Tuesday, 2018-04-24

tristanCSamYaple: so identity is verified with ldap but email are fetched from ghe?01:22
tristanCmaybe there could be some helper functions, that given a username would return email or ssh keys01:23
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SamYapletristanC: no, we arent doing ldap directly (though we did play with that). For non-technical reasons we are doing identity through GHE.02:10
SamYapleGHE backed by ldap, to be specific02:10
SamYaplein that configuration GHE isnt able to provide a list of emails over the api02:10
SamYaplewith a different internal service i can fetch those emails, if the module was more plugable (im running a fork right now)02:11
tristanCi see, then maybe a 'email_helper_module_path' type of option would let you have custom code to resolv email02:14
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: replace broken md5 statement with checksum for stat  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1203102:26
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sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created logreduce master: Skip empty files  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1203405:40
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created logreduce master: Check for include-path change when reusing a model  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1203505:40
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created logreduce master: Improve files ignore list  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1203605:40
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mhuSamYaple, cauth *is* pluggable, you can create any auth plugin you want as long as it inherits from cauth.auth.base.AuthProtocolPlugin and when installing it, you declare it as an entry point under the namespace "cauth.authentication"08:06
mhuThe problem would be later with sf-config though, as you'd have to manually change cauth's config to add your auth plugin's config, and the template login page08:07
mhualso you'd have to install your plugin library manually on the deployment08:07
mhuI've been musing for a while about some kind of embedded, pre-defined CD workflow in every deployment of SF to allow developpers to create, maintain and deploy their own plugins for our components that allow them08:09
mhucauth, firehooks, ...08:09
mhuthat's a bit complex though08:10
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-docs master: zuul github setup doc fix webhook path + acl required  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1173208:42
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-docs master: zuul: add branch protection documentation  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1176308:53
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: refarch: remove unnecessary ip  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1203709:33
sfbenderMatthieu Huin created software-factory/sf-config master: managesf: load v2 builds, images endpoints only if zuulv2 is present  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1203809:34
sfbenderMerged software-factory/cauth master: Support for HTTPd modules auth, SAML2  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1186110:42
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mhucolor ? in my zuul ansible logs ?? MADNESS https://ibb.co/dMx0yc12:50
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sfbenderMerged www.softwarefactory-project.io master: Add Sprint 2018-16 to the SF website  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1201013:37
SamYaplemhu: yea that thing youve been musing about sounds good. but its no priority. i can run a small fork for a bit13:42
SamYapletoday is our cutover day to using it internal13:42
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: managesf: remove endpoints that depend on zuul 2.5  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1203815:23
sfbenderFabien Boucher created software-factory/managesf master: resources: Add a new Tenant object  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1204116:21
sfbenderMerged software-factory/cauth-distgit master: Add mod_mellon dependency  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1186316:52
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sfbenderNicolas HICHER created software-factory/sf-config master: Replace get started by documentation in top menu  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1204218:54
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: jobs-base.yaml: fix if zuul_upstream_zuul_jobs  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1198418:58
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: sf-nodepool: add /var/lib/nodepool/images directory creation  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1194320:31
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mhuMORE COLOR?! https://ibb.co/dFR6oc21:11
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sfbenderNicolas HICHER created software-factory/sf-config master: remove deprecation warnings for ansible 2.5  https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/1204421:34
nhichernice mhu =)21:36
nhicherI don't like the blue mhu =)21:37
nhicherit is hard to read21:37
SamYaplei imported an existing repo incorrectly and i think i broke refs/meta/config21:48
SamYaplethats where all the acl stuff is being stored right?21:48
* SamYaple is very new to gerrit administration21:49
nhicherSamYaple: only a repo is broken or all of them ?21:53
SamYapleonly one repo i imported, the others were new then replicated21:54
SamYaplei should rephrase, this is the *first* i imported. ihave more, but this didnt work so well haha21:55
SamYaplecant seem to fix it by hand21:55
nhicherthere is a script to set the default acl on your sf deployment /usr/share/sf-config/scripts/gerrit-set-default-acl.sh21:56
nhicherI just have to check how it works SamYaple21:56
SamYaple4 eyes are better than two!21:56
SamYaple(im just kidding, its 6 i have glasses)21:57
SamYaplenhicher: i think i can handle this. script is straight forward enough. give me a few to see if that gets it working21:58
nhicherok, tristanC or fbo probably know how to help you if you can't fix it SamYaple. fbo_ proposed a change for the acl with the new version of gerrit for sf today, I have more skills than me for gerrit management =)22:03
SamYapleawesome :)22:04
nhicherhe* have22:04
SamYaple    git config -f project.config --replace-all access.refs/meta/config.read "group Registered Users" "group Registered Users"22:04
SamYaple    git config -f project.config --replace-all access.refs/meta/config.read "group Anonymous Users" "group Anonymous Users"22:04
SamYaplei believe those were the key22:04
SamYaplethe rest of the config i handjobbed right22:04
SamYapleseems to be working now.thanks nhicher!22:04
nhichergreat SamYaple =)22:05
SamYaplei know thats a git comment... but i have no clue for the like of me what thats doing22:09
SamYaplegit command*22:09
nhichersometime is hard to understand git SamYaple https://xkcd.com/1597/ =)22:18
nhicherI love this xkcd22:18
SamYapleso very accurate22:38
SamYapleawesome. i can replace the gerrit repo with my existing repo and hack meta/config enough to allow SF to handle update it correctly22:42
SamYaplethere were very strict "dont change git history" directives22:42
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