Monday, 2019-03-04

sfbenderFabien Boucher created software-factory/sf-ci master: Fix repoxplorer functional test for last repoxplorer version
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: cauth: prevent deployment issue when running on external host
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: cgit: fix multinode deployment without gerrit
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: config-update: replace fetch by synchronize
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/managesf master: configurations: remove the git clone depth argument
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: cgit: add smart http git transport configuration
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: cgit: enable local-cgit repo to be configured
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sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: cgit: do not require component when config locations are remote
janguttertristanC: thanks very much for your help on Friday, after a set of reboots everything is working perfectly!07:57
tristanCjangutter: excellent, that's good to hear07:57
tristanCjangutter: i'm pretty sure it was related to the fast-forward-upgrade from 3.0 to 3.207:58
janguttertristanC: yep. Also, our 3.0 install was "unorthodox" to say the least. I did a backup -> recover -> FF upgrade.07:58
tristanCjangutter: from now on, using "sfconfig --update" should just work automagically07:58
janguttertristanC: I'm working through the papercuts left over. I notice regressed, unfortunately.07:59
janguttertristanC: manually adding rev 1 of that patch works around the issue again.07:59
tristanCjangutter: arg, indeed, the patch somehow dissapeared. looking for what happened08:06
janguttertristanC I found it.08:06
janguttertristanC: <--- this "reverted" it.08:07
tristanCjangutter: my bad, let me revert that chunk08:08
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: base: ensure DocumentRoot is set to /var/www
sfbenderJan Gutter created software-factory/sf-config master: Set DocumentRoot explicitly in logserver conf
janguttertristanC: I was worried that DocumentRoot should be /var/www/html in certain circumstances.08:13
tristanCjangutter: that works for me, we'll merge your version08:15
janguttertristanC: another one that should be a clean backport to 3.2 is:
janguttertristanC: but other than that, things went more smoothly than I expected. I switched from a nodepool/openstack vm based jobs to runC based jobs and things are working pretty well.08:17
janguttertestinfra does fail when the nodepool/runC bits don't start up 100%, but that was easy to fix08:19
tristanCjangutter: thanks for the backport, once our cloud provider is working we'll land it in 3.208:22
tristanCjangutter: what was the testinfra issue with runC?08:23
janguttertristanC: no worries, I'll try to shake out as much as I can. Thanks a lot for all the work you guys are doing and we're shamelessly using :-p08:23
janguttertristanC: it's not a biggie: I just noticed that testinfra fails if test nodes haven't been spun up by nodepool yet.08:24
janguttertristanC: since one of the tests is "are there running containers". If nodepool is slow or something, the test might fail even though the runC node is running "perfectly".08:25
janguttertristanC: but at that stage, software-factory is up and running, and cleaning out the stale nodes on nodepool made everything work.08:27
janguttertristanC: specifically - <--- if nodepool hasn't spawned the nodes, this'll fail even if runC is happy.08:29
janguttertristanC: I'm not sure how to "fix" the test though.08:30
tristanCjangutter: oh right, i think the fix is to remove the min-ready from the default configuration and remove that test08:35
tristanCjangutter: instead, we could check that the provider got started properly08:35
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sfbenderMerged DLRN master: Remove unneeded "git reset" in the run method
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jangutterHi, weird question. I've been using rh-python35-python-shade  and ansible on software-factory 3.1... any alternatives you could suggest?12:09
sfbenderJavier Peña created dlrnapi_client master: Fix exception handling
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jangutter(facepalm - rh-python35-python-shade -> rh-python35-python-openstacksdk )15:16
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dmsimardjangutter: shade was eventually replaced by openstacksdk17:45
dmsimardit was merged and integrated in openstacksdk17:45
jangutterdmsimard: I have to doublecheck if ansible picks it up though....17:48
dmsimardjangutter: which ansible ? the one used to deploy SF ?17:49
jangutterdmsimard: the one running inside SF: I had a nice docker set up with sf-3.1's ansible scl and used the os_server module for example.17:50
jangutterdmsimard: it's not critical - the one shipped by centos (non-scl version) also works.17:51
dmsimardjangutter: the ansible modules import openstacksdk iirc -- it should work17:51
jangutterdmsimard: I'll run some checks later when I get more time to verify - there's a .80 chance it's PEBCAK on my part.17:54
dmsimardjangutter: sure, keep us updated :D17:56
jangutterweird question: I'm looking at your nodepool.yaml config and I see: ELEMENTS_PATH: /etc/opt/rh/rh-python35/nodepool/elements:/usr/share/project-config/nodepool/elements18:10
jangutteris /usr/share/project-config/nodepool/elements something specific to your setup?18:11
dmsimardjangutter: yeah.18:12
dmsimardjangutter: Some of our images rely on nodepool elements which are provided by the upstream openstack-infra/project-config repository18:13
jangutterdmsimard: aah, so if I clone that to my builder.......18:13
dmsimardIf you're not interested in reproducing images that are fairly similar to the openstack gate ones, you can disregard that18:13
dmsimardyes, we have an adhoc process that syncs project-config to the builder node (read: a cron)18:14
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