Thursday, 2018-12-06

tristanCdmsimard: are usually left over of zuulv2.01:22
tristanCthanks for the housekeeping01:23
sfbenderSoftware Factory Administrator created master: create-release: minors fixes to the doc
dmsimardtristanC: I was attempting to use it to test sf on rhel7 outside of a zuul context01:50
tristanCdmsimard: yeah, i'm not sure sf-ci is really usable out of zuul context. I guess the health-check can be run locally01:58
sfbenderSoftware Factory Administrator created software-factory/sfinfo master: compare-tag: fix comparaison across nvrs
dmsimardtristanC: why not ? I guess that's what I'm trying to find out02:04
sfbenderMerged master: Add nodepool extra release note
dmsimardtristanC: I'm experiencing with zuul logic built in to roles, ex:
tristanCdmsimard: we could add "upstream freeze_job impl" in our backlog and groom it for next sprint02:08
dmsimardI'm not sure what exactly is relying on zuul yet other than the source repos which can be cloned outside zuul02:08
dmsimardtristanC: oh, that's an interesting approach02:08
dmsimardthat ties in nicely02:08
tristanCdmsimard: on the other hand, the idea of health-check was to enable them for regular user, e.g. to validate a sf deployment02:10
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-ci master: Update ARA configuration
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-ci master: Remove SF2.7 specific requirements from run_tests
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-ci master: Remove unused modules directory
sfbenderMerged master: create-release: minors fixes to the doc
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sfinfo master: compare-tag: fix comparaison across nvrs
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fbodmsimard: yes, so the contributor doc needs a refresh. The should be removed and the sections could be followed directly.10:20
fboI'll give it a try and remove deprecated part of the doc10:21
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sfbenderFabien Boucher created software-factory/sf-ci master: Remove + unneeed files in health-check
sfbenderFabien Boucher created software-factory/sf-docs master: Refactor the run tests docs
fbodmsimard: please check the new version of the doc
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sfbenderNicolas HICHER created software-factory/sf-config master: spec: use python-six package instead python2-six
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