Friday, 2020-05-15

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sfbenderMerged software-factory/sfinfo master: zuul_koji_compare_tag: refactor code into function
sfbenderSoftware Factory Administrator created software-factory/sfinfo master: Implement untag-build exec
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brendangallowayHello, is there a channel related to nodepool?  Our nodepool launcher has entered a weird state and I'm not sure where to ask for assistance13:45
mhubrendangalloway, have you tried #zuul on Freenode?13:46
brendangallowaymhu: I will try there, thanks13:46
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tristanCbrendangalloway: to unlock your launcher, could you try running `/bin/managesf-configuration nodepool --output /etc/nodepool/nodepool.yaml`14:38
brendangallowaytristanc: thanks, I was tracing through to try find what that command was again14:38
brendangallowaytristanc: Thanks, that has gotten the requests responded to now14:40
tristanCbrendangalloway: alright, we are trying to reproduce the issue and we'll work on a more permanent fix14:40
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tristanCbrendangalloway: the good news is that it seems like we are able to reproduce the issue16:06
tristanCbrendangalloway: by stopping `sfconfig` execution when it does `TASK [sf-base : include_tasks]` at the second play seems to be enough to create the incorrect ansible_hostname in /var/lib/software-factory/ansible/facts/*16:08
tristanCbrendangalloway: then it seems like commenting `gathering = smart` from `/usr/share/sf-config/ansible/ansible.cfg` seems to prevent this issue16:08
brendangallowaytristanc: We're not stopping sfconfig at any point16:09
tristanCbrendangalloway: i meant, by that time, the fact are updated, so that it is convenient to observe the behavior16:10
brendangallowaytristanc: aah, ok.  if there's something I can do to help debug please let me know.16:10
tristanCbrendangalloway: well here is the sf-config fix: sfconfig: disable smart gathering   , and you can apply it locally by running `sed -e "s/^gathering = .*//" -i /usr/share/sf-config/ansible/ansible.cfg`16:14
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created master: WIP: prepare sf-3.4 update release note
tristanCbrendangalloway: we are actually updating the sf-3.4 release repository to get latest zuul and nodepool. we'll also include that fact gathering fix, ftr here is the release note draft
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brendangallowaytristanc: great, thanks16:22
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sfbenderKen Dreyer created rdopkg master: tests: use pytest paramters for
sfbenderKen Dreyer created rdopkg master: tests: remove duplicated tests
sfbenderKen Dreyer created rdopkg master: tests: check exact exception type in test_guess
sfbenderKen Dreyer created rdopkg master: tests: add tests for guess.osdist()
sfbenderKen Dreyer created rdopkg master: guess: strip "private-foo-" prefixes in osdist()
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