Thursday, 2014-02-13

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openstackgerritMatthew Farrellee proposed a change to openstack/savanna-image-elements: Add generic java element
openstackgerritMatthew Farrellee proposed a change to openstack/savanna-image-elements: Add generic ssh element
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openstackgerritYongli He proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Use six.moves.urllib.parse instead of urlparse
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openstackgerritYongli He proposed a change to openstack/savanna: emove extraneous vim configuration comments
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Imported Translations from Transifex
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IvanBerezovskiymattf, ping08:10
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aignatovtmckay: SergeyLukjanov , yes, I wanted to start working on unit tests for savanna-client09:54
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mattfIvanBerezovskiy, pong12:04
IvanBerezovskiymattf, hi. I wanted to ask about all duplications :)12:06
IvanBerezovskiymattf, if you'll clean up them, it's ok12:06
mattfok. there are a few more in review atm. so it's best to clean up after.12:13
mattfaignatov, SergeyLukjanov, i'm gonna need your +2 swords on the java & ssh image element reviews12:14
aignatovmattf, it's on my queue12:14
SergeyLukjanovmattf, I'm on it12:16
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mattfthanks guys12:19
SergeyLukjanovmattf, my +2 on both of them12:20
mattffyi, i'm going to miss all or most of the meeting today for a pt appt12:20
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SergeyLukjanovmattf, "pt appt"?12:23
SergeyLukjanovmattf, appt == application?12:23
mattfSergeyLukjanov, appt == appointment, pt = physical therapy -- my knee12:29
SergeyLukjanovmattf, oh, good luck12:29
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tmckayaignatov_, okay, I was doing forensics on something completely unrelated :)  I was going to read up on tempest...  And also, review the roadmap for EDP.  We should talk about unit tests, maybe at the meeting in a few hours16:03
* tmckay runs for a snack16:03
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alcabreraGood morning! :)16:20
alcabreraI'm looking for someone who might be interested in mentoring for GSoC 2014:
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/savanna: [IDH] Fixed cluster start without jobtracker service
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/savanna: Switch over to oslosphinx
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alcabreraboris-42_: hey! I noticed you listed yourself as a potential mentor for the Rally project. Do you know who is mentoring for Savannah?16:36
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SergeyLukjanovhey folks18:01
SergeyLukjanovteam meeting begins18:01
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boris-42_alcabrera hi18:12
boris-42_alcabrera around?18:13
alcabreraboris-42_: hey!18:13
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boris-42_alcabrera Idk actually probably SergeyLukjanov knows18:15
SergeyLukjanovI'm here18:15
SergeyLukjanovalcabrera, hey, what's up?18:16
boris-42_alcabrera who is the mentor For Savana?18:16
boris-42_SergeyLukjanov *** ^18:16
SergeyLukjanovalcabrera, which kind of mentor are you looking for?18:16
boris-42_SergeyLukjanov ^18:16
boris-42_SergeyLukjanov there is in list of projects Savanna Project18:17
alcabrerathanks for looking into this, boris-42_, SergeyLukjanov!18:17
SergeyLukjanovboris-42_, heh, I don't how added savanna to the list18:17
SergeyLukjanovlet me think how can mentor18:17
alcabrerathere's one student who is already very interested in working with savanna as their gsoc project.18:18
alcabreraIt might be how savanna ended up on the list. :)18:18
SergeyLukjanovalcabrera, I think we can add me to the list as the Savanna PTL and I'll help to find the right person to mentor18:19
alcabreraSergeyLukjanov: thank you very much! I'll go ahead with that.18:20
SergeyLukjanovalcabrera, thx18:20
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SergeyLukjanovcould anyone help me to make a list of valid options?19:09
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alazarevI can help19:14
alazarevHow do you plan to do that?19:15
SergeyLukjanovalazarev, please take all options from the etherpad19:15
SergeyLukjanovand remove from the list options that we're agreed to remove19:15
SergeyLukjanovyou can add the list to the end of this etherpad19:15
SergeyLukjanovalazarev, thx19:16
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alazarevSergeyLukjanov: I created the list19:32
SergeyLukjanovalazarev, thx19:33
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SergeyLukjanovalazarev and could you please add a list of good options one by line19:34
SergeyLukjanovoops, I don't want :(19:34
* SergeyLukjanov needs more volunteers, please19:34
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witlessbSergeyLukjanov: what do you need help with?19:46
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openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/savanna: [DO NOT MERGE] Intial Agent remote implementation
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SergeyLukjanovwitlessb, ooops, missed your message, thx, already done ;)20:07
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witlessbSergeyLukjanov: oh, snap :)20:10
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, so, EDP has added Java and streaming MapReduce.  Also it looks like Hive is being worked on.  Do we want to puruse anything additional for icehouse?20:11
* tmckay brb20:12
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, probably cover all of them with integration tests and write a great doc with examples about how to run jobs of all the types you listed?20:13
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openstackgerritJonathan Maron proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Enable use of rootwrap for neutron private IP interactions
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tmckaySergeyLukjanov, okay.  So we don't want to pursue new actions for icehouse at this point.  That's probably good.20:26
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SergeyLukjanovtmckay, I'm ok with new actions but it's optional IMO, we have enough new ones20:28
tmckayalright.  Just not sure if there is time to get something new in, with UI support (crobertsrh).  What's our freeze date for features?20:31
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openstackgerritRobert Nettleton proposed a change to openstack/savanna-image-elements: Adds Hortonworks Data Platform element to savanna-image-elements
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mattfSergeyLukjanov, thanks for approving the swift:// -- i'm really interesting in having us do most of our api breakage before I releases20:47
mattfi have it in my head that we should be more stable starting w/ I -- the bar to breaking something should be very high20:48
mattfthat factors into my desire to have v2 for the entire J cycle to stabilize and migrate20:48
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SergeyLukjanovmattf, we should really care about the API version that we'll name CURRENT (stable, default, name it as you wish) with J release20:51
SergeyLukjanovdue to the first integrated release20:51
SergeyLukjanovof course in case if we'll graduate20:51
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mattfany chance we won't?20:52
SergeyLukjanovmattf, I don't think so20:52
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, agreed, it'll be several days before the i3, we'll have FFEs but we should not use them every day20:53
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, FFE == Feature Freeze Exceptoiin20:53
SergeyLukjanovanyway, I think that master will be open for J in end of March20:53
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tmckaySergeyLukjanov, ack.  and crobertsrh will be out next week.  Probably better chasing docs, bugs, and tests20:54
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, yup, I'd really love the idea to have a release with tons of tests, docs and all bugs fixed ;)20:54
tmckaylol, sounds great20:55
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mattfmr nettleton around?21:15
mattfErikB, is sir nettleton around?21:16
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mattfi need some chatter to get myself off the "ahh, don't create another" soapbox21:17
openstackgerritJonathan Maron proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Enable use of rootwrap for neutron private IP interactions
jmaronmattf:  pinged nettleton.  should be joining21:22
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bob_nettletonmattf, jmaron just mentioned you wanted to contact me?21:23
mattfbob_nettleton, yeah, let's chat, so i can hop off my soapbox21:26
mattfi want one script that we use to generate images for savanna21:26
mattfi'm not exactly buying the complexity argument21:26
mattfbut i'm a reasonable person, or so that's what i tell myself21:26
mattfa long term goal i have for us is to be consistent across plugins. if we just had 3 base images (one ubuntu, one fedora, one centos/rhel) that all plugins could use we'd be in a great place21:27
mattfbut pragmatically that's not going to happen anytime soon, or ever21:27
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bob_nettletonmattf, my concern is that the single script will get too complex over time.  Every time I want to modify an element that the HDP images use, I'll have to modify that single script, forcing me to rebuild and retest every image generated by the script.  This will be time-consuming, and error-prone for sure.21:28
* mattf pauses rant21:28
mattfmy response is that it takes a village21:28
mattfwhile we have divergence in images, we'll all have to work on making sure the images we care about work21:29
bob_nettletonmattf, another issue is that not all distributions will support the same platforms.  For example: HDP only supports CentOS images for Savanna right now.  This may change, but I can't promise that there will be 3 base images eventually.  In addition, there are separate distribution versions, and we'd like to have separate images for each version.21:29
mattfi like your mentality on this tho. but i think you're setting a higher bar than you need to.21:29
mattfif you change the shared script, you should avoid breaking spark, but i wouldn't expect you to test all images work.21:30
mattfas a community we need to make sure all the images work21:30
bob_nettletonmattf, but how would I avoid breaking the spark-based images without testing them?  While I agree that the community plays a role in verifying the images, I'd like to at least make a best effort to ensure that the images I'm modifying are in good shape before committing them.21:31
bob_nettletonmattf, I do understand the desire to have a single script, but I'm conflicted about the maintenance issue for this.21:31
bob_nettletonmattf, would the bar just be that the other distribution's images generate?21:32
mattfthat's a reasonable bar21:32
mattfimho anyway21:33
mattfin fact that's a higher bar than we've been holding to so far. i'm pretty sure you can't generate working fedora images from an ubuntu box21:33
mattfand to date i don't think there have been any issues21:34
mattfideally what we'd have here is the ci generating images and using the savanna ci suite21:35
bob_nettletonmattf, I would imagine that the type of problem I'm describing would only recently be a possibility, since only recently have other distributions been added (cdh, now hdp, etc).21:35
mattfyup, i think any rough patches are about to hit us.21:35
mattfrelated - at some point we should stop generating hadoop 1.x images21:37
mattfwhile we could span the entire gambit of distro x platform, as a community we should have some recommended paths, and have those paths be what is output by diskimage-create.sh21:37
bob_nettletonmattf, until there's actually a CI checking this stuff, this could be a problem.  Regarding the 1.x stuff, I think that's something each distribution should decide on, since we'll never be able to get all three (or more) to be synced at the same time.21:38
mattfi'll take a good chunk of the heat for cross image breakage if the scripts are merged21:39
mattf(not too hard to do, since i often get a say in element modifications and can head things off in review)21:39
jmaronis the main advantage of one script that it's one script to build them all?21:42
mattfit gives us a single entry point into image creation, yes21:43
mattfthe spark plugin has already merged w/ into it21:43
jmaroncouldn't we modularize the script (top level script invokes distribution specific scripts) and address both of your concerns?21:44
mattfhaving a single script drives us to consistent use of dib21:45
mattfthe middle ground kinda steps on that21:45
mattfjmaron, btw, re quantum. everything is neutron from havana onward.21:46
SergeyLukjanovagreed with single script approach, it provides us an ability to make a CI with templates for building different images for different plugins21:47
bob_nettletonmattf, ok, while I'm definitely concerned about the single-script approach, I'm willing to give it a try.  I would ask that if we run into problems with changes to this script causing breakages, that we consider refactoring this as Jon mentioned (since then we could at least factor out the distribution-specific issues into separate scripts).21:48
bob_nettletonmattf, I'll work on merging my into the main script.  I do think that this will eventually become a maintenance problem, but am willing to try it.21:49
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mattfbob_nettleton, you can smack me and i'll buy you a beer when it becomes a maintenance problem21:50
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bob_nettletonmattf, no smacking required, but a beer would be nice.  :)21:52
jmaronmattf:  I take it neutron became the defacto name with Havanna?  I can't find it anywhere in our grizzly install21:54
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SergeyLukjanovjmaron, yup, it was quantum before rename22:02
jmaronhmm…would a 'pip install neutron' update the command set on the box to have the neutron variants?22:03
jmaronor am I going to hose our installation?  ;)22:03
SergeyLukjanovjmaron, I'm afraid that you'll kill your OpenStack22:07
jmaronok.  I guess I'll create a symbolic link on our installation and assume the neutron-rootwrap is the appropriate command22:08
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openstackgerritJonathan Maron proposed a change to openstack/savanna: Enable use of rootwrap for neutron private IP interactions
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