Thursday, 2018-07-19

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sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: zuul-changes: use project canonical
tristanCgundalow: i'm proceeding with
tristanCi mean step003:12
tristanChere is the resulting tenant configuration:
gundalowtristanC: nice03:54
gundalowtristanC: FYI I'm on PTO next week, though rcarrillocruz and mattclay should be around.03:54
tristanCgundalow: alright, well if something break, we can revert that change03:56
tristanCgundalow: though i'd like to finish the merge before the main ansible tenant is being used03:56
tristanCgundalow: so, can i merge 13110 now and propose the PR on a-n/z-c and a/z-c to proceed with step2?03:57
tristanCor this can wait for the week after your pto, no hurry03:59
gundalowtristanC: feel free to merge04:02
tristanCgundalow: let's do it then04:03
tristanCseems like there is another bug in zuul, reconfiguration failed:
tristanCperhaps a github api fluke, i manually reload the scheduler to see if it reproduce04:13
tristanCoh i see, my bad, ansible-network/zuul-jobs doesn't exists, i miss-typed the project name04:16
tristanCand i still managed to slip a typo :) i'll continue after lunch04:33
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tristanCgundalow: ok success, no both ansible and ansible-network are running test for ansible-network project, see:
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tristanCgundalow: rcarrillocruz: to proceed with ansible-network tenant merge with ansible, we need to merge both: and
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: config-check: temporarly disable zuul config check
tristanCcontext is
tristanCgundalow: rcarrillocruz: then we need to merge and
gundalowtristanC: I've merged 7&3705:54
tristanCgundalow: nice, then let's do the merge now05:54
tristanC now points at the ansible tenant05:57
gundalowNice, and I can see logs from gh/ansible-network and gh/ansible on
tristanCi'll fix the config-errors and see the new tenant work fine:
tristanCgundalow: hum, previous build ran in the ansible-network tenant are only visible here:
tristanCgundalow: i can sql update their tenant name to migrate them over to the ansible tenant, otherwise they won't be visible after the migration06:03
tristanCactually, that last link returns 404...06:03
tristanCanyway, i'll do the sql update to keep history06:04
tristanCgundalow: but perhaps we could just drop ansible-network/network-engine-zuul ?06:06
gundalowI personally don't care about old results, so no need to migrate old results.06:07
gundalowI guess I can kill ansible-network/network-engine-zuul now06:09
tristanC ansible: remove ansible-network/network-engine-zuul06:09
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tristanCgundalow: rcarrillocruz: it seems like the merge is completed. let us know if something is broken06:11
gundalowtristanC: thank you!06:12
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tristanCe.g. only ansible/check run on
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tristanCgundalow: which is excpected right?06:31
tristanCi mean the job are working from the new ansible tenant06:31
gundalowI think so. I'll check everything in more detail tomorrow06:35
gundalowThanks again :)06:36
tristanCyou're welcome!06:44
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: config-check: use zuul tenant-conf-check
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: runC: integrate automatic packages installation
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: zuul-changes: use project canonical
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/managesf master: Add allowed-triggers/reporters at tenant level
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rcarrillocruzhey folks, any issues on RDO ?12:43
rcarrillocruzcant' access rhos-ops, forgot to pen SSH port on my bouncer and the openvpn tunnel died :/12:43
rcarrillocruzalso, pabelanger , on vexxhost we just have centos right?12:45
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: yah, but we haven't turned it on yet. But we can, just need to figure out which jobs are run them12:46
rcarrillocruzwhat you mean, that centos jobs are not available on vexxhost yet? i think i saw it on the provider12:47
rcarrillocruzcan i add fedora 27 there12:47
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: no, the images are there, but no job is setup to use the nodeset12:49
pabelangeractually, no, the image is uploaded but max-server is still -12:49
pabelangerso, we need to figure out is 2GB / 4GB ram enough12:49
rcarrillocruzfbo , mhu : any hint on RDO ?12:55
rcarrillocruzseeing qute a bit of building from nodes pane12:55
fborcarrillocruz: not aware of current issues, asked on rhos-ops and no from there side too.13:00
fbodo you see something ?13:00
rcarrillocruzcheck the nodes pane on zuul, lots of building for a long time in rdo-clou provider13:01
rcarrillocruzalternatively, you could ron nodepool list13:01
rcarrillocruzcos the UI doesn't show age for nodes for some reason, nodepool list should13:01
fboI see some ready node with that status since less that 1 hour13:05
fborcarrillocruz: yes seems it is stuck since some minutes, I'm looking deeper13:07
rcarrillocruzcool thx13:07
fboyes there some exception at nodepool launcher level about floating ip not able to be deleted13:13
fboI ask rhos-ops13:13
rcarrillocruzsweet, thx13:14
fborcarrillocruz: they confirmed rdocloud is currently slow (saw also lot of timeout from the logs), they are on it.13:19
rcarrillocruzyeah, there must be something also along the floating ips, the fact there are nodes in deleting state for some time points to that13:19
rcarrillocruzalright, thx for the update13:19
* rcarrillocruz goes check something else13:19
fboyes 61 nodes in deletions13:23
rcarrillocruzok, i think the delete issue is going away13:28
rcarrillocruzseeing drops13:28
rcarrillocruzaaand some in ready13:29
rcarrillocruz\o/ thx fbo, i think the issue is gone13:29
fborcarrillocruz: nodepool looks like happy now :)13:29
fbowas a rabbit issue13:32
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sfbenderMerged master: 2018-28 summary

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