Tuesday, 2016-09-06

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jlvillalsigmavirus, I was curious why you closed https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/2817 ?14:13
sigmavirusjlvillal: I'm 99% certain that's fixed and released14:14
jlvillalsigmavirus, Oh, nobody told me :)14:14
jlvillalIf so, awesome!14:14
sigmavirusI think we released it in 2.10.014:15
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jlvillalsigmavirus, Thanks. I'll go check out the code14:15
sigmavirusjlvillal: if I'm wrong, let me know and we can reopen it14:16
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sigmavirusjlvillal: regardless, requests related topics should be discussed in #python-requests14:17
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jlvillalsigmavirus, thanks14:19
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rromanskencjohnston: am I showing on video?15:04
kencjohnstonrromans: not that I can see15:04
kencjohnstonbut I've only got eight screens15:04
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kencjohnstonrromans: now I can see you15:23
rromanscool, thanks15:23
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