is a pain13:33
zenkuroby the way, it looks like after sfconfig -update all previous logs gets removed13:40
tristanClyr: what is the issue with python2? sf install the python3.6 from centos base so there should be a python3 setup13:41
tristanCzenkuro: hum that should not happen, which logs are you referring to?13:41
tristanCwe have been hesitant to support other base os because of the extra work to maintain and test multiple os, and centos-7 is supported until 202413:43
zenkurotristanC: /var/log/zuul/executor.log /var/log/scheduler.log, or Im confusing it with log rotation. Since new logs a clean13:45
lyrtristanC it's a bit unrelated to zuul. That's my own base setup (dev-sec.os & ssh-hardening, users, ...) which dies on ansible "yum:" tasks. Reason being, Ansible wants either yum + python2 or dnf + python3, otherwise it's missing bindings14:00
lyrSo I wish I could give a shot at CentOS 8, "natively" python 3, to see if the problem solve itself14:01
tristanClyr: it may work for most things that are not build with centos-7 ABI, but i guess package like re2 or haveged will need to be rebuild14:02
tristanClyr: you can find how the rpms are built in this project, for example the sf-3.5 is defined by
nhichertristanC: no, that's strange we didn't get the issue with telegraf on ci14:17
zenkuronhicher: like if is working fine and pass tests or it is working fine as you guys use it?14:22
nhicherzenkuro: for each change we propose on sf, we run install and upgrade jobs14:23
zenkuronhicher: is there possibility that something might go wrong after long period of inactivity?14:23
nhicherzenkuro: I don't think we purge influxdb db, I will check on sf-config codebase14:26
zenkuroif it help anybody: TASK [sf-influxdb : Check if telegraf db exists] --- FAIL14:27
zenkuroand `ls /var/log/telegraf/` returns nothing14:28
nhicherzenkuro: it should not be an issue, we create the db later if it doesn't exist
nhicherzenkuro: what is the ansible logs after TASK [sf-influxdb : Check if telegraf db exists]?14:38
zenkuroNov 12 15:38:04 telegraf[1340]: 2020-11-12T14:38:04Z E! [outputs.influxdb] When writing to []: Post "
zenkuroNov 12 15:38:04 telegraf[1340]: 2020-11-12T14:38:04Z E! [agent] Error writing to outputs.influxdb: could not write any address14:38
zenkurothis is a 'journalctl -u telegraf'14:39
nhicherzenkuro: we already got this issue, did you try to restart telegraf?14:40
nhicherzenkuro: when we've got network issue between the 2 hosts14:41
zenkuronhicher: restarting14:41
zenkuronhicher: restarted both telegraph and fluxdb, no changes14:43
nhicherzenkuro: it's with centos 7.9?14:46
zenkuronhicher: Ive updated centos7 to the last current version14:46
nhicherzenkuro: ok, I will test with the last version14:46
zenkuronhicher: cat /etc/centos-release gives CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)14:50
zenkurohm , I sought that sudo yum update, will give me the latest thing... am I missing something?14:51
nhicherzenkuro: after centos release it takes some time to sync all mirrors14:57
zenkuronhicher: Ive turned of firewall, no changes14:58
nhicherzenkuro: can you try to connect to influxdb ?15:00
zenkuroit looks like "influx -ssl -host $influxdb_host -username telegraf -password $telegraf_passwd -database telegraf" is a bit outdated15:04
zenkuroinflux -ssl15:06
zenkuroError: unknown shorthand flag: 's' in -ssl15:06
zenkuronhicher: looks like my local influx behaves differently from manuals15:09
zenkuronhicher: manually reinstalling influxdb15:12
zenkuronhicher, tristanC: hurray! \>_</15:30
zenkuroso the solution is: manualy remove influxdb and telegraph and run sfconfig15:30
nhicherzenkuro: ok, good =)15:31
zenkurois it possible that influx was corrupted or installed of a wrong version?15:32
zenkuroso will you use containers?15:32
tristanCzenkuro: in sf-3.5 we removed the telegraph part of sf-config, see:
tristanCzenkuro: it seems like containers will be the better solution, but it will takes time as we need to figure out how to create, publish and maintain that new packaging format15:36
zenkurotristanC: let me know if you guys need help with it. I don't have much spare time but I would be gland to know more about sfactory15:38
zenkuroand help with something15:39
erbarryo, i'm new to SFP and zuul, following to get familiar and i'm at part 2 and when do the review to run the unittests playbook zuul gets stuck on queued, how can I check what's going on?15:55
tristanCerbarr: queued usually means zuul is waiting for a node, so checking /var/log/nodepool/launcher.log might give some clues15:57
erbarrtristanC, i'm seeing /var/log/nodepool is empty15:58
tristanCerbarr: then that might be the issue, could you check the output of `systemctl status nodepool-launcher` ?16:02
erbarrtristanC, it was dead, so i started it also builder and made an edit to the patch, stuck in queue again and  log says nodepool.statsworker starting as the last message16:12
tristanCerbarr: is there a configuration in /etc/nodepool ?16:14
erbarrtristanC, I see nodepool.yaml, logging.conf, secure.conf, logging yaml files for builder and launcher16:17
erbarrsome other dirs in there too16:18
tristanCerbarr: in nodepool.yaml, is there a provider?16:18
erbarrtristanC, nope, that's []16:19
tristanCerbarr: in , have you added the `hypervisor` role in the `Install Software Factory` step?16:20
tristanCthe hypervisor role configure the hosts and adds a provider to nodepool configuration16:21
erbarrtristanC, ahh, i see, let me add and rerun16:23
erbarrtristanC, thanks, runc was giving me the "providers need to be removed manually" thing so I was looking how to get past that but then saw that runc is deprecated so i changed to k1s and is installing running sfconfig currently, I really will need to change this to have nodepool use openstack, is there something I could look up after i'm done with the hands-on series?16:57
tristanCerbarr: that's correct, you could use k1s instead of runc, but if it's just to get familiar with zuul, then nodepool configuration is not relevant17:02
tristanCerbarr: to use openstack, you first need to setup the cloud provider:
tristanCerbarr: then you would need to configure nodepool like so:
erbarrtristanC, cool thanks!17:11
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