Friday, 2018-04-13

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trishnagGetting "Executing local code is prohibited" if my hosts is localhost
trishnagWhat could be the workaround for this?03:54
trishnagwhich hosts will it connect for `hosts: all`?04:08
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trishnagnever mind :). found out it is centos04:17
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rcarrillocruztrishnag: yah, the thing is, a job is started on the zuul executor07:55
rcarrillocruzso localhost is zuul executor07:55
rcarrillocruzand zuul as a concept of security contexts07:55
rcarrillocruzif your job is defined in an untrsted project (like your PR on ansible-zuul-jobs), then the playbooks run in a constrained context, that prevents you from doing things like what you did on the executor (i.e. localhost)07:57
rcarrillocruzs/zuul as/zuul has07:57
rcarrillocruzeverytime you run a job, the nodes you have to run things are the executor and the nodes defined in the job nodeset07:59
gundalowOK, looks like the "Executing local code is prohibited" issue is resolved now08:42
sfbenderFabien Boucher created software-factory/sf-config master: Fix welcome page link to create repo doc
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sfbenderMerged master: Add release note for etherpad fix
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/python-sfmanager master: Avoid TypeError when user already exists
jruzickanhicher, hey, still no CI even after actual merging of config patch...
jruzickawhat else did I forgot?12:15
gundalowIs it by design or a bug that job-output.txt.gz only displays the full output from the first task when using with_items:
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fbo_gundalow: I don't know but could you give me the link to where is defined the task ?13:01
gundalowfbo_: I think it's only when the 2nd task fails13:01
gundalowI've changed things now (and they pass, yay), and I get full output13:01
gundalowin other news GREEEEEEEEEEEEEN13:02
fbo_jruzicka: seems that have worked on 11904. So is it fixed ?13:02
fbo_gundalow: wondeful :)13:02
gundalowThanks again to all the help from y'all13:06
jruzickafbo_, yup!13:14
* jruzicka changes cities13:18
fbo_jruzicka: thx awesome.13:25
fbo_jruzicka: could we had the distroinfo tag that way we can easily filter distroinfo stories13:26
fbo_Well I added it :)13:27
gundalowansible-test-sanity: [17:59] [pl0rt] -!-  channels : #ed14:09
gundalow^ Seems to be functionally correct. Would welcome review in case there is anything that goes against "The Zuul Way"14:11
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/cauth master: Remove pysflib and python-redmine requirements
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rcarrillocruzfbo_: you did the GH gating thing. Is it possible to require two ''approve'' / ''shipit'' in order for Zuul to gate the change?16:03
rcarrillocruzala openstack 2 +216:03
pabelangerdid that land?16:23
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: Add username column to auth_mapping at upgrade
fbo_rcarrillocruz: I don't think so, but maybe ask on #zuul about that16:50
pabelangerit is possible, we just need to update our pipeline configuration. I don't think we've done that yet16:53
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rcarrillocruzpabelanger: can you expand how to do that?18:43
rcarrillocruzCos it would be good to set it18:43
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pabelangerrcarrillocruz: yah, I seen one from Spamaps in #zuul and tobiash. I've been meaning to experiment more with it, hope to find some time this weekend18:47
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: Fix welcome page link to create repo doc
rcarrillocruzThx dude19:01
sfbenderFabien Boucher created software-factory/sf-config master: grep on the username field to check user exist
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